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Posts posted by Artsu

  1. 1 hour ago, 28 cm unbuffed said:


    My intuitions told me, that I should fight him, but rationally speaking, I had no idea if he will tell the truth or not, I just didn't know. 

    My intuition scenario was that I will fucking die there, and somehow sacrifice myself for "their sins" there.

    This is what you're worried about? No offense, but it sounds kinda ridiculous.

    Maybe you feel that you let yourself down, but just move through this. Let it go, move on. There is plenty more work to do.

    You haven't made a colossal mistake, there is no reason to die.

    Be free of this torment!

  2. 12 hours ago, Madhur said:

    @Artsu leo said it's not philosophy, i believed in souls but after watching Leo's enlightenment videos and especially the one where he did the noself guided mediation, that video shift my belief about souls existence.... It's very difficult for me to understand that how can these both notion can exist co relatedly.

    I'm not familiar with Leo's teachings. I'm aware first hand of things like lack of self, only now is real, simulation/only you are real. This is through a kind of experiential philosophy. It's not just thought, you do feel it, but it's still, in my view, philosophy. Thought experiments regarding the nature of reality.

    If you're not able to grasp noself and souls existing simultaneously, then i would say the error is in noself. One could say that even the soul is not the true self, even it is subject to change, and that technically there can logically be nothing fixed about being. This sounds philosophical, and i don't really know its implications.

  3. 15 hours ago, Shakazulu said:

    @hamedsf @seeking_brilliance hell yea and as I actualize more and more I notice our animal like characteristics. The shape of our eyes, our naked bodies, we walk around with clothes for a reason...

    Actualising leads to transcending, through the interpersonal and transpersonal and beyond, with the transpersonal viewing man in the context of nature.

  4. I don't know about that last bit...

    But yeah, alcohol can have a spiritual purpose, just like other drugs. Actually as a daily to weekly habit, i think alcohol is better to use than other drugs, assuming it gives you the effectd you're looking for.

    I have definitely used alcohol to great spiritual benefit. There are health effects and danger due to intoxication to be mindful of though.

  5. 45 minutes ago, Boethius said:

    @Artsu The program I mentioned is primarily for "moderate" drinkers who are conflicted about their drinking. It actually tackles head-on this idea that you are either a normal drinker in total control of your drinking or an alcoholic who needs to abstain for life. This idea is a stumbling block for most people, myself included, since it prevents us from asking a different set of questions like "does alcohol serve me?" and "is alcohol really my friend?" So it's not about whether I should stop drinking but whether I want to keep drinking, and for me the answer turned out to be no.

    Yeah i think alcohol works for some people and not others, and at some times and not others.

    Personally, i find that alcohol serves me, and i just need to watch that my drinking doesn't escalate too much.

  6. 3 hours ago, Carl-Richard said:

    I don't think there is very much understanding of relativity required to accept utilitarianism (it lends itself to rationality quite well), but you could argue that the non-discriminatory and selfless qualities inherent in its design can be viewed as yellow.

    Nah i was selfless and accepted utilitarianism way before i got to yellow (i didn't just accept it, i basically came up with it). I would have been stage blue when i got into philosophy. I was also politically in green territory. Maybe my understanding of SD is too at odds here. Because i see green and above as when i got really spiritual in an experiential sense, not when i started holding to this or that viewpoint.

    Also it's kinda odd that green has so many items but yellow is just an abstraction. This makes me thinking maybe green is too inclusive and things need to be shifted over.

    My own understanding adds an extra stage in and defines it by subpersonal (ego), personal (self), interpersonal, transpersonal, interdimensional, transdimensional.

    The environmental movement is largely transpersonal. Science can get into interdimensional understandings. Mysticism is transdimensional.


    Edit: utilitarianism stretches up the spheres. It applies anywhere where there can be made value judgments of experience.

    In general, a philosophy etc. will span multiple layers, having a centre of gravity in the middle and maybe a tier 2 and tier 1 approach. So religious attitudes take place at blue, but they also take place in interdimensional and transdimensional worldviews.

  7. 4 hours ago, Boethius said:

    @Someone here The treatment modality required probably depends on the level of addiction. I was able to kick my "weekend warrior" routine with alcohol through a month-long online experiment of abstinence (you can look up Annie Grace, in case you're curious about this) that made use of mindfulness to explore our relationship with alcohol. The basic theory was that if we (consciously or unconsciously) desire to keep drinking it will be almost impossible to use willpower alone in giving up alcohol permanently, so we should tackle those desires head on. With three months of total sobriety, I can say that this approach has worked well for me.

    The thing that works for me with alcohol is remembering that i need to take breaks. After drinking heavily for a while, i start thinking more and more about my liver until it's like, ok, i need to take a break. At the moment my drinking is moderate so I'm not worried about my liver health. Last time i got a check up, i was fine.

    Alcohol is something that damages primarily your liver over time, and it builds up. Your liver can repair itself, so take breaks.

    If you're unable to take breaks for the sake of your liver - your self protection is battling your pleasure seeking there - then perhaps not drinking at all is best, and then things like online programs may be of benefit.

    Smoking i wanted to give up for a few years but "not yet". Now I'm more at peace with it, and I'm just being a smoker, armed with the knowledge that if i want to quit, willpower is all i personally need.

  8. Just now, ivankiss said:

    @Artsu Me neither! Crazy! 

    In my last "episode" i experienced time slowing down and speeding up, space distorting around my body, and lots of noises being made around me that could have been small animals or spirits. I was probably trying to move stuff with my mind, but i couldn't pull it off.

    I'll have another go next time. These episodes are times of intense spiritual energy. I have a consciousness growth spurt, and things keep getting weirder and weirder. So maybe next time will be when it happens!

  9. 9 hours ago, Someone here said:

    I don't know. Maybe because the something that I want just happens to be unhealthy?. 

    Well happiness and fulfillment. 

    Well then you're sacrificing your health in the name of happiness and fulfillment.

    I'm a smoker too so i do the same. I'm not going to tell you not to, but it doesn't sound like you have the right mentality to quit.

    If you want to quit, you have to really want it. That means thinking it through and deciding that the happiness is not enough for the sacrifice in health, if that is indeed what you want. A flimsy resolve is not going to help enough with quitting, the decision has to be firm.

    You need to be able to say no to the cravings, and to continually say no for weeks and then longer.

  10. What i learned about smoking recently...

    The withdrawals aren't actually that bad. It's more about maintaining the self control to not smoke.

    I find that in general you should be aware of what healthy limits are, and exercise will power in controlling urges.

    One key question to ask is: how do you KNOW you want to quit. If your resolve isn't firm, it's easy to crumble.

    Doing this will help with any addiction. Moderate use, firm resolve to quit.

  11. Some people like to use their viewpoints to influence the world around them. Often this means you need good arguments, and you can strengthen your arguments or upgrade to a better viewpoint through debates.

    If you mean why do people argue as opposed to debating, that's like asking why people are close minded. They want their belief to take force then and there, but no one's really looking to get on anyone's side. The pressure builds and something can break.

  12. 1 hour ago, mandyjw said:

    Just that different situations and interacting with different people for different reasons brings out different aspects of someone's personality.

    Ok yeah but i can type people fairly accurately through forum posts because people tend to stick to a pattern.

  13. Romantic love is related to the anima. This is a counterpart to the male ego that has largely female qualities. Seeing through it is still ego consciousness, because you're viewing yourself in terms of component pieces rather thsn seeing through the whole thing. It's natural though.

    Maybe try talking to this person again, try and reignite it. Maybe it won't work but at least you will know you tried and you can get closure.