The observer

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Posts posted by The observer

  1. 28 minutes ago, Nahm said:

    It’s not an assumption, it’s a response to what you said. 

    it was both. u said "I think you know you’re way past deflection & projection." but those things didnt even occur to me until u mentioned them so u were thinking something about me and thats ur assumption

    28 minutes ago, Nahm said:

    you didn’t receive any advice or guidance, so no worries there.

    i thanked u for it even though it sounded to me like unsolicited advice and guidance so no im not worried

    28 minutes ago, Nahm said:

    These are personal ‘levels’ really. 

    idk wht u mean by this. care to elaborate?

  2. 1 hour ago, Nahm said:

    I think you know you’re way past deflection & projection.

    why would u assume that? wheres the deflection and projection? this right here makes me assume that u got triggered by what i said in which case i would apologise and confirm that it was not my intention. u were discussing with me about freedom and im convinced that my realization is absolutely true so im speaking with confidence thats all

    1 hour ago, Nahm said:

    Penetrate through that, rather than settle. “One can not go where one has not been”. 

    im claiming to have an understanding which u deny that its true and im claiming that u can verify it for urself. ive done the penetration or more accurately later on ive surrendered it and realized what ive realized. if u want to find out that was my experience ur free to use it however u like. i didnt ask for ur advice or guidance and i didnt say im confused about anything but thx for that anyways ur a kind person 

  3. 3 minutes ago, Nahm said:

    @The observer Freedom is actually a ‘deep’ bias, a relative subject-object projection. The actuality of ‘freedom’ is love. Consider you can not give up love for freedom, you can give up freedom for love. Or more simply, you are you. Wether free or not, thinking you’re free or not you’re still you. 

    hahaha sneaky one indeed but no freedom is the true nature of everything its not opposed to limitation it is the nature of being infinite. it is equal to love in a sense just another facet of god but i was trying to make a point 

  4. 12 minutes ago, Anton Rogachevski said:

    @The observer

    When you dream you take all the imagined things to be real because of the dream state. When you wake up you see that it was imaginary.

    ur assuming that this waking state has a ground (ie is real) as opposed to the dream state which is grounded in this waking state (ie is unreal) but where is this ground? just b cuz u wake up here does not mean this is the ultimate ground we will die eventually and this ground will vanish so wheres the ultimate ground?

    12 minutes ago, Anton Rogachevski said:

    @The observer

    If you take DMT you can have imaginary things seem real while awake. Like a feeling of love, it will feel real, leading you to conclude that: "reality is love."

    ive never taken a drug and ive concluded that reality is love. its not about the drug its about identifying as a human being and having stakes in the game. of course from a human being pov reality is not love b cuz love is just an emotion but from a unattached unbiased pov things become clearer and u realize the truth b cuz truth is unattached and unbiased so u cant say reality is anything unless ur neutral 

  5. 10 hours ago, Keyhole said:

    I don't know, I don't keep track.
    I always felt self conscious about being weird but am finding that other people are weird, too, so it's okay.
    Still haven't fully embraced my freak flag yet, but maybe someday.

    Hello fellow weirdos. :x

    haha no offence but i think cat pics (or idk what that is tbh) are a little weird 

  6. 1 hour ago, bejapuskas said:


    Sorry, my mistake, I meant, given that you've studied many teachers and probably have met many serious seekers of Truth, from which some have this and some don't, what do you think would help such a talented person to stop assuming stuff and become more mature in their communication?

    i would say experiencing contrasting states of low concentration and such and also talking about things and experiences with other ppl. the latter will make u realize where u have special abilities as u notice others lagging behind and also u can see where ur lagging behind others when u listen and speak

    so #1 contrast and #2 socializing whilst being authentic and vulnerable especially with authentic and vulnerable ppl who share ur interests 

  7. 37 minutes ago, Anton Rogachevski said:

    Now who's to say that psychedelics don't do just that: turn off the brain's ability to distinguish imagination from reality.

    well the truth is just the opposite b cuz the ability to distinguish imagination from reality comes later. the natural state is no distinction but then one learns to create distinctions and so the illusion gets created. this realization could certainly be a problem b cuz it could mean the end of the dream which is the human life but of course u could still ignore it and go on to live an ordinary life its fine either way theres no wrong way to live neither a wrong way to die. its just a dream 

  8. 14 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    There are many factors. Infinite factors. Who you are right now is dependent on an infinite chains of causes which stretch back to the beginning of the universe and beyond.

    Simple genetics certainly plays a role. To awaken you had to be born a human and not a kangaroo. That's genetics. And every human has unique genetics. Some humans can add up giant numbers in their mind instantly, faster than a calculator. Why? They have unique wiring for that.

    @Skin-encapsulatedego this is absolutely true i would add that we shouldnt limit our self by believing we have bad low conscious previous lives. its absolutely crucial to be aware of this trap as it can be limiting to our growth and understanding especially that it could be stemming from victim mindsets 

  9. 13 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    But seriously.

    Reality is only one thing.


    You will not find a higher realization.

    when i ask the question why? i end up at love

    when i ask the question what? i end up at truth

    when i ask why is truth? i end up at love

    when i ask what is love? i end up at truth

    when i ask who is aware of all of that? i end up at consciousness 

    so eventually the highest realization is a strange loop in the shape of trinity b cuz this strange loop is truth and love and consciousness 


  10. @Anton Rogachevski yes there is consciousness without awareness 

    words are mere pointers and it is tricky yes b cuz we use the terms interchangeably

    however in reality consciousness is equal to nothing or emptiness or formlessness or creator as well as everything or reality or form or creation and everything in between. i prefer the terms being or infinity or dream or truth

    awareness on the other hand means the ability to identify or recognize these things by reflecting ie creating mental images or contrasts or distinctions and of course it has infinite degrees and depths since consciousness is infinite. awareness can be either infinite like a god state or non existent like a rock or a dead body or anything in between like a human being or a frog or a tree or a microbe or a living cell so in other words awareness is the mind or the ego or the smaller self

    another way to state it is that consciousness is impersonal and awareness is personal 

  11. 4 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    @The observer Stop assuming that everyone is wired the same. There is enormous range in how people's brains/minds are wired.

    Highly spiritual people have special wiring. This is absolutely the case. They are not like normies. A normie can meditate for 20 years and get nowhere. A spiritually talented person can meditate for one weekend and have an awakening. That's the harsh reality no spiritual teacher will tell you.

    ur right but i believe most spiritual teachers arent even aware of this. its rare to find some one with systemic understanding like u let alone him being a famous teacher 

  12. 10 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    @Skin-encapsulatedego Ralston has super-human concentration abilities so I think he takes for granted that you do too.

    He sometimes talks about concentration so hard you can burn a hole through a log.

    That's what it takes to break through sober.

    well that explains a lot. ive only had sober break throughs but i couldnt even notice them until recently b cuz i was deeply focused so i took it for granted and thought that it was nothing special but now that ive experienced opposite depths ie backlashs or low consciousness states i started seeing whats going on. ive been blessed with sober break throughs without even putting effort i just flow and every thing spontaneously falls into place so i guess ur right laser focused concentration is key 

  13. 18 minutes ago, LfcCharlie4 said:

    @The observer 

    Awaken to love and morals become irrelevant, you don’t need them. 

    You simply live a life based on love, awaken to love and you will see that!’

    i have awakened to love and no i disagree with u b cuz freedom is a deeper realization than just love it is total liberation which includes love and hate at the same time and btw hate is not anything other than self love i mean the smaller self of course 

  14. 2 hours ago, Osaid said:

    @The observer

    You need to follow less morals because you wont need to follow them in order to be moral.

    It is an outcome, how can you cause harm to others when you see them as yourself and see everything as love? Morals are literally based on high consciousness.

    of course i would tell u that if i was ur guru and i had to run a social organization b cuz i know that would serve the organization better than if u behave authentically. its quite similar to running a business if i was ur boss i would tell u that morality and work ethics are crucial for ur well being b cuz otherwise my business would fail. freedom is a dangerous thing to structures it can destroy any structured system b cuz the nature of freedom is chaos and thats antagonistic to structure which nature is homeostasis and sustainability and one of the main components of any human made structure is ideology so morality after awakening is included in there and u should believe that in order for that structure to stay alive so they invent concepts like karma and others which in fact are fundamentally true to keep u under control but theyre also deeply misunderstood and misused and thats mainly why utopia cannot exist

    but i am not ur guru or ur boss and i dont want or need anything from u so i wont tell u that. i am just telling u the truth take it or leave it its up to u i have no stakes in this game whatsoever even though i would still prefer if u have morals b cuz i would benefit from it when i interact with u but i value truth more than survival so here i am

  15. 10 hours ago, LfcCharlie4 said:

    @The observer Yeah I get you

    no u dont b cuz freedom is more fundamental than love and morality is based on freedom whether u choose to pick love as a code or not is up to u and whatever way u go is automatically love

    9 hours ago, Osaid said:

    @The observer He means that the more conscious you become, the less morals you will need to follow in order to be moral. A lot of people have their morals depend on laws and rules that they set up for themselves, but if your morality depends on laws and rules then that is not a very high form of morality. In a sense, true morality is no morality. If you are highly conscious, you wont need morals in order to embody morality, because those morals themselves are based on high consciousness.

    thats like saying that a homosexual person would become more heterosexual or that a white person would become more black by the degree of his consciousness 

    the two arent even related but they can intersect at times theres no denial about that its just not a universal rule is what im saying

    so ur adding morality as an outcome for awakening where it isnt.

    u said "the more conscious you become, the less morals you will need to follow in order to be moral"

    and im saying "the more conscious you become, the less morals you will need to follow"

    thats the difference 

  16. 6 minutes ago, LfcCharlie4 said:

    @The observer if I was poor and couldn’t even feed myself or my family, my focus probably wouldn’t be on awakening at that point. 

    unfortunately usually theres no choice here once ur in ur in to the end haha but lets assume u were rich and awakened but then after some years u went bankrupt thats possible right? ur perception of the world would probably change and u would probably start acting differently even if ur awake or wouldnt u?

    6 minutes ago, LfcCharlie4 said:

    @The observer 
    This is more talking about absolute Love in a practical sense but I see your point of course and you’re right, I just meant on a more practical day to day level expressing love. 

    im saying the same thing some times selfishness is the utmost expression of love

    imagine a scenario where two ppl are taking an exam but the awake one is offered the answers by cheating and it was delivered to him on a silver platter. its highly unlikely that he will choose to be honest unless he has morality. the same thing applies to the unawake person. so conclusion is that morality may be more crucial than awakening in such situations