Megan Alecia

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Posts posted by Megan Alecia

  1. A stage yellow world would have some kind of technology that allows you to have like an in-build rating system (a hologram) floating like a halo maybe from your body (for all people to see), where all of your associations, affiliations and relationships are listed, and as a rule you have an overall rating based on all of the individual ratings given to you by everyone you are in a relationship with / spend time with.

  2. @BipolarGrowth it's not about business in general, but the way he produces so much content. Compare this to someone like Robert greene's channel. Or chuck palahniuk (who doesn't even have a channel.) Sadhguru turned his mysticism into a business, and only time will tell if he actually provided anything meaningful or not.

  3. @GirzoNope, Sadhguru is certainly a part of the New Age movement, along with guys like Eckhart Tolle and Mooji.

    That might be good, his influence over his own country at least, but as far as teachings go I haven't found a single valuable piece of wisdom from him. Westerners like his "esoteric teachings" but if it's so good then why does he keep pumping out the same content as if it's a business? Which might be what his work really is.

  4. @SS10

    Yes, given that their cultural conditioning is stronger, and a conformist and collectivist culture (in which conservativism falls under) by nature tends to be more primitive (because it's not innovative).

    Collectivism and conformity:


    Individualist culture:


    Both have downsides, but to me being able to form your own opinion and break FREE from tribe mentality are such such a progress for our civilization.