
Being high conscious and watching porn doesn’t go together

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You can’t “use spirituality” when spirituality is actually using you and changing you automatically without choice. 

Ramana Maharshi certainly didn’t give a fuck, so it is possible ya monkeys! 🙈 

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5 minutes ago, Ry4n said:

You can’t “use spirituality” when spirituality is actually using you and changing you automatically without choice. 

Ramana Maharshi certainly didn’t give a fuck, so it is possible ya monkeys! 🙈 

How do you know Maharshi didn't give a fuck ? 



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Posted (edited)

5 minutes ago, RightHand said:

How do you know Maharshi didn't give a fuck ? 



“Just 2 bodies rubbing up against each other” paraphrased from Ram Dass

It is a bit harsh but I see where he’s coming from. It is better to be motionless for the ultimate bliss. 

Again I’m dreaming all of this so if I cared that would assume that I’m just thinking I’m dreaming all of this vs actually being genuinely awake to it and not full of shit.

Edited by Ry4n

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That being said life goes in phases so maybe in a few years I suddenly do give a fuck because of choosing to lose myself in my dream cos y not?

But without a doubt when you’re really in non-duality you don’t have desires genuinely. You’re completely unmoved. 

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10 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Spiritual nonsense.

The part I find funny is someone will watch National Geographic and watch animals get it on and everything is fine. As soon as you watch humans do the same thing they demonize it. It's so funny how powerful self-bias is. Many people on these forums have judgments about human sex they need to work through.

As long as both people are consenting watching them have sex is fine. It's amazing how so many on these forums just create toxic ideologies. So much ego on here. If it was up to them sex scenes would probably stop being in movies as well. LOL.

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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14 minutes ago, Razard86 said:

Many people on these forums have judgments about human sex they need to work through.

Desire in illusion is the only thing one needs to work through.

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3 hours ago, Razard86 said:

The part I find funny is someone will watch National Geographic and watch animals get it on and everything is fine. As soon as you watch humans do the same thing they demonize it. It's so funny how powerful self-bias is. Many people on these forums have judgments about human sex they need to work through.

As long as both people are consenting watching them have sex is fine. It's amazing how so many on these forums just create toxic ideologies. So much ego on here. If it was up to them sex scenes would probably stop being in movies as well. LOL.

It is not about demonization. You guys just don't get. It is about the spiritual tech called sexual transmutation. Leo wouldn't have all those health issues if he used sexual transmutation instead of all that psychedelics. Sexual transmutation is as effective or perhaps even more effective than psychedelics. Although both is a different technology.

I would say sexual transmutation is more versatile. It helped me with my wealth, health, relationships a nd spirituality. But the thing is that you need understanding which you don't have and sacrifice which you won't make. 

Living like animals will make you like animals. If you are an animal you will be happy being one but humans aren't animals. People who use sex as animals get burned up very quick. Can't even get their dick hard without dick pills. 🤧 

The sad part is that this forum is starting to become like a cult. Leo says something and there is a huge group who just wanks along. There is nothing wrong with not believing in it. It is just that you guys don't try it or just don't have the discipline to do it. 

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Posted (edited)


Limiting beliefs .

U know ur mind is conditioned by society to see sex as negative, it's not,sex is spiritual itself.

Sex is one of the highest spiritual practices of communion with self.

Edited by Creatorbeing

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Just now, Creatorbeing said:


Limiting beliefs .

U know ur mind is conditioned by society to see sex as negative, it's not,sex is spiritual itself.

Sex is one of the highest spiritual practices of communion with self.

I don't see sex as bad. It is sacral. That is what I'm saying the whole time. Mundane sex though is negative and it has a negative impact on your health and spirituality. 

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That's nice sir ,congratulations 10/10 marks  for answer

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Posted (edited)

16 minutes ago, StarStruck said:

The sad part is that this forum is starting to become like a cult. Leo says something and there is a huge group who just wanks along

Why is it a cult or seem like one if people don't follow along with what you're saying. I've seen this said before because someone disagreed with someone else. I don't see a huge group here wanking along with everything Leo says. Leo hasn't even made a video in months and barely comments in the Spirituality section. That's just you saying so without proof or merit.

Edited by Princess Arabia

One Love....

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Sex is not sacral nor bad. Is just animal stuff.

When a man/woman sees sex as biological neutral as eating, sleeping, orinating, etc... Thats when sex wont be a bondage/slavery anymore. much people can say that? Not a lot.

OP is right in the sense the obsession of human with sex is clearly seen with the popularity of porn. Ill give him that.

May you realize you are sitting on your Inmortal Throne of Bliss, and you have no obligations of any kind but to enjoy What You Are. Shambo

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Posted (edited)

@Javfly33 yea a lot of attachment. But I disagree about eating being neutral. Eating is not neutral. How you eat and what you eat has impact on your health and spirituality. That counts for sex too. 

Edited by StarStruck

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33 minutes ago, StarStruck said:

@Javfly33 yea a lot of attachment. But I disagree about eating being neutral. Eating is not neutral. How you eat and what you eat has impact on your health and spirituality. That counts for sex too. 

Yeah, we should try to do everything in the most conscious way 🙏💚

May you realize you are sitting on your Inmortal Throne of Bliss, and you have no obligations of any kind but to enjoy What You Are. Shambo

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Posted (edited)

12 hours ago, Ry4n said:

“Just 2 bodies rubbing up against each other” paraphrased from Ram Dass

It is a bit harsh but I see where he’s coming from. It is better to be motionless for the ultimate bliss. 

If this is attained as a natural state then it's a valid insight, but the problem is that people then get the attached to idea of "conscious people being abstinent/motionless" and turn it into another layer of identity games.

We can acknowledge that consciousness holds the potential for sex to arise and for it not to arise. The appearance of sex itself has nothing to do with the validity of your consciousness, as only consciousness can validate itself. You could take it even further and say that there isn't even a need for it to validate itself, because it is already totally valid onto itself.

If sex was truly such a material pursuit, then its appearance would hold no meaning in regard to the broader consciousness (or being) and could be disregarded. This wouldn't mean that you'd have to stop indulging in it, it would simply mean that you stopped trying to control the appearance of it, or rather, realized that you never had any control to begin with as "you" were just another appearance. If sex and porn arise, they arise, if they don't, they don't.

The issue people take is that they don't believe sex and porn to be mere material pursuit, as nothing is inherently material. The idea is that you wouldn't be able to, for example, rape another human being unless you were expressing a very low level of consciousness. Most porn obviously isn't as low conscious as rape, I was just taking that view to an extreme. The point is that, from this perspective, it's all about energy and the interconnectedness of everything.

There is truth to that, but the problem comes when people then start to think that "highly conscious people" can't exert low levels of consciousness. Just by having to sustain your body, you have to "selfishly" take away energy from somewhere else, be that through the consumption of food, resources such as money, shelter, electricity, gas, and also the time and attention of other people.

I would say that it's all about balance. Again, consciousness can express sex and porn and it can NOT do that. I think that whether they arise or not isn't the only factor that should be acknowledged. It's also a question of HOW attached you are to these things and your general relationship with them. How often do you indulge in them? What kind of sex/porn do you like? How good are you at dealing with not getting what you want? Are you using them to avoid something?

Since everything is interconnected, you can't simply look at sex and porn as a distinct "things" or "phenomena". These words can capture a range of different people, emotions, mental states, attachments, spiritual practices and so on and so on.

Edited by DefinitelyNotARobot

beep boop

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@StarStruck sex is just for breeding rest is the ego. 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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Posted (edited)

brilliant osho book, from sex to superconsciousness

prayer = paradise results affirming your essential reality #prayer



Edited by gettoefl

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God is fucking maya and that is creating your reality. You are gods penis and you are penetrating reality with it.

Edited by Hojo

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Why does it always come back to porn on this forum? 

Good lord. It's not that deep. Just wank to messed up girls high on drugs, coom and move on with your life. Do it that many times where it becomes absolutely boring and disgusting enough to where you never want to it again. 

Isn't there more to God and spirituality than porn and sex?

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