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About Anon212

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  1. You are falling over because there is no integrity in your asanas. Do hatha yoga and lots of it. It doesn't matter how high you get unless it's some ridiculous kundalini or very high pyschedelic state, you should not be falling over. Don't put a Buggati engine in a Toyota. It'll cause damage.
  2. Hi, I do a similar amount of Sadhana to you but I have had absolutely phenomenonal results. Just note that with yoga, intensity is everything. If your too lax during your practice nothing will happen and you need to have some operating principles during the yoga. For example, during kriya yoga, it really is not effective until the breath and mind become one. Of course this is very difficult to get experientially. There are many other principles that need to be applied. For hatha yoga, movements should always be slow, controlled, and something I learned personally is to "occupy" the entire body especially while in the asanas. That is, instead of floating around in your head chattering, make an intense effort to occupy the entire body. Once the yoga is mechanical it's over. You will not make progress. I honestly don't understand how you can do 6 hours and not feel joyful. Something is not right or maybe these particular yogas are not for you. If I do a three hour session I am absolutely zonked. I get so high - much much higher than smoking weed. And as Leo said above. If you ain't constantly contemplating then you are just one of sadhgurus little monkeys. Use his tools. Don't become a tool for him lol. If these sadhanas don't work for you, maybe it's time to try something else?
  3. @Nemra yes, especially along the west coast going south. It's absolutely stunning.
  4. I am from Ireland and I think its lovely to visit but having visited most of Europe, for me south of France is just unmatched. Beautiful beaches, hot weather, incredible food, very friendly locals (unlike Paris), endless hiking in Les Calanques, very lax with drugs, great nightlife. And you can visit many cities easily using SNCF trains. Nice, Marseille, Menton, even Monaco etc... Of course, there are the tourists at this time of year and the horrible mosquitoes. It is getting quite expensive down there too but if you go to the right places it's not too bad
  5. @Leo Gura Not an interview - a conversation about consciousness and God. He always avoids going deep so it's impossible to tell how much he understands. Maybe you can bring it out of him. Could be great
  6. Why don't you talk to Sadhguru? He would definitely be up for it.
  7. Ralston is a freak of nature, he would have been world champ and turned the Gracies inside out. I think you guys fail to appreciate the astonishing level of intelligence. The guy mastered Judo in less than 18 months ffs, it's insanity !!
  8. My question for above Hey Peter, Quick questions about martial arts. I saw you saying that most martial arts are not good. What are your thoughts on those martial arts such as Judo, Jiujitsu, Muay Thai, etc... those that are practiced in the UFC? What do you think of UFC fighters? These guys, well at least they seem to be the best fighters in the world and eastern martial arts look silly next to them. Do you think you could beat these guys in combat. I mean top guys like khabib etc.. This is is just a question to quench my curiosity. Thanks,
  9. You guys are yapping, I asked Ralston about this. He said MMA is most effective and he trained it before it was a thing. He said he would have won. Here is the proof.
  10. @SamC 1) I do all the practices every single day and 3-4 days a week I do them twice daily. 2) Cold Shower, Surya Shakti, Surya Kriya (+ Eye Care), Yoga Asanas (+ Bandas), Shakti Chalana Kriya, Shambhavi, Archana Arpanalam. Shoonya is twice during the day everyday. On extremely busy days, I just do Shakti Chalana Kriya, and Shambhavi which happens now and then. One or two days a year I may miss everything except Shoonya. 3) Yoga Asanas and Shakti Chalana Kriya (Advanced Kriya) have transformed my life. They produce so much heat and I feel as though compulsions have been washed out of me. As I said, I applied Ralstons work quite extensively to the yoga. Would love to try but I'm prioritizing trying to get to a Samyama program!
  11. I agree and I do that. But for now this is working well
  12. Shambahvi online Advanced kriyas and most programs in person, I did in Berlin not India
  13. The Art of Mastery covers it well, But really his trilogy is important and I've read it multiple times. Book of Not Knowing Pursuing Consciousness Genius of Being Then: Art of Mastery Or go straight to it. I also stay in touch with Ralston over email he is usually nice enough to respond. Please don't see me as awakened I am not I have experienced significant health benefits and survival benefits but not some deep awakening something which I wish to pursue. Thanks for sharing Leo's Video, I have watched it before but don't remember him mentioning vacuum. Will re-watch!
  14. 50% less quantity wise. In the morning, I consume a large spoon of honey, some berries, two oranges, a banana and some raw peanuts (just a small amount), also take some supplements. At work, I have a sandwich (I still eat meat sometimes) but usually salmon, tuna or veggie and side salad. I have a coffee around 9AM because I love coffee - just one a day or every second day. For dinner, I eat a handful of raw peanuts, a banana, oranges and honey again - same as breakfast really. Meeting family would eat trad Indian food lentils, roti etc... 6ft 2, 95kg well built after 8 years of serious weightlifting/powerlifting. But I stopped one year ago to focus on yoga. Calorie wise I could not tell you but I know if I was to do BMI/FFMI based calcs for calories, I am not consuming enough "scientifically"
  15. @Salvijus This is not true, this is something you want to believe. Most people get lukewarm results, 99% of people I would say. I've spoken to at least 100 meditators (including 2 siblings and a friend). I think my results are unique, I'm not trying to beat my own horse here but it's true and it's been a unique combination of studying Leo, Ralston and at least 20 other teachers of course focusing on Sadhguru. With that said, there are guys at the foundation who would make it seem like I've never practiced. These guys are psychos practicing all day everyday. But they are even less, a fraction of a percentage. These kind of results are not common and millions of people do not get them. It takes an insane work ethic.