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Posts posted by JosephKnecht


    1 hour ago, bmcnicho said:

    While Nietzsche was ignorant regarding spirituality and eastern philosophy, he did have his own idea, Amor Fati, or love of fate, which was the belief that there is nobility in embracing all aspects of life, no matter how painful or difficult

    Read Thus Spoke Zarathustra: A Book for All and None

    In that book, he provides some of the best philosophical descriptions of the transcendental spirit. 

    The only one who is ignorant here is you. :) 

    Nietzsche was a genius for his time. The density of information in his writings is unparalleled by other philosophers. 

    What Leo says in 3 hours, Nietzsche has already said in 3 sentences. lol 

    Below are my favorite quotes from Thus Spoke Zarathustra. I let his words speak for themselves. 


    -As soon as you feel yourself against me you have ceased to understand my position and consequently my arguments! You have to be the victim of the same passion! I want to awaken the greatest mistrust of myself: I speak only of things I have experienced and do not offer only events in the head. One must want to experience the great problems with one’s body and one’s soul.

    -Great star! What would your happiness be, if you had not those for whom you shine! You have come up here to my cave for ten years: you would have grown weary of your light and of this journey, without me, my eagle and my serpent; but we waited for you every morning, took from you your superfluity and blessed you for it. Behold! I am weary of my wisdom, like a bee that has gathered too much honey; I need hands outstretched to take it; I should like to give it away and distribute it, until the wise among men have again become happy in their folly and the poor happy in their wealth. To that end, I must descend into the depths: as you do at evening, when you go behind the sea and bring light to the underworld too, superabundant star! – like you, I must go down — as men, to whom I want to descend, call it. So bless me then, tranquil eye, that can behold without envy even an excessive happiness! Bless the cup that wants to overflow, that the waters may flow golden from him and bear the reflexion of your joy over all the world! Behold! This cup wants to be empty again, and Zarathustra wants to be man again.’ – Thus began Zarathustra’s down-going.

    -And when Nietzsche came to understand fear as the feeling of the absence of power, he was left with a single motivating principle for all human actions: the will to power.

    -Man is a rope, fastened between animal and Superman – a rope over an abyss. A dangerous going-across, a dangerous wayfaring, a dangerous looking-back, a dangerous shuddering and staying-still. What is great in man is that he is a bridge and not a goal; what can be loved in man is that he is a going-across and a down-going

    -The creator seeks companions, not corpses or herds or believers. The creator seeks fellow-creators, those who inscribe new values on new tables.

    -I call it the state where everyone, good and bad, is a poison-drinker: the state where everyone, good and bad, loses himself: the state where universal slow suicide is called – life. Just look at these superfluous people! They steal for themselves the works of inventors and the treasures of the wise: they call their theft culture – and they turn everything to sickness and calamity.

    -You must be ready to burn yourself in your own flame: how could you become new, if you had not first become ashes? Solitary man, you are going the way of the creator: you want to create yourself a god from your seven devils!

    -Truly, you could wear no better masks than your own faces, you men of the present! Who could – recognize you!

    -To redeem the past and to transform every ‘It was’ into an ‘I wanted it thus!’ – that alone do I call redemption!

    -Which is the highest type of being and which the lowest? The parasite is the lowest type; but he who is of the highest type nourishes the most parasites.

    -No longer is there anything living that I love – how should I still love myself?

    -You Higher Men, the worst about you is: none of you has learned to dance as a man ought to dance – to dance beyond yourselves! What does it matter that you are failures! How much is still possible! So learn to laugh beyond yourselves! Lift up your hearts, you fine dancers, high! higher! and do not forget to laugh well! This laugher’s crown, this rose-wreath crown: to you, my brothers, do I throw this crown! I have canonized laughter; you Higher Men, learn – to laugh!

    -Great star,’ he said, as he had said once before, ‘you profound eye of happiness, what would all your happiness be if you did not have those for whom you shine! ‘And if they remained in their rooms while you were already awake and had come, giving and distributing: how angry your proud modesty would be!


  2. 1. Rather than becoming an alien, do you believe this experience will alienate you from the rest of humanity? 

    2. Do you recognize the inverse correlation between faith and understanding? For example, the more you understand God, the less faith you have to have in Him. Would you lose all faith for ultimate understanding? 

    3. If you alredy see perfection in reality, why do you even want to become a mouse? What is wrong with being Leo?