Chakra Lion

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Posts posted by Chakra Lion

  1. Idk where you are at with your life, spiritually or whatever. But hey, my name is Lion (Hippy Mom / Austrian Dad.. it’s a long story like yours)  I just felt like sharing something with you, with me.
    The most profound and important things cannot be translated in this reality, and words will only do as much as you will let them. The best teaching that I live by is ever-growing realization. Realizing the moment, like this moment. Now, you are the body pushing out breath after breath, but what are you also doing? You are the voice that won’t stop talking, like this voice saying this word. Hello, I am your voice because I am you and you are me and this is so much more than the emotions, then the you that is and has been you experiencing this reality through, inside this environment that you are in, at this exact moment, with all these millions of realizations all at once slowly creating reality into existence. So carefully you can realize more and more. Growing at once, in this moment, with the realization of what is, you, but also not you. You are playing your self into this moment, and answers or pleasures are truly just enjoyments for the ride, and it doesn’t matter why or what, all that is happening is reality. And you are present to realize that, this. Realization of this experience, nothing more needs to be done. The realization of all this at once, when your awareness is not limited to the past or future, you can dissolve or exist, or be overcome by the realization of the beauty of this moment, then again, by the beauty in appreciating the beauty of the miracle that is you sitting here experiencing you appreciating the beauty in this moment. Peace & Love 

  2. @Amit It’s quite a sad world. How depressing it is to start chatting with someone, and within 10 minutes you are asked to check out their private collection of sexy pics (no credit card required) or follow a 21st century prostitute on Snapchat, basically the new red light district of the world, or these cougars... uhm talking about a friend here ok. 

    The amount of time and effort it takes is not worth it. So much simpler to hit up the places where you want to be, concerts, festivals, parks, and when it clicks it just clicks. And if you walk around as a virgin your entire life, then you are in the 1% of something at least. 


    the only problem is that I sometimes find it difficult to find the distinction between whether something is coming from your heart to follow (intuition) or whether it is coming from a place of compulsion/addiction/obsessiveness (dopamine releasing).

    Yea I get that. And sometimes it can even be both. But really you won’t know until you do it. So to your original post,

    On 5/4/2020 at 9:21 AM, mo90 said:

    so the question is: should one do the wrong behavior and be aware? or should he/she not do the wrong behavior and stay in a difficult emotion?

    I would never torture myself to do the wrong behavior and to be aware of it. My Mind is smart enough to trick itself into thinking that the behavior isn’t wrong and to ignore my worries by indulge into the pleasures of it.

    It’s only later when I react to my actions or to my behaviors, that if I reflect and don’t like what I see, I can make myself feel wrong about it, and then my heart will try and avoid it. But my Mind fights for the things it wants, and if my body wants it too, my spirit is all I have left to uphold. So then If I act on that now wrongly perceived behavior again, my spirit will be torn down, and that is the cycle of a bad behavior for me. 

    You need to follow the cycle of emotions and thoughts that the behavior creates. And so if it outweighed the positives, it’s better to drop it. But also there is fear, and that on the other hand can actually keep us from acting on behaviors that we perceive to be very healing and positive. 

    I think you’d benefit from learning about the Chakras. You are the only one in control of this reality. Always continue to grow, and you will outgrow anything that doesn’t serve you. Be ahead of the darkness, in the right light of your body mind and spirit. 

  4. Damm, hes a spit fire boys...

    34 minutes ago, Chakra Lion said:

    When we are God, we want to be Nothing. When we are Nothing, we want to be God. 

    Its the same for Relationships. When we have someone, we want to be free. When we don't have anyone, we want someone. Why do you think most people get Divorced and then remarry? I can tell you from having a mother who has been married 6 times, she keeps seeking love from someone to fill her. But she wont accept that all the Love she really needs, is from her self. 

    39 minutes ago, Chakra Lion said:

    First Trap: Internal Love 

    Second Trap: External Love 

    I'm talking about your traps that you clearly explained....

    39 minutes ago, Chakra Lion said:

    Are you Completely in Love with Your Self? I'd start there if your not. Fill the Self with Love, and like a magnet, Love will flow to you. 

    If you are like my mother, and don't really love who you are, then you will not likely find it in someone else.

    23 minutes ago, 28 cm unbuffed said:

    @Chakra Lion

    What the fuck are you talking about


    But seriously, I don't get it. I love myself, I am empty, I reached spiritual awakening. Next step - love others and the love will follow? Did I understand you correctly?

    I'd recommend being more loving with your words. What the fuck are you talking about is a little of putting to see as a reply, and makes me rather not give you my energy. I'm sure you can relate :) 

    My Point is: You cannot find love by looking for it.

    “I have always been fascinated by the law of reversed effort. Sometimes I call it the ‘backwards law.’ When you try to stay on the surface of the water, you sink; but when you try to sink, you float. When you hold your breath, you lose it — which immediately calls to mind an ancient and much neglected saying, ‘Whosoever would save his soul shall lose it." - Alan Watts

  5. Its much easier to have 20 shitty friends, rather than work on keeping one true friend.

    This way the Ego can rest easy and know it has many sources to feed off and get attention from. One true friend, sure would be nice, but how is that gonna look on your Tinder profile? Don't be a loner loser focusing on healthy relationships, are you a softy or something? 

    And remember, quantity over quality. 

  6. BEWARE I have No Filter, Sorry...

    Masturbation - going on 15 years - right arm is much bigger than left now :) It's an addiction, a bad habit that is so accessible all the time, and that makes it very hard to quit. 

    Weed - 10 years - When a bowl used to get you to the moon, now I have to smoke like a Sadhu met a Rasta mon at a Slightly Stoopid Concert on 4/20. 

    Depression - 20 years - Digging my own grave basically, just waiting to fall in. Feeding into the darkness of life for so long, and not even bringing anything out of it. Now I am able to let the worst days out on pen and paper, and create meaningful poetry, or at least, accept it as a part of me. 

    Love - Always looking for Love from others, until I found that it was worthless, unless I loved my self internally.


    Many more... Great Question, Thank you for the thread :) 

  7. When we are God, we want to be Nothing. When we are Nothing, we want to be God. 

    First Trap: Internal Love 

    Second Trap: External Love 

    Are you Completely in Love with Your Self? I'd start there if your not. Fill the Self with Love, and like a magnet, Love will flow to you. 


  8. @willen1995 Honesty is just Sincerity. And being sincere means you are free from judgement and try to speak from your heart. 

    That's all you have to do to speak like Leo or any one that has that 'loving smart ass attitude'.  

    And of course some people will take offense no matter how nice you are, but you always need to speak from your heart. 

    When you awake to a better reality, you can't fight or push others to accept it. You just are, being you, speaking from the heart, knowing what you know. 

    It works best when you can simply explain the illusion, lovingly expose the flaws and corruption that others so easily accept and live with. But to do that, you have to know how reality is like on the other side. Speaking from your own experiences will make others listen and relate. I'm not going to hear someone telling me how something is wrong, without them having felt how wrong they were, and what better they have found. 

  9. @assx95 Listen to your Heart. Do what feels right. 

    2 hours ago, assx95 said:

    What is the relationship between openmindedness and believing in something? Am I open-minded if I believe something to be true? It appears that openmindedness requires doubt, and that doubt has to be resolved, by an experience or reason or intuition or whatever, to a degree where it isn't a doubt, what does it become then? A belief ?

    Very nicely written. You seem to ask, is there a final truth, or an end to questioning. And that is up to you, isn't it?

    If one finds a question to be verified by reality, yes it can become a belief or truth, but putting limitations on that is a choice. 

    Its like walking a path and getting to a wall. For some that wall is the end. For others, its the start of a new path. Perspective is funny like that. 

  10. When sitting in traffic you can either think,

    "Everyone is in my way!" 

    Or "I am in the way." 

    Or "We are in the way."

    Seeing yourself in others brings so much peace. Not letting general society pull you, but instead you watch your brothers and sisters live the life you could never. You can watch with love and care, and really its a blessing, because you gain strength by keeping yourself out of their mistakes. 

    A theme I have found, is that whatever one views as a flaw in others, its something your trying to fight in yourself. Why else would one circulate it in their reality.

  11. What you take in is what you put out. But its also perception and intention. I read the news, like to be informed, to be aware. But I don't let it affect my life. On Youtube I have my music channels, history and learning stuff, and whatever feeds my mind and spirit the stuff I want it to consume. 

    Its your choice what you eat, and with what intention you consume it. 

  12. After 10 years of heavy roller coaster rides, the journey with my love has momentarily come to an end. We realized that our marriage, the limitations and restrictions we put on each other, the control and darkness we created, its not who we want to be, and reality has been enjoyable. Let me be real, the last half year has been hell, it took a lot to break us, but before we burn away our friend ship, we decided to sink our relation ship.  

    But you see, while I was in the darkest hole, I found deep internal love, and now its overflowing out of me. Because of my love, I am who I am. And I love myself completely. 

    There is no Love that I need to fill me, so I only want to live at peace in every single moment of my life, loving everything all the time.

    And I always want my love in my life. So before we destroy the beauty that build our Love, we had to create space.

    Always best friends first, I want my Love to Love. Find the ways to reap the reward of Love. What you need, you will get. Trust. 

  13. @UnconsciousHuman 

    I see the benefits of your model, and I see its flaws.

    Just like most thought out structures, it makes sense, its rational and logical. And that is what you think when you hold on to the idea as if it was truth, as if it was a structure that can limit and form reality. 

    But what is truth? What is structure or reality? Does it not all flow together as one. This Model is limiting, restrictive and build from a certain point of view. It obviously various how one would judge with this model, based on personal bias from ones thoughts and feelings. Judge and number this whole thread, come back a decade later and do it again, and you will see its bias.

    Personal Opinion: Structure is good to know, but its not great to live by. 


  14. @trenton I also found myself bagging groceries at one point working at Trader Joe's. Now that my early twenties are done, and 30 plus random jobs later,I am finally earning money and living the life I have carefully created for myself. You see, the intention was never money. Sure, at first in a way it was, but that's because money in today's society can buy Freedom, Peace, Space, Nature, Traveling... it allows you to become unlimited. 

    Maybe your like me, and your Mind, Body, and Spirit just cant be limited to a location, or to a person, or to a source that you cant provide yourself.

    I now make my income anywhere in the world working from my phone. I trade stocks, have put in the time and effort to understand the system, and I have substituted my needed income like that. If you learn it, and you invest maybe $3,000, you can buy bitcoin at the right time, and within minutes make a 1% profit. Do that 3x a day, and thats $90. Should compare to the same pay rate per day as bagging groceries. I't not guaranteeing a profit, just sharing my life with you. :)