Chakra Lion

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Posts posted by Chakra Lion

  1. Love the Title, unique story, you are very open. 

    I think you are facing a dilemma. Do You want Sex or a Relationship?

    Sure they might come hand in hand, but now that you are in College, you can choose.

    If you want Sex, go to Parties, Make Your Self the Person you want to be, Build Confidence, Use Tinder... Date...

    If you want a Relationship, do the things you like, Go Out and Socialize, Make a Friend, Become Best friends... Sex...

    Regardless, work on You. Write Steps that should be taken to achieve the goals desired.

    Above all, Just Love Thyself. 


  2. Life has become an endless game of improvement and expression.

    Writing, Thinking, Breathing, its all that matters right now. 

    But regardless of how much happens, what changes, or what has been created. The Past always somehow creeps in.

    It brings back the root issues like Fear and Self Doubt. So Intensely it perverts my perceived present, trying to control it.

    Trying to drain me for my emotions, my thoughts, and most of the confidence I have build. 

    #1 Will One ever find a state of long lasting satisfaction?

    #2 Even when realized and processed, can the Past Trauma of Memories ever leave the Living Being? 

  3. 10 hours ago, Gnostic Christian said:

     Was god choosing Jesus just; or should the Father have chosen the cross for himself?

    @Gnostic ChristianChoosing the Cross is what happened.

    Spirit, God, Jesus - The Trinity

    Jesus knew that he will be tortured and crucified, but still continued to surrender himself for the greater good.


    There are greater reasons for Acts that are Perceived as Evil. 

  4. @AmpresusPeople who can't control themselves, try to control others.

    Are you scared of others realizing something about you, seeing you in a certain way? 

    Like you said, controlling the mind and emotions is hard.

    Wanting Power is an emotional behavior, wanting for Identification and Expectation.

    Don't you think someone who gets power naturally, without manipulation is better off.  

    I would suggest to think. What is the Dream that you see when you imagine the perfect Life here on Earth?

    Where and how would you live, what would you do in your free time, and how do you want others to see your spirit.

    Create a Goal, many goals, detailed of what you want to develop into. Use your Power on, Expression, Creation,  Dedication! 

  5. @TrynaBeTurquoise Waking up outside the dream is a greater challenge than waking up from within. But you gotta start somewhere.

    You should get a sleeping schedule, one that works with you and is consistent. Stay Clean and Healthy

    Drink Water before and during your sleep cycle, getting up in the middle of the night and laying back down to sleep is prime time.

    Become aware of the sounds you hear, the vibrations and changes. 

    And then you might hit a frequency wall, like radio transmission, vibrating in waves.

     Seconds later you will dream, but here is the hard part.

    Maybe if you have experience with Psychedelics, sometimes you forget that you took something and experience a new perceived reality.

    You are suddenly alive within a dream, but it is like asking you right now, Are you dreaming?

    You will say No, because that is a crazy question.

    So like you already know, test if you are in the dream world, realize the differences.

  6. 1 hour ago, yangmilun said:

    What is the way that you keep your mind fresh?

    @yangmilun - Already asking that question shows your mind is fresh and eager to learn.

    I Listen to the heart, and keep my mind cycling by perceiving different aspects of life. 

    Seeing Reality unfold, Doing a Sudoku Puzzle, Researching questions that go across my Head.

    Youtube is also nice when you know your interests and find the right people to learn from.

    RT is my go to website, because if there is nothing in a red banner across the page, then were good.

    But isn't all News, regardless who tells it bias and Ideological.

  7. 17 hours ago, Pacific Sage said:

    What's the thought process behind the subtle difference with good vs bad and light vs dark ?

    Through millions of connections, Energy awakes the Human Body. Through the Breath it begins to function, and Move and Act in motions that it requires. Ultimately, any of these Physical Actions will result in continued Life or ultimate Death.

    That same result of Energy is when it goes through the Emotional Body, will it be Good or Bad. Feel negative or positive.  

    Then will that Good or Bad Emotion or Sensation go into the mind where one can either choose to make it part of their identity and World View. Like taking the bad memory and making it part of your reality. Choose Good behavior is Light, or identifying with Bad is choosing Darkness. 

    That Darkness or Light Energy goes into the Heart where it will be Processed and turned into Hate or Love.


    17 hours ago, Pacific Sage said:

    How good is your feeling with each of these chakras? Have you had a Kundalini awakening? Or any experience?

    The most important part of this was to personally get a conclusion of what the Chakras truly represent.

    Information and Charts that one can find overlap and dont go deep enough. 

    I have found Actions in my life to cause Reactions. First with the way I Feel about it, and then how I choose to Think.

    This seemed to shape the Energy that Enters my Heart, which would then Process the information and put it into the memory.

    Everything you do comes from the heart, so the way you Express your self and Perceive the world, that is what you induct into your spirit. 


    Thank You for the Feedback @Pacific Sage

  8. Goal: To Create a simplified Chart that explains the 7 Chakras.



    Chakra – Energy – Action < Qualities > Clash of Energy

    Root - Physical Body – To Act < Function, Reality, Survival, Security > Live vs Death

    Sacral - Emotional Body – To Feel < Sensation, Relation, Intimacy, Desire > Good vs Bad

    Solar Plexus - Mental Body – To Think < Identity, Behavior, View, Ego > Light vs Dark

    Heart - Heart Body – To Process < Experience, Memory, Calculate, Respond > Loved vs Hate

    Throat - Personal Body – To Express < Create, Communicate, Imagine, Work > Real vs False

    Third Eye - Mind Body – To Perceive < Understand, Know, Grow, Reason > Develop vs Neglect

    Crown - Spirit Body – To Induct < Realize, Unity, Wisdom, Peace > Heaven vs. Hell


    Energy moves from body to body, becoming more complex and Intelligent,

    Avatar has to choose how Energy is used and what is being done.


    Share any Feedback, like more accurate words, a better structure, or questions.

    Thank You @Leo Gura  & Community

  9. @NicachiYou know that your Acting in ways that dont serve you, that dont give balance.

    Like resisting therapy, which is only treatment for healing.

    Healing doesn't need to wait. Just start to Feel and Think about Love.

    Then Let that Energy go into your heart, and Express it, Perceive it everywhere.


    The Main Challenge of the Root is Creating Energy you can trust, not fear. 

    Being Safe and Secure, Healthy and Grounded, building a foundation to work on your needs. 

  10. 8 minutes ago, Nicachi said:

    Now I have to take action...Not quiet sure how I should do it. But I guess this is only up to me. 

    @NicachiIf you are interested in the Chakras, 

    Your Root Chakra deals with taking Physical Action, creating stability and safety in your life. 

    Not Trusting yourself to make the right decision, not sure how you should do it, you only hold Your Self back.

    You are the only one who can take Action, so let energy move through you. 

    Is ok to be attracted to others when in a relationship?

    Shorten the question. Is it ok to be attracted to others? Yes normal functions of a human with needs and wants. 

    When in a Relationship? Still same human functioning, expect now, mainly with another human.  

    A Relationship is a connection, one that you choose to hold and to have for as long as possible.

    Open your Relationship or go back to Friendship, build new relations and take action on the things that will help you grow.

    Make new Connections, but first check to make sure the connect to your self are good.

  11. @AlexTell me what you think about this,


    The Root is Physical Energy - How you Act

    Sacral Chakra is Emotional Energy - How you Feel

    Solar Plexus is Mental Energy - How You Think

    The Created Energy from the first 3 Chakras goes into the Heart & The Heart recycles it back out through the last 3 Chakras 

    The Throat Chakra is the Body - Expression of Energy

    Third Eye is the Mind - Perception of Energy

    Crown Chakra is the Soul - Spirit of Energy 


    This is a personal conclusion about the Cycle of Energy inside this Reality of Bodies. 

    Make Charts and take time to actually realize their purpose and functions.

    The Information you will find is not consistent, but will give you a basic idea, so feel and think about them yourself. 

    You'll Find... 



  12. @Tom T Thought about how Energy gets Recycled through this Reality.


    1. (Energy) Matter occupies Space / Atoms Form and Bond / Vibration

    2. Atoms develop Molecules / Shaping Cells / Complex Connections

    3. Cells make Tissues / Creating Organs

    4. Organs function / Produces (Life) Physical Existence / Physical Energy


    The Human Experience

    5. Physical Body recycles energy to Emotional body

    6. Emotional Energy recycles into Mental Energy

    7. Mental Body turns into Spiritual Body

    8. Spiritual Energy recycles into infinity  <<< Thats the mysterious one...


    Let me know what You think.