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Everything posted by _Archangel_

  1. I Think the natural progression for a capitalist system would be to add socialistic reforms like it's happening in scandinavia and to some extent to other European countries. America needs/needed a assertive Leader with truly progressive economic position, Not too extreme to actually appeal to voters but different enough to be regarded as something new and different, a breaking point with a witty, aggressive rethoric, Republicans should be fuming when they watch him/her on tv. Harris is too "clean". Dems needs a Trump that's intelligent and actually cares for poeple. Bernie Sanders maybe was a good candidate, but the fact that he was put to the side means Dems thought they could win while playing it safe. Now it's evident that change was needed to defeat Trumpism.
  2. @Buck Edwards Yes, but some some Greens fall for it aswell. To fall in rabbit holes all you need is being ignorant and lacking basic epistemic analysis abilities. Greens and Blues who didn't work their Orange properly go hand in hand in this.
  3. @Buck Edwards It's more about talking point rather then values. Greens that haven't sufficently developed their Orange stage can easily fall into conspiracies rabbit holes ( vaccines, Climate change not being real, "fighting the deep state", Trans-humanism, Jews controlling the galaxy, "Gender Theory" etc.) and they become more prone to vote Republicans.
  4. @How to be wise What is that supposed to mean? Are you trying to imply that American voters are educated, zealous follower of politics? Or that Trump is a wise Leader?
  5. @How to be wise Most poeple who voted for Trump are definetely low in Consciousness and cognitive developement, exactly like him. Most poeple vote based on vibes, emotion, slogans and the charisma of the leader, nobody truly has the competence to evaluate based on policies. Most stage Green vote Dem, it's their base, and as i wrote above Trump is able to appeal to a little part of them. No individual truly established in the Yellow stage would vote for Trump, find one. He did carved an enemy out of them in his rethoric
  6. Casting aside any judjment, Trump wins bigly in America because he appeals to: - stage Red conmen/criminals and bitter, passive-agressive, anger-repressed individuals - stage Blue style conservatives, especially religious fundamentalist - stage Orange capitalists and materialists - stage Green poeple who developed the bad features of this stage (like Abke and others)
  7. Some (most?) women get turned on by a powerful, emotionally charged, display of domination - rape of course is the ultimate extremization of that.
  8. @Spiritual Warfare This confusion stems from the fact that there different right answers, each one belonging to a specific context. From the Absolute POV, only Pure Being is present. From a mundane POV everything can be said to exist/have existed: the soul, the self, past lives, etc. Non-existence can only exist as a concept, it can never be actualized (How?). This is easy. In a sense, every object is literally infinite and eternal, because it partains carachteristics with its Creator. So Yes, you feel that way because You ARE Infinite and Eternal. About potential: it can be said to exist or not exist depending on the context, like I explained above. A seed is at the same time a potential plant, subjected to change, time and space AND just a seed, infinitely and eternally.
  9. These are the finest equilibrists, walking the thin line between grifting and being batshit crazy. "we were tired of the lies" is pure tragicomedy, comical perversion of The Truth. But It's important to note that They just do not misinform like evil ghouls, just for the sake of it. - in order to spit the hottest bullshit, they need to have some kind of moral justification that makes the lie digestible to their souls. Some They believe, some They lie about in the name of a possible "Greater Good". It's a pattern that in general is very common with conservatives. So, even though Man is a Bullshitting Animal, it can only tollerate so much lies, and some lies end up becoming truth to their eyes.
  10. @ExploringReality That lil book is a great place to start. Actually, it might be all You need. Practical and traight to the point, with easy but powerful techniques. Might get you Awakened. Follow to the letter
  11. @Keryo Koffa1. yes, when we have the feeling that we are are being aware of multiple things at once (i.e. muti-tasking), it means that atteention is in the process of moving super-fast from one object to another. Getting deeper into this mechanism the sum-total of specific set of sensations create a structure so complex that we percieve it as a whole: that is, our identity. When we take objects to complex, standard attention isn't even moving through the sub-sets, is focused direcly on the whole. 2. The point is, even if you could access another "self" that supposedely is outside of your current experience, this would still result in experiencing a totalizing, whole-encompassing experience, the Self would still be one. You might become a completely different Human being like it happens in some Sci-fi fashioned story, but Self unity would be unmoved. The concept of "other selves that have existence and life of their own" can only be an Hypothesis resulting in a thought appearing in the only Self.
  12. @Keryo Koffa I don't think i grasp your language completely. If you mean that we can be / be awere of two things simultaneously , the answer is No. If you mean that there exixist selves that have indipendent existence, not produced by the mind, then again the answer is No.
  13. @r0ckyreed We've been through this already brah. Notice how, while you write, images of policemens beating poeple are appearing in your experience: that is all you have. nothing is happening apart of what you are experiencing. Coeherence is a fundamental feature of Reality but that doesn't prove things are happening indipendently of your perception. @AION This is true, but at the same time is it'a useful analogy because it makes poeple disengage from materialism, because once you realise that a dream is mind-made you start to question your waking state aswell. Notice this: mental processes are not material. The diffence beween Mind and Matter is a mental process. Therefore how can matter exist indipendently of thought? How can anything exist indepedendly of thought?
  14. @AION To say that there is something outside of Consciousness (independent from it) is like saying that numbers are not infinte. You dont need to count to infinity to know that numbers a infinite. Why? that's called intuition. In the same say way reality/consciousness experience consist in an infinite imagination process that would incapsulate any possible "outside", since its "field" is infinite. Whatever you imagine this space outside Consciousness to be, is non other then a thought made of Consciousness. The notion of "outside" and "inside" are both thoughts made of Consciousness, appearing in Consciousness.
  15. in a proper State, those workers will be given welfere until they find a new occupation, providing courses etc. so that they can find a job in fields that are not completely AI-based. Unemployment is a lose/lose situation for both State and workers.
  16. @Sugarcoat With summoning things can go wrong and bad pretty quckly if you are not protected or able to deal with entities. It's not meditation. Be cautious. If you want to do it correctly start with the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram and see how it feels. It's the most basic western ritual and It's safe but powerful. It involves the summoning of 4 Archangels
  17. @Staples Desire is surely linked to suffering, but that doesn't mean it is the cause. Buddhism has a vast literature so i belive You, but no reasonable buddhist will ever demonize Desire, because they would know it's serves a purpose and is there for a reason, as Lacan claims. Buddhism is not anti-disire, this is a misconception. Arhats have supposedely extinguished Suffering and they still have needs, goals, plans adn so on. So this suggest that attachment/identification to/with Desire is the source of Suffering And Lacan theory of Desire is surprisingly similiar. We should use Desire but cutting it's head, the expectation that the end goal will make us happy. Happines is found on the road. it is found in motion because there isn't a truly stable Self to begin with. I would categorize eating and fucking a raw survival needs. Unconscious. They can certainly be seen as a from of primal Desire though. So The mirror stage could be the starting point of more sophisticated forms of Desire, those that involve our newly formed Identity.
  18. @Staples I would say Lacanianism and Buddhism are more akin to this decription than the other way around. From what i understand, the Mirror Stage is just the beginning of Desire, but desires are not bad per se. That's the same in Buddhism, the problem isn't Desire but the over-importance we put in the objects of those desires. Lacan says that the problem is the shattering of expecation that resulting from the realization that the attainment of the Object of Desire doesn't make Us whole. He say that desires are great as fules for our engine,if we accept their objectification as never fulfilling. That's when Desire becomes Drive. We can never be whole by reaching a destination, but we can be fullfilled by the enjoying the road to get there, as explained in this video: ---------------- i'm yet to watch the explaination of The Real, so more on that later.
  19. Man... i haven't watched that video yet but i sumbled upon his "Mirror Stage" concept and is profound. Conceptualizing yourself as an image in the mirror creates a split: You and the the You in the mirror. This creates a void in the Subject (the one looking): desire. And to desire makes you incomplete, in a state of perennial anxiety, always trying to fill that void with objects. The point is: desire is a part of YOU you think you're in lack of, it is that original version of You you saw in the mirror In other words, we start to desire to be ourselves, but it is just an illusion produced by the identification in an object (the mirror's reflection) that by definition we cannot be.
  20. @NightHawkBuzz No one si gonna make you participate in some gay-fest. This is a dystopian fantasy made up by the right wing media you surely eaten-up during the years. In a democracy no one is gonna make you forcefully attend a socio-cultural event. LGBTQ+s just wanna live in a world where being gay isn't regarded as a disease.
  21. @Bobby_2021 @Karmadhi My bad then. I misunderstood.
  22. @Bobby_2021 @Karmadhi Guys, The West is superior to the Middle East in basically every metric of developement you can think of. That shouldn't even be in question. Israel is easely the most developed country in the area. If you think this is not the case, this is one of your core-biases in plain sight.
  23. @Raze Hamas will never represent reasonable leadership for palestinians. They are sacrificing their own poeple in order to hurt Israel, They don't give a shit about Palestinians well-being. Hamas need to disappear form the universe, as they are a threat to both Israelis and Palestinians. On the other hand, If Israel were more developed, they would free the more moderate leaders from theirs prisons and push a cooperation plan that could involve an internal insurrection by the more liberal population of Palestine and prospects of a real and fair 2-state solution, pairing that with Surgical strikes, like they do on Iranian territory. But this costant threat is what blinds them and makes it impossible for that leap to happen. - so what they do instead is vengful carpet bombing, which is like repairing a virus filled computer by phisically hammering it. (because that's how fascists operate).
  24. Creativity is the original combination of different elements. When the combination is original enough, we give it a new name to differentiate from the previous, such as "Punk Rock" or "Cubism" " or "Existentialism" There is no such thin as creation without recombination. Otherwise we wouldn't even be able to understand what we are looking at.