
Youtube content has officially toxified my mind

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On 29.10.2023 at 1:19 PM, fabger said:

I got so addicted to blackpill content that my inner game progress has completely deminished even though I once managed to turn things around.

I just cant convince myself that the blackpill is not true. I see so many evidence that looks are the most important to women. I even payed for a stupid face rating service I'm so ashamed of myself.

Women love men that can lead. Of course looks are very important for the first impression, but after that your demeanor is at least equally important.

Confidence makes sexy. And that is precisely what blackpill ideology destroys in yourself.

Consider it from the opposite way around: What makes a woman attractive to you? Is it just looks or is there more to it?

Edited by vibv

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A girl that used to obsess over me for years and years told me that “I’m too skinny and my looks are not impressive to her” she also told me she doesn’t know why she likes me so much given my looks. I had perfect school bus game back then, that’s why she liked me. She would steal my stuff and clothes so that I would go to her house to get it back, moved schools because of me, she even had a guy pretend to be her boyfriend to make me jealous.

Women. Hope this helps, It’s a real story. You need a little bit of gay in you to realize what’s really attractive about guys. 

Edited by MarkKol

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1 hour ago, vibv said:

What makes a woman attractive to you? Is it just looks or is there more to it?

Initially it's just looks for most guys. After that wears off a bit they start to notice other things and then decide whether she's right for them or not as far as a partner goes. They will even give and take some things if she excites them enough physically. After they get bored with her looks, the personality thing becomes forefront. Then they dump the bitch, literally. Lol

One Love....

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@vibvA lot of things. But she has to pass a looks threshold otherwise I dont feel attraction. Which is not very high.

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4 hours ago, fabger said:

Wheat waffles. He gave me a pretty low number which I believe is not true based on dating experience, then told me to buy his 20 $ looksmaxing advice so I can become 2 points higher and attract girls LOL

Fuck lol. I'm glad you realise what a sham that is at least.

He is using the age old scam of converting people's insecurity into money. His video titles/thumbnails are designed to make you feel a visceral insecurity so that you click on them to find out if what he is saying is really true and applies to you. From here he can funnel you into his other revenue streams like paying for ratings and offering you a solution to the insecurity HE PUT IN YOUR MIND IN THE FIRST PLACE. It's extremely manipulative.

Looksmaxing is a good thing, and you should do it. It will help you. But everything you need to do that is either common sense or publicly available for free. You want to think of it as learning to express the best side of yourself and your personality in an aesthetic way.

If you want a decent looksmax channel, I quite like Hamza Ahmed. He is also a mixed bag like many of these types of creators, but I think he's one of the better ones that actually tries to build you up rather than knock you down to sell you something.

Edited by something_else

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1 hour ago, MarkKol said:

A girl that used to obsess over me for years and years told me that “I’m too skinny and my looks are not impressive to her” she also told me she doesn’t know why she likes me so much given my looks. I had perfect school bus game back then, that’s why she liked me. She would steal my stuff and clothes so that I would go to her house to get it back, moved schools because of me, she even had a guy pretend to be her boyfriend to make me jealous.

Women. Hope this helps, It’s a real story. You need a little bit of gay in you to realize what’s really attractive about guys. 

Lol nice

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Decent advice from gpt4 


 here are three distinct actionable steps to help navigate away from the "blackpill" mindset:


1. **Diverse Experiences**: Engage in community service or join social clubs that expose you to a wide variety of people. By meeting and understanding the diverse range of human experiences, you may find that many people value qualities beyond just looks.

**Limit Exposure**: Identify and unfollow or block sources of blackpill content on social media and other platforms. Replace that with positive, uplifting content that promotes personal growth and self-improvement.


3. **Seek Counseling**: Consider seeking counseling or therapy to unpack your feelings and beliefs. A professional can provide coping mechanisms and perspective on the blackpill ideology. They can help you rebuild your self-worth and navigate the complex nature of relationships.


Remember, everyone has their own unique journey. While physical attractiveness can play a role in initial attraction, sustainable and fulfilling relationships are built on mutual respect, trust, and shared values.

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Blackpill is just stupid.  I'm like a 6.8/10 on a good day and I get hot women showing me interest.

Many guys are just retarded/autistic with no game, poor body language and a porn addict vibe.

Why blackpill is stupid: they're autistic and/or ridiculously inexperienced (no offense to anyone here.)

Why Tate/FnF grindset game is stupid: they undervalue game and overvalue money and muscles.

Game is the most important thing (including Inner Game.)

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On 10/29/2023 at 11:16 AM, fabger said:


I didn't mention that I'm neither bad looking nor a virgin. However blackpill content still fucked me up. But it still makes the most sense for some reason.

I'm glad I discovered the BP, it does provide a lot of useful pragmatic information. But I still believe the BP is just a cope for many men that can't find success. There are many types of people out there, and some women are attracted to short and stalky, or some only like Chinese quirky men, some only like white men, some all colours some want similar age, some can date much older even without caring too much about money etc The BP is still too general. Each individual has his or her different preferences. This doesn't mean some men aren't genetically gifted or more desirable. But no matter how ugly or short or broke or old you are there is some guy out there uglier than you, shorter than you, poorer than you, fatter than you pulling more women than you. There is just so much we don't know.

Edited by TheEnigma

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39 minutes ago, TheEnigma said:

I'm glad I discovered the BP, it does provide a lot of useful pragmatic information. But I still believe the BP is just a cope for many men that can't find success. There are many types of people out there, and some women are attracted to short and stalky, or some only like Chinese quirky men, some only like white men, some all colours some want similar age, some can date much older even without caring too much about money etc The BP is still too general. Each individual has his or her different preferences. This doesn't mean some men aren't genetically gifted or more desirable. But no matter how ugly or short or broke or old you are there is some guy out there uglier than you, shorter than you, poorer than you, fatter than you pulling more women than you. There is just so much we don't know.

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Exactly. I used to date a guy that was short and chubby with a bald spot. I'm 5' 11" and he was like 5' 7". We had so much fun. I would wear heels and he'd be looking up at me like wtf.


One Love....

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