Bazooka Jesus

Debunking solipsism... for the 476th time 💀

171 posts in this topic

32 minutes ago, gettoefl said:

solipsism should be banned from this sub ... we have same discussion here every 20 days ... it is philosophy not spirituality

pure mental masturbation

namely ream upon reams of crazed text

no one defining their terms even simple things like what is i or what is me

everyone doggedly trying to justify their smarts

stop getting sucked in to such drivel and madness and please go to the philosophy section

i know this sub has been going through a dry patch but you just tie yourself in knots with this rubbish

philosophy is how much can i write and say nothing

spirituality is how little can i write and say something



Absolute Solipsism isn't mental masturbation. Absolute Solipsism says close your eyes....imagine something...that imagination is equal to your life.

So eyes open or closed you are dreaming and they work the same way, the only difference is the open eye dream is way more immersive, seductive, it pulls you in and puts you to sleep at a deeper level. 

So Absolute Solipsism says you are an Absolute Dream, Absolute Imagination, and thus the same way your dreams work is the same way Reality works. The only difference between your human imagination and God level imagination is the CONSISTENCY of its manifestation. 

That is why psychedelics are useful in this work because it can reveal the dream like nature of reality, it can also make your so called night time dreams experienced as REAL as what you call your waking life.

So saying Absolute Solipsism is no different than saying Life is a dream. But notice with Absolute Solipsism there are can actually figure you are constructing the dream and how you fooled yourself/fooling yourself.

The only reason it gets so much negative backlash because its too got damn direct of a pointer that those who pretend they want to wake up are drawn too close to the truth, too close to what DEATH IS. 

Its all fun and games till the TRUTH enters the room, now you can't pretend anymore that you wanted TRUTH and the denial you were hiding surfaces. It's why I love this because it reveals the pretenders who are too attached to other. It puts up a mirror so they can see that they were just trying to fool themselves all along that they were ready to give up their attachments. Because to lose OTHER, is = DEATH. Because reality can only define itself through OTHER which is duality. Absolute Solipsism makes the loss of duality...REAL....LOL.

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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@Princess Arabia Haha dont you dare to assume that I did not think of that when I created this profile;) 

I assume myself to be sound asleep until, or if it becomes obvious that I ain't.

To many people love to say how awake they are, but little of that shows in the way they speak or behave. That is the average of the so called awakened human.

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Just now, ZzzleepingBear said:

@Princess Arabia Haha dont you dare to assume that I did not think of that when I created this profile;) 

I assume myself to be sound asleep until, or if it becomes obvious that I ain't.

To many people love to say how awake they are, but little of that shows in the way they speak or behave. That is the average of the so called awakened human.

Yeah i get it. We're all awake just pretending to be asleep. That's the fucking game God is playing with itself. It's so obvious. That's my new motto. "It's So Obvious". I'm going to change my signature to "It's So Obvious" and copyright it. 

One Love....

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10 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

In other words, the absolute is in all of those scenarios, and choosing one thing over another thing creates seperation. 

I personally identify as the cat… I’m very needy and can be a bitch when it comes to attention. That’s why I’m thankful to have busy people in my life to tame my expectations.

You can choose to have a job to earn a living or choose to be homeless, it’s up to you, this is why we choose one thing over another, and no choosing one thing over another does not create separation, you can’t escape the absolute no matter what you choose. Anything that ever happens is part of unity and the absolute.

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@Princess Arabia The only problem with what can be called obvious, is that we tend to fall asleep when we dont need to pay any close attention to it anymore.

That is how dreams can be dreams. In a dream we may think. This is real, it's so obvious. That is the key difference between regular dreams and lucid dreams. I have thought to myself many times in dreams, this can't be a dream it is so obviously real.. Until I dubble check myself with a reality check and becomes baffled that I am actually in a dream.

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1 minute ago, ZzzleepingBear said:

@Princess Arabia The only problem with what can be called obvious, is that we tend to fall asleep when we dont need to pay any close attention to it anymore.

That is how dreams can be dreams. In a dream we may think. This is real, it's so obvious. That is the key difference between regular dreams and lucid dreams. I have thought to myself many times in dreams, this can't be a dream it is so obviously real.. Until I dubble check myself with a reality check and becomes baffled that I am actually in a dream.

All of reality is a dream, god’s dream, even when you wake up, you only wake up to realize that you’re dreaming, and you’re still in the dream, because there aren’t any distinction between dream/reality real/unreal. You’re in a dream typing all this on a website, you’re dreaming your device, language, and basically everything.

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@Razard86 solipsism is another word for death.

the only distinction is that, everyone is already dead, but the ego don't want to hear that, so it's clinging and produce an extremly strong delusional state that it will call "reality".

Edited by AerisVahnEphelia

nowhere in the bio  @VahnAeris 

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@Yousif I know I know. Not only that. Everything is God, as we may repeat an infinite amount of time to any post or question that may arise. 

Did you know that God is God? And that God is all there is? See, I clearly know everything by saying these lines to anything that deviates from the most popular script here.

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Just now, ZzzleepingBear said:

@Yousif I know I know. Not only that. Everything is God, as we may repeat an infinite amount of time to any post or question that may arise. 

Did you know that God is God? And that God is all there is? See, I clearly know everything by saying these lines to anything that deviates from the most popular script here.

Why are you in a forum, in a post that’s talking about god if talking about it makes you frustrated lol.

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What are You debunking tho

On 10/23/2023 at 5:47 PM, Bazooka Jesus said:

the fallacy of taking a random relative concept (me) and conflating it with the absolute. Instead of calling it 'me', you might as well call it 'cheeseburger', 'Santa Claus' or 'The Flying Spaghetti Monster'.

Random concept? Does it really feel random? And is the deepest understanding of "You" really: a concept?

And why wouldn't there be a personal aspect to reality? Only the impersonal? Is that the whole truth?

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@Yousif Why are you posting on a forum if your only interested in posting a over used script?

The same thing could be done by doing a blogg post and call it a day. Everything is God, the end. 

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48 minutes ago, Razard86 said:

Absolute Solipsism isn't mental masturbation. Absolute Solipsism says close your eyes....imagine something...that imagination is equal to your life.

So eyes open or closed you are dreaming and they work the same way, the only difference is the open eye dream is way more immersive, seductive, it pulls you in and puts you to sleep at a deeper level. 

So Absolute Solipsism says you are an Absolute Dream, Absolute Imagination, and thus the same way your dreams work is the same way Reality works. The only difference between your human imagination and God level imagination is the CONSISTENCY of its manifestation. 

That is why psychedelics are useful in this work because it can reveal the dream like nature of reality, it can also make your so called night time dreams experienced as REAL as what you call your waking life.

So saying Absolute Solipsism is no different than saying Life is a dream. But notice with Absolute Solipsism there are can actually figure you are constructing the dream and how you fooled yourself/fooling yourself.

The only reason it gets so much negative backlash because its too got damn direct of a pointer that those who pretend they want to wake up are drawn too close to the truth, too close to what DEATH IS. 

Its all fun and games till the TRUTH enters the room, now you can't pretend anymore that you wanted TRUTH and the denial you were hiding surfaces. It's why I love this because it reveals the pretenders who are too attached to other. It puts up a mirror so they can see that they were just trying to fool themselves all along that they were ready to give up their attachments. Because to lose OTHER, is = DEATH. Because reality can only define itself through OTHER which is duality. Absolute Solipsism makes the loss of duality...REAL....LOL.

ab-sol says you are the only dreamer

the highest mystical traditions seem to state otherwise which is why they emphasize agape and bodichitta and compassion to all

everyone is god dreaming their own infinity of dreams

problem is there is no way to know for sure and so talking detracts from that which is useful

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1 minute ago, ZzzleepingBear said:


The same thing could be done by doing a blogg post and call it a day. Everything is God, the end. 

The problem with saying "Everything is God" is that different people define God differently.

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@An young being And yet, alot of people here boil down concepts and ideas to just that. And think that they said something profound.

If someone here says that everything is God, then I just assume that they themselves are quite clueless, which is fine. But maybe the "Everything is God" crowd need their own section here where they can repeat similar conclusions to each other over and over again.

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10 minutes ago, An young being said:

The problem with saying "Everything is God" is that different people define God differently.

That definition is God too. And it isn't.

One Love....

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1 minute ago, ZzzleepingBear said:

@An young being And yet, alot of people here boil down concepts and ideas to just that. And think that they said something profound.

If someone here says that everything is God, then I just assume that they themselves are quite clueless, which is fine. But maybe the "Everything is God" crowd need their own section here where they can repeat similar conclusions to each other over and over again.

Then that would be God too. Lol

One Love....

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1 hour ago, ZzzleepingBear said:

Calling your self and everything around you God, is about as enlightening as a scientist telling you that everything is atoms over and over again. 


"Honey whats for dinner tonight?"

"It will be atoms as usual my dear"

"Dang it, atoms tonight again!? We had that yesterday.."

Oh well, maybe there will be something else tomorrow".


It's hilarious how hard the mind tries to escape duality. It just ends up saying completely tautological statements as if they mean anything.

"Hey guys, I had a new awakening and realized that everything = imagination"

"Hey guys, I had a new awakening and realized that everything = you"

"Hey guys, I had a new awakening and realized that everything = love"

"Hey guys, I had a new awakening and realized that everything = love = imagination = you"

Edited by Osaid

Describe a thought.

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6 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

Then that would be God too. Lol

Who could have thought..  Are you trying to make me laugh or cry with this, lol!

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4 minutes ago, Osaid said:


It's hilarious how hard the mind tries to escape duality. It just ends up saying completely tautological statements as if they mean anything.

"Hey guys, I had a new awakening and realized that everything = imagination"

"Hey guys, I had a new awakening and realized that everything = you"

"Hey guys, I had a new awakening and realized that everything = love"

"Hey guys, I had a new awakening and realized that everything = love = imagination = you"

Don't forget, "Hey guys, I've had a new awakening and realized it's so obvious. Lol

One Love....

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