
Is consciousness just awareness?

93 posts in this topic

12 hours ago, Inliytened1 said:

There isn't levels of it.

Yes, I agree, there aren't any levels.

It's all just one infinitely smooth scale of consciousness, which can seem like having levels if you arbitrarily slide around it and stop at certain points.

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@Water by the River very interesting. We will see, this thing about the absolute great self within which everything appears is very similar to a 5meo trip. but I always found it limited, something was missing there, that great self had to be broken as well, there should be nothing left. I used chemical dynamite over and over again until I got it, and I saw that that big self was really a limit, there is no self, neither big nor small, there is no something within which things arise by being imagined, there is no god, god is limited. The absolute absence of limits is the source of infinite flow, reality is real, not illusory, it is infinite and cannot not be, all of it is an unimaginable reality in perpetual motion. There is no consciousness, no perceiver, the only god is the absence of limits. 

But who knows, we will see

Edited by Breakingthewall

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21 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

I used chemical dynamite over and over again until I got it, and I saw that that big self was really a limit, there is no self, neither big nor small, there is no something within which things arise by being imagined, there is no god, god is limited. The absolute absence of limits is the source of infinite flow, reality is real, not illusory, it is infinite and cannot not be, all of it is an unimaginable reality in perpetual motion. There is no consciousness, no perceiver, the only god is the absence of limits. 

Thisdells stage 3 Big Self/God self to stage 4 No Self.

Now the ripening of stage 4 to stage 5 True No Self is left. Nonmeditation-Yoga to disassemble the last remnants of the separate-self/individuality/subtle and fast I-feelings and I thoughts to truly become the Infinite Totality.

That stage is tricky, because active effort is often counter-productive "artifical activity".

Many items have to fall in place until stage 4 ripens and conforms to the enlightened mind. Luckily, the path tends to show itself to itself. But you can put a blow-torch to the whole separateness burning down anyway, accelerating the progress. Getting rid of these remnants is what open up boundless Nonduality on a permanent basis without psychedelics.

https://www.actualized.org/forum/search/?&q=Nonmeditation Yoga&author=Water by the River

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@Water by the River  

Thinking about it, it is very possible that you are right. There is still one step to take. You break the mind that imagines and reality remains without limit, this reality cannot be broken because it's unlimited, but can be penetrated until its essence, and that is the game now. It does not require effort since it is a process that develops automatically, so we will see.

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Is consciousness just awareness?

Consciousness is Love

Why did the snake need glasses? Because it had a reptile dysfunction!

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1 hour ago, Yimpa said:

Consciousness is Love

Is nothing! Is empty! you are dead already

May you realize you are sitting on your Inmortal Throne of Bliss, and you have no obligations of any kind but to enjoy What You Are. Shambo

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1 hour ago, Water by the River said:

yes it does. If there is no major element missing, the path shows itself to itself at that stage.

I have written more about that in:


Amazing article 

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1 hour ago, Javfly33 said:

Is nothing! Is empty! you are dead already

Nah fam, my heart rate is  currently at 75 bpm :P

Why did the snake need glasses? Because it had a reptile dysfunction!

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On 2/27/2024 at 8:57 PM, Inliytened1 said:

It just requres an open mind - and awkakening.  Not isnane levels of awakening.  When you are going to learn that there is only one dream that you can awaken from.    After you awaken, there is still much to learn.  But awakening itself, that is just one thing.  There isn't levels of it.

I don’t think that awakening to consciousness is all necessarily reveals what consciousness is.

Or what intelligence is. someone can tell you that God creates the universe with infinite imagination and infinite intelligence, but do you really know what those words mean? 

if all you know is that consciousness is all, great, you know more than 99.999% of people, but that doesn’t mean you know what consciousness is.

if all you have is the understanding that consciousness is all, then it’s easy to just give up and say some nondual cliche, like consciousness is nothing, or consciousness is awareness, or truth can’t be spoken. and then you turn around and say “there is only one awakening” because no one around you knows anything else.

I sort of admire the zen philosophy, not because it’s correct, but because it doesn’t give any definitive answers. and it doesn’t deny the physical world. but to expand on that I would say that the physical world is  part of an aspect of consciousness that is outside of awareness.

Edited by Oppositionless

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On 2/28/2024 at 0:22 AM, Breakingthewall said:

that is to say that there are 3 things, me, the fact of being aware, and something that I am aware of. reality is not like that, there is no reality without consciousness nor consciousness without reality, which means that there is only reality, the word consciousness, to the garbage. 

And yes, the reality is extremely complex, infinitely complex

what I was asking is if there is an intelligence which operates without awareness. 

my question comes from watching videos of Bernardo Kastrup talking about the mind at large and explaining the universe as “what the mind at large looks like from across a dissociative boundary.”

to me, that isn’t how reality works. because it is intelligently designed. awareness is fed with perceptions by an infinitely intelligent mind, and that mind doesn’t need to have awarness to function. it might but it’s not strictly necessary, and in some ways it might be more infinite if it doesn’t have awarwness.

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23 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

@Water by the River very interesting. We will see, this thing about the absolute great self within which everything appears is very similar to a 5meo trip. but I always found it limited, something was missing there, that great self had to be broken as well, there should be nothing left. I used chemical dynamite over and over again until I got it, and I saw that that big self was really a limit, there is no self, neither big nor small, there is no something within which things arise by being imagined, there is no god, god is limited. The absolute absence of limits is the source of infinite flow, reality is real, not illusory, it is infinite and cannot not be, all of it is an unimaginable reality in perpetual motion. There is no consciousness, no perceiver, the only god is the absence of limits. 

But who knows, we will see

God is everywhere at all levels. the intelligence of your hand is innate, it doesn’t need a God above to be infinitely intelligent.

 but yes, I completely agree that there are no limits at all, no top level. the buddhists were right about that one.

the notion of self is interesting. self is just an appearance, a thought. I fear death but part of me knows that I’ve died before, that I’ve died every time I ceased thinking of self, and yet, here I am. I fear the death of the body but I also have some limited knowledge that the solipsistic awareness in which self arises has nothing to do with the body.

Edited by Oppositionless

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On 28/2/2024 at 1:49 PM, Leo Gura said:
On 28/2/2024 at 3:57 AM, Inliytened1 said:

There isn't levels of it.

Yes there are.

@Leo Gura How many levels there are? Infinite?

Is there a point of big picture and then you fill up the little details? Or it is ever new and ever different?

Is there a "pattern" in infinity Awakening? like the musical notes in the scale. You have 7 main notes or facets that go on recursively forever? In ever richer taste so to speak but just more truth love consciousness and God?

How would you make an example of the different levels of awakenings? How would you explain it beyond affirming it?

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless you live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, you should know the requirements of your body. This is first duty. We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes mature and Conscious. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life God is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, ...                       Lovingly discipline Life & Realize Absolute Infinity

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7 minutes ago, Davino said:


@Leo Gura How many levels there are? Infinite?

Is there a point of big picture and then you fill up the little details? Or it is ever new and ever different?

Is there a "pattern" in infinity Awakening? like the musical notes in the scale. You have 7 main notes or facets that go on recursively forever? In ever richer taste so to speak but just more truth love consciousness and God?

How would you make an example of the different levels of awakenings? How would you explain it beyond affirming it?

It's not so much levels as degrees and kinds. There are not only many degrees of consciousness but an endless variety of qualitatively different kinds of awakening.

For example, Alien Awakening is not merely a higher degree, it is also a qualitatively different kind.

How many kinds are there? I don't know. My guess would be it's endless.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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23 minutes ago, Davino said:

Is there a "pattern" in infinity Awakening? like the musical notes in the scale. You have 7 main notes or facets that go on recursively forever? In ever richer taste so to speak but just more truth love consciousness and God?

Here is metaphorical example of how a different kind of Consciousness can be expressed. 


Why did the snake need glasses? Because it had a reptile dysfunction!

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30 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Alien Awakening

Why have you decided to call it "Alien Awakening"?

Will the rare psychonaut who manages to reach this profound level of awakening resonate with this term? 

@Leo Gura


Edited by Yali

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22 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

There are not only many degrees of consciousness but an endless variety of qualitatively different kinds of awakening.



Thanks for clarifying


God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless you live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, you should know the requirements of your body. This is first duty. We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes mature and Conscious. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life God is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, ...                       Lovingly discipline Life & Realize Absolute Infinity

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@Leo Gura Does "alien" spirituality feels like a more synthetic or sci-fi in comparison to the organic ordinary nonduality?

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

My guess would be it's endless.

Mine too.

How about transcending & shutting down the hand at 50s?

Looking into its nature of that desire/curiosity/intention, and seeing it as mere appearance arising in your Infinite Being, like any other curiosity/desire? And smiling back at the lovely & beautiful owner of the hand, Maya herself? 

Just respectfully asking. Really.

Still a fan of your psychonautic endeavours & explorations.

Water by the River

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Just now, Water by the River said:

Still a fan of your psychonautic endeavours & explorations.

Thank you :)

Why did the snake need glasses? Because it had a reptile dysfunction!

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