
How could we achieve the development of aliens?

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It could have been a mutant who escaped from a secret facility. I don't think aliens would look ape-like or human-like. If some life forms exist some light years away, they would be genetically alien to us.

Edited by StarStruck

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58 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

Shit, after reading Moudinho's story I'm starting to believe that aliens are real. So their explanation for the army and firefighters going out on a mission to search for aliens is that some girls saw a homeless man dirty with mud? what a joke of an explanation

Exactly what I thought, the explanation is plain ridiculous, and it is just hard to disbelieve these alien stories now, especially the ones with many witnesses with stories that align...

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@Breakingthewall "Mudinho" lol

Brazilians never disappoint.

"Mudinho" means "Little Mute".

A little guy that can't speak.

Edited by CARDOZZO

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5 hours ago, StarStruck said:

It could have been a mutant who escaped from a secret facility. I don't think aliens would look ape-like or human-like. If some life forms exist some light years away, they would be genetically alien to us.

They could be dog-like, octopus-like, spider-like, human-like. Depends on the atmosphere and gravity of their planet we should think.

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7 hours ago, MysticalSnow said:

Also your statement in the blog post that magical "siddhi" healing is impossible and that you "actually disagree" with it was horrible,

I didn't say healing or siddhis are impossible. It's just not the case that humans have the same spiritual capacities as aliens because genetics matters. Just because aliens can magically heal themselves does not mean humans can. Many humans suffer from illness and with no remedy, and no amount of New Age woo will save them.

If these aliens can heal themselves, that's certainly possible. But that doesn't mean humans can do the same.

Edited by Leo Gura

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1 minute ago, Leo Gura said:

I didn't say healing or siddhis are impossible. It's just not the case that humans have the same spiritual capacities as aliens because genetics matters. Just because aliens can magically heal themselves does not mean humans can.

There are definitely humans on the planet more psychically powerful than your average alien. Especially the doofus aliens that crash-land and get captured by the Brazilians.

Probably if humans are raised in a non-materialist society where we understand how healing, psi, and siddhis naturally have to be a part of reality then more people will know it. And as for genetics, there's probably an epigenetic expression factor to it. If you intend your consciousness using those higher principles of reality and train that basic potential, your brain and body will accommodate that.

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17 minutes ago, MysticalSnow said:

There are definitely humans on the planet more psychically powerful than your average alien. Especially the doofus aliens that crash-land and get captured by the Brazilians.

I have never met or seen any human spiritual teacher who can download volumes of knowledge telepathically directly into my mind. This is not a capacity any normal or even exceptionally spiritually-gifted human has.

Some New Age people may claim to be able to do this, but upon closer scrutiny you'll find that they cannot. Humans, genetically, are not telepathic communicators. Those aliens are.

Even Ramana Marhashi was not able to heal his own cancer. So expecting normal humans to be capable of that is absurd and borders on gaslighting.

Spirituality alone will not solve all human problems. There are hard material conditions which are at play. A bullet to the head will kill human and alien alike regradless of how much you meditate or pray.

Edited by Leo Gura

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The alien didn't say anything about solipsism? Is this guy even AWAKE™?

Edited by Osaid

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7 hours ago, MysticalSnow said:

The alien is ugly as hell, objectively. Doesn't matter what world you come from.

9 minutes ago, MysticalSnow said:

Especially the doofus aliens

Dude why are you so mean to the aliens lmao

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2 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

I have never met or seen any human spiritual teacher who can download knowledge telepathically directly into my mind. This is not a capacity any normal or even exceptionally spiritually-gifted human has.

Low doses of knowledge is definitely, definitely, definitely possible. High doses that give you a headache, would take some training---like a specialization. Actually the nagual's blow don Juan gave Carlos in those books to push him into heightened awareness "where the real learning happens" is basically that.

And I got instructions from an entity in a dream on how to retrieve information from anywhere in space and time, with an abstract explanation of having my verbal thinking turn to an unbiased tuning state (like a radio dial), an energetic umbilical cord above my navel permeated by Nothingness and sense of Nothingness with the unbiased tuning state. This zero state brings in the information intended.

This is like silent knowledge in the Carlos Castaneda books where Carlos was instructed to read pages of the text that would appear on the sky or wall.

But a blast of information that would give you a headache, was probably not a good idea on the alien's part. It's like a blast of DMT where you get too much useless information, which is why Tom Campbell says psychedelics generally "increase entropy and disorder" despite their healing potential.

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14 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Even Ramana Marhashi was not able to heal his own cancer. So expecting normal humans to be capable of that is absurd and borders on gaslighting.

I'm not talking about random new age people or Ramana Marhashi, who as I understand it was just some typical Indian meditator guy who liked hanging out in dirt under trees.

Imagine if children had psychic healing as a course starting in preschool or elementary school, being taught how to heal each other and make each other feel better or good using conscious intent. And then throughout middle and high school they get more intensive and elaborate instruction.

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6 minutes ago, MysticalSnow said:

I'm not talking about random new age people or Ramana Marhashi, who as I understand it was just some typical Indian meditator guy who liked hanging out in dirt under trees.

Ramana was one of the most spiritual gifted humans on the planet. If he struggles to do it than it's a pipe dream, not a serious solution to mankind's issues.


Imagine if children had psychic healing as a course starting in preschool or elementary school, being taught how to heal each other and make each other feel better or good using conscious intent. And then throughout middle and high school they get more intensive and elaborate instruction.

There is definitely potential in that. But even then there's gonna be some hard genetic ceiling. These kids are not gonna be shooting fireballs out their asses.

Edited by Leo Gura

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7 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Ramana was one of the most spiritual gifted humans on the planet. If he struggles to do it than it's a pipe dream, not a serious solution to mankind's issues.

I believe that's something you say because it sounds true or sounds cool or sounds interesting, but it doesn't make any sense. You just read his autobiography and heard he tried to become enlightened Buddha-style under a tree and had bugs crawling on him. And he talked about his God-Realizations.

It should also be known that God-Realization will not necessarily give you psychic powers or vice versa, so there are different axes of spiritual giftedness  that only have very abstract connection to one another. Like you could have a voodoo sorcerer placing curses on people and giving them cancer, who doesn't know anything about God. But you could have a Hindu yogi who's studied all the philosophy of God and had all the classic enlightenment experiences of God, who's never learned to influence or manipulate reality at all. Yet they're both "spiritual".

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@MysticalSnow If you take 1000 kids and put them through the most rigorous training you can imagine, virtually none of them will develop telepathic abilities. You are welcome to try it.

Edited by Leo Gura

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3 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

@MysticalSnow If you take 1000 kids and put them through the most rigorous training you can imagine, virtually none of them will develop telepathic abilities. You are welcome to try it.

You have to see where the perspective is. It's not a genetic thing. It's a fundamental nature of how all entities and objects in consciousness work and are connected.

But I'll propose a simple experiment for you. You have me (or better yet one of your spiritually gifted friends from in real life) transmit or download knowledge to you while you're on a psychedelic. It could be an image they send. The way I would do it would be to have you stare at a blank sheet of paper and watch for any text to appear on it. Because the automatic reading processes in your brain are pretty developed from reading lots of books, reading and writing on the forum and blog, your business work, navigating the internet and the rest of society, you are a "reader". So I could transmit to you specific words, and you would have to report what you see and have me confirm or have me tell you what the words are and have you confirm.

It also reminds me of a story Daniel Ingram told of when he was on a meditation retreat, he drew an amber pentagram in the air, and some guy said, "You just drew an amber pentagram." Even though there was no way he could have known the color, since Daniel had not told anybody about it.

So a basic experiment would be having somebody in the room with you to draw stuff for you, and you would have to see what color the stuff is.

There was also the two times Daniel Ingram telekinetically moved a candle flame that hadn't been moving all day, by shooting it with energy. And there was a time he was drawing pentagrams using different wands in an area that had birds. When he got to a specific wand, his "fire wand" that has a ruby core (rubies have a pyramidal structure), a triangle for fire symbolism, and two fire elemental spirit salamanders carved and started drawing, the birds in the area got scared, drew their attention to him, and started divebombing him. He moved on to another wand, and all was well.

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The problem with all those who claim to possess psychic powers and mystic abilities is that none of them have demonstrated publicly among an audience of rationalists. Even if they had done so, it had been proven as manipulative or found to be using some cheap magic tricks to get some followers.

There could be a few who have such mystic abilities, and chose not to demonstrate it publicly for some weird reasons, but even then that doesn't prove that they exist. In that case, we can only believe that those things are possible, and when analysed rationally, the possibility of the existence of such dramatic mystical powers are very low.

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

have never met or seen any human spiritual teacher who can download volumes of knowledge telepathically directly into my mind. This is not a capacity any normal or even exceptionally spiritually-gifted human has.


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I was personally entirely under the impression that the alien is not using supernatural abilities by a technical definition, but some kind of genetic or biological capability that they are born with which is common for their species. I was even theorizing that the green gas was somehow related to the psychic information channelling. This is similar to that quote where it says something like "Any sufficiently advanced technology will look like magic." I believe in this case the technology is genetic/biological/technological and it is just the case that for humans a similar feat would require supernatural or mystical abilities, but for aliens it is more normal. What are the chances we ran into the one alien who knows about mystical/psychic abilities? It must be common and normal for them, similar to how it is normal for a human to be born with access to a smartphone or how it is normal for humans to be born with two hands. If psychic channeling exists for humans, an alien could do it completely differently, kind of like riding a horse compared to driving a car to reach the same destination. 

On top of that, I interpreted their claim about healing as something much more open-ended. They are not saying that everything can be healed, but that the human body's healing potential is being neglected. I really feel like this section is more impercise or lost in translation, as I don't think they genuinely believe that "all healing" can be taken care of, if you want to take that statement at face value.

Edited by Osaid

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