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Posts posted by Thetruthseeker

  1. @vizual great points. It would take immense courage to evolve from stage orange if a lot of life (your business, relationships) we’re all set up 

    you would have to be prepared to let a lot go to truly evolve. Is it worth it? 
    Would you lose and risk everything that evolve? 

    jyst saying this as I have recently noticed the costs of doing personal development work. In the end, will evolving make one happier? 

  2. 13 hours ago, Huz said:

    Is the come up on 5 MeO MALT less intensee then 5 MeO DMT?

    Is it illegal in the UK?

    How do you get it in the UK if not illegal??

    @Huz yeah I feel you’re UK pain. 
    Actually nearly every other country in Europe it can be delivered too. But after looking for hours no one ships to the UK. 
    They must be doing this for a reason probably as there’s been issues with checks. 

    there’s some 5meo DMT retreats in Mexico and Spain. But as for DALT, literally no idea on how to get it. 

  3. I’m in the UK - and all the research Chems websites I've looked at don't ship to the UK. They ship to every bloody country apart from the UK. All of them. Bit disappointed 

    Am I going to have to fly out to Netherlands just to ship it back to myself? Ha 

  4. I’m in ‘limbo’ at the moment and find myself doing a lot of thinking about where I’m currently at in life and where I want to be in the next chapter of life. 
    It’s that very reflective time on being on my own, journaling and feeling melancholy 

    however I’m just wondering where the difference and distinction is between contemplation and just ‘overthinking’ … 

    I feel like I’m contemplating, but also I’ve got constant thoughts and a narrative running through my head all day. 
    just wondering any thoughts or guidance on this to know I’m on a good track of contemplation rather than just endless overthinking 

    thanks ?? 

  5. Sorry to make this post on Leo, but it’s just a tangible example that we all know and have seen his journey. 

    I was just reflecting back on his journey and videos. He seemed quite stage orange at the beginning, (success, sex, how to be a man part 1) 

    then it didn’t seem a long time in green? It seemed only 2 years where he talked about meditation, minimalism, how to be a man part 2. And point being it seemed he pretty quickly went to stage yellow type content. 

    did he really fully go through green in just 2-3 years? Or could it be he’s very individualistic and is more introverted that he never fully went through and embraced stage green? 

    Maybe he did go on lots of group retreats, went to burning man, but I weirdly can’t imagine it. From looking at his YouTube, he still went on retreats alone a lot. 

    but maybe he did really go through green… after all, we only see YouTube videos and don’t fully know what’s going on.
    Was just my thoughts. 

  6. Just getting confused on this ‘life is meaningless’ if anyone can help. 

    I understand that in the external world objects have no absolute meaning, cars, people, situations, houses, etc. But it’s the meaning that we construct onto them that makes the meaning to us itself 

    but I’m getting confused when it comes to values from a values list. The values seem more internal. So values of independence, creativity, authenticity… etc, am I really constructing them? Or are they inherent to each individual? 

    because if I was completely constructing choosing abstract values from a list, how would I ever choose? Whereas I feel like I have an innate set of values that don’t really change, and it was obvious to me when looking through a values list what was important to me 

  7. Guess this was just an unresolved insecurity in me. Of feeling less credible by mentioning Leo when necessary 

    but actually I should credit when I put out a video where Leo (or someone else) has influenced me. You’re right, then that actually makes one more credible 


  8. Leo has changed my life 

    but as im building my YouTube channel, I realised I felt ‘bad’ ‘inadequate’ and ‘guilty’ by not mentioning @Leo Gura in my videos 

    I’ve only got 25k subscribers but I want to talk about spiral dynamics on my channel, but I realise I need to mention leo, in order to not feel inferior. And to own what I uniquely have to offer 

    I was afraid to mention Leo before knowing that I feel second best, but I need to mention him to release that issue 

    I think Leo mentioned this before, that by mentioning other mentors, he used to feel insecure, but actually crediting others makes you more credible 

    has anyone else battled this? 



  9. @SoothedByRain yeah I’ve done about 4 of his courses now. Including some where he’s live… and his ‘virtual coach’ 

    He is highly intelligent. Very stage yellow and has some amazing things to say. Definitely not a ‘con’ … BUT … he can get super salesy at times and it’s a bit much 

    I remember last time we were on a ‘virtual coach’ bonus meeting… and practically all upsells. For his 15k course. It made me lose trust in him. But he’s still probably the best business brain out there (that I know of anyway) 

    but I agree, I’m a bit baffled when you’re already worth so many millions and that evolved why he has to be so pushy. How many more millions does he need? It’s seems weird and off to me how he’s so evolved yet at times he feels fake, and selling like stage orange extreme 

    leo is more evolved. It’s just a shame Leo is too evolved he doesn’t care about extracting millions out of us, and making more courses. Cos his would be the best I think … 

  10. I thought I was stage green and a lot of my friends were too. But most of them are anti vaxxers. would this be expected for stage green? 

    they’re all listening to Russel brand and saying how ‘it’s all profit and control’ etc from the elites, like bill gates.

    Most of my friends are ‘spiritual’ people doing yoga, Ayauasca, cacao ceremonies etc. But they’ve really resorted to all going against getting a vaccine 

    it’s difficult for me because they’re nice people, but I’m getting tired of what to say when they post about it and talk about it all the time 

    ps, I’ve had my vaccine. Not trying to spread anything false info here.  Just feeling confused why how many of my friends feel this way and it’s becoming increasingly difficult to stay friends and have a conversation with them 

  11. Just a side note - as we’re talking about the future of this forum potentially. 
    why did the forum start? 

    I honestly it was a smart move to get organic SEO to your site, whilst keeping on the ball with feedback and ideas for future videos. 

    I was thinking of doing a public forum for my site but after watching the hours of hassle, criticism and time it takes up for @Leo Gura (no offence everyone) I’m not sure I will bother 

  12. @Leo Gura I’m worried that if you publicly talk about this unfortunate suicide incident on your channel then you could get a huge backlash. 

    I mentioned my experience of writing an e book and someone coming after me saying that made them depressed. It sounds silly, but it was nearly a year of lawyers and small courts. 

    you already have some haters and trolls who’ve made negative videos towards your teachings … but this story would be the bait for them, 

    I don’t want to seem like I’m being over the top, I just think as your teachings get more radical and if you talk about this suicide incident openly, you risk even your channel itself. 
    just thinking of you Leo and actualized as I believe you have done absolutely nothing wrong. 

  13. This is very sad news indeed. Thoughts with the family 

    But the unfortunate truth is that after actualized has millions upon millions of views, it was inevitable that someone who committed suicide was somehow linked to actualized. 
    but of course someone who commited suicide could be identified as a ‘forum member’ but could have also been anything else going on in his life. 

    someone mentioned that Leo should put out a video mentioning SoonHei’s name. I don’t think there’s need for this. 

    I remember once someone read an e book I wrote and then blamed me for their depression. It was a long mess of small court, lawyers etc 

    For some reason, people are waiting in the wings for Leo and something like this will be exactly what some people have waited for to tear him down. 
    It could be blown out of proportion and risk everything.