Leo Gura

New War In Israel / Gaza

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@Nivsch For those who are decent, open and have a sense of truth our posts hit like bricks of solid insight. 

(Not talking about the people hellbound on their narrow narrative and crusade of willful ignorance, demonization and self-defeatism.)   

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Posted (edited)


Lula president of Brazil on the genocide of the Palestinian people.


"The humanitarian tragedy in Gaza requires all of us to be able to say enough is enough to the collective punishment that the Israeli government is imposing on the Palestinian people. People are dying in the queue for food and the indifference of the international community is shocking. I would like to take advantage of the presence of our dear fellow UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres to propose a Celac motion for an immediate end to this genocide. The Secretary General can invoke Article 99 of the UN Charter to bring to the attention of the Council an issue that threatens international peace and security. 
I would also like to ask the five permanent members of the UN Security Council to put aside their differences and put an end to this slaughter. The carnage must stop in the name of the survival of humanity, which needs a lot of humanism."


It's beautiful to see someone with integrity speaking up about this shit. Lula has earned even more of my respect.


Edited by Vibes

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Western, liberal, humanitarian bias, democratic 

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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Posted (edited)

I made some edits to my previous post. Definitely worth a reread:

I would add there is a literal-without-the-hyperbolic-bullshit genocide going on in Darfur (again). But nobody cares because it's committed by Arabs against an African people. (I would like to see South Africa file a court complaint for their "brothers".) 

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a conflict deluxe for journalists because they can get easy access and be relatively safe. You cannot say the same about the Sudan for example. So this and the fact there are Jews involved makes it a profitable hot topic for the media. And this time Jews don't stand for Christ-killers, Communism or Capitalism but are the very face of the absolute evils of white colonialism, Western imperialism and nationism (because god forbid people are patriotic and look out for each other and their country). Go Figure the anti-Semitic and anti-historical ignorance.

This major media overrepresentation for views and money overshadows the fact that of all the oppressed people in the world, Palestinians are the least so. Muslims and Arabs are in Conflict from the Western Sahara and all across to Pakistan and even the Philippines had a terrorist insurgency as of late. So don't act like Palestinians are totally innocent and have zero responsibility. Much of what you call occupation consists of necessary security measures. Without "occupation" Hamas would take over and rule a real country and instigate more savagery and war, that's also why it's important that Israel finishes the job and removes Hamas from power.

(I still believe in two states but for that bona fide security guarantees are absolutely necessary.)

It's also kind of a cruel joke to the Gazans if they have to live through the hell of this war but Hamas will remain in power. It will be then a matter of time till the next massive war.  

Edited by Vrubel

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Just a friendly reminder: There are no winners in war. 

"Wrongness is the unsung hero of growth, for it is only by venturing into the unknown and risking error that we can expand the boundaries of our understanding and pave the way for groundbreaking insights and innovations." -Claude 3 Opus

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“Now the war is won…

how come, 

nothing tastes good?”


 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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Posted (edited)

1 hour ago, Thought Art said:

“Now the war is won…

how come, 

nothing tastes good?”


At the end of the day all there is, is a musical note. The entrance to true existence/your true nature.

Music heals all, even Gaza and their apocalypse. 


One fine morning, I'm gonna ride out
Just me and the skeleton crew
We're gonna ride out in a country kind of silence

Yea, one fine morning
Yeah, it's all coming back to me now
My apocalypse
My apocalypse

one fine morning, Bill Callahan. 


Edited by Merkabah Star

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Posted (edited)

Everyone is sharing good points from different perspectives.

It’s important to realize how relative this is. Each person will see the conflict differently. All judgement is relative to a large degree. How best to govern, how best to handle situations, is beyond my capacity to understand. But, I must be willing to understand this from the highest possible perspective over time. I don’t know how much I don’t know.  

I am attempting to perceive a super position of all possible viewpoints, opinions and perspectives. This takes not knowing, observation, multi-perspective-ism, recontextualization, understanding of bias, collective bias, survival, corruption, selfishness, social matrix, forgiveness, letting go, open mindedness, Self love etc etc 

However, I find as I contemplate my bias leans in and out. Toward one side or the other. Or this way is best it that way is best. Or this is what is happening or that is what is happening. What is true? What is best for humanity in the long term? 

I don’t know. 

Fundamentally the goal is to love mankind. That, mankind be well. That man kind be peaceful. War, is often a seed of peace. Surely, peace will come. But, the events that lead there no one knows.


It’s also challenging because I can’t tell what is fact from fiction. It’s not clear what information is correct. I have degrees of accepting. But, I don’t know. 

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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@Rafael Thundercat

11 hours ago, Rafael Thundercat said:

Second to This guy, people dont figth for food, land or resources but they figth fot stories in their minds

What do you think?


   I think he's partly right kn that senee, but it'll depend on many developmental factors, and it's relative to the situation. Hierarchy and heuristic will rearrange. For example most will prioritize the meta metanarratives indoctrinated into their minds, but of their stage beige value of hunger, thirst, lack of water, food, lack of shelter from the weather climate and elements of nature, disease, injuries, anything to threaten death to an organism it'll prioritize SURVIVAL over stories, or facts. For instance this while theead is a game of SURVIVAL of stories of one side being good/right, the other is bad and evil. Or a game of deception, denial and obfuscation of TRUTH of what's really happening before your eyes.

And Osho is right, Israel is artificially created by the west, so even of the Jewish people leave the west will make another Israel because the collective ego of the west still wants influence in that region against Russia ego and the Iran ego.

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Posted (edited)

8 hours ago, Vrubel said:

I made some edits to my previous post. Definitely worth a reread:

I would add there is a literal-without-the-hyperbolic-bullshit genocide going on in Darfur (again). But nobody cares because it's committed by Arabs against an African people. (I would like to see South Africa file a court complaint for their "brothers".) 

This major media overrepresentation for views and money overshadows the fact that of all the oppressed people in the world, Palestinians are the least so. Muslims and Arabs are in Conflict from the Western Sahara and all across to Pakistan and even the Philippines had a terrorist insurgency as of late.


I share most of your views. But I want to add that Palestinian brother people (Arabs) could do more than gaslight the rest of the world for its inaction. The Arab league is also responsible for this catastrophe. 

Edited by ArcticGong
New points added

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Shabbat Shalom from Israel 🌼


Edited by Nivsch

🇮🇱5th at Eurovision and 2nd in public vote with 'Hurricane' performance Here.

🌻Stage Yellow emerges when Green starts to have tolerance and respect to the variety of views within HIMSELF.

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1 hour ago, Raze said:


   How anyone plays denial and ignorance over these is astonishing. I wouldn't live with myself like that...

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On 3/1/2024 at 1:21 PM, zazen said:

I read some where that its not just propaganda but atrocity propaganda which is a fitting term. The lies keep piling up. 

Sadly it was very effective. Just look around and you will see most people are literally numb to the fact that there is an ongoing genocide and starvation happening to an entire civilian population yet choose to remain mentally stuck in October 7th. 

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Edited by lina

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16 hours ago, Thought Art said:

Everyone is sharing good points from different perspectives.

It’s important to realize how relative this is. Each person will see the conflict differently. All judgement is relative to a large degree. How best to govern, how best to handle situations, is beyond my capacity to understand. But, I must be willing to understand this from the highest possible perspective over time. I don’t know how much I don’t know.  

I am attempting to perceive a super position of all possible viewpoints, opinions and perspectives. This takes not knowing, observation, multi-perspective-ism, recontextualization, understanding of bias, collective bias, survival, corruption, selfishness, social matrix, forgiveness, letting go, open mindedness, Self love etc etc 

However, I find as I contemplate my bias leans in and out. Toward one side or the other. Or this way is best it that way is best. Or this is what is happening or that is what is happening. What is true? What is best for humanity in the long term? 

I don’t know. 

Fundamentally the goal is to love mankind. That, mankind be well. That man kind be peaceful. War, is often a seed of peace. Surely, peace will come. But, the events that lead there no one knows.


It’s also challenging because I can’t tell what is fact from fiction. It’s not clear what information is correct. I have degrees of accepting. But, I don’t know. 

All this sounds amazing except when it happens to you. If someone stole YOUR country. How would that make you feel? 

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Posted (edited)

@Twentyfirst Bad. It would make anyone feel bad. But, how I feel isn’t going to matter is it?

It makes me feel “bad” regardless. 

But, it’s my work to understand reality. 

Please, stop trying to shame me. It’s immature.

I am as I am relative to what is. 

To judge those who seek understanding is to doom conflict resolution.

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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Posted (edited)

On 2.3.2024 at 1:54 AM, Vrubel said:

@Nivsch For those who are decent, open and have a sense of truth our posts hit like bricks of solid insight. 

(Not talking about the people hellbound on their narrow narrative and crusade of willful ignorance, demonization and self-defeatism.)   

+1 ❤

Edited by Nivsch

🇮🇱5th at Eurovision and 2nd in public vote with 'Hurricane' performance Here.

🌻Stage Yellow emerges when Green starts to have tolerance and respect to the variety of views within HIMSELF.

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11 hours ago, Twentyfirst said:

All this sounds amazing except when it happens to you. If someone stole YOUR country. How would that make you feel? 

This country legitimately belongs to Arabs and Jews as one.

🇮🇱5th at Eurovision and 2nd in public vote with 'Hurricane' performance Here.

🌻Stage Yellow emerges when Green starts to have tolerance and respect to the variety of views within HIMSELF.

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