Leo Gura

New War In Israel / Gaza

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39 minutes ago, Lila9 said:

They could build a state together with the Palestinians, but they didn't agree on the most basic things and didn't share the same values, so this wasn't possible. Still isn't.

Palestinians are 20% of Israels population. Pro-Israeli's talk about how they have a great life and no apartheid within Israel so how are you guys able to live side by side there? Are the Palestinians in West Bank and Gaza a different type of Palestinian.

I struggle to see how this all ends. A issue with the two state solution is that from the West Bank there is a direct sight of Tel Aviv and Ben Gurion airport - the elevated position and proximity means direct attacks and snipers are within range. I can understand why Israel would be hesitant about this, especially after bringing so much bad blood between them and Palestinians. Then you have settlers already placed in West Bank who are more extreme and armed now which makes them impossible to move.

Then with Gaza it has been made uninhabitable and is still 'too risky' for Israeli residents to be living near such a place in Israel's eyes. So the two state solution the world is calling for seems difficult to achieve and something that Israel won't even allow. What you will effectively have is a militarily controlled land where Palestinians live but who aren't part of Israeli democracy - that is basically occupation and apartheid, similar to what is already the situation but without Hamas and with military check points within Gaza similar to West Bank.

Edited by zazen

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The elderly woman speaks the true about Hamas and the Al Jazeera Journalist tries to twist her words:


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40 minutes ago, Nivsch said:

They are an independent state in Gaza and under the PLO in West bank.

A state has its own laws, capital, border air and sea control, airports and ports, sovereignty in the fullest sense including to its own resources (water in West Bank and Gas off of Gaza). Why would the PLO who run their own 'independent state' allow settlement expansion?

Palestinians may be governed under the pinky finger of Hamas and the PLO but both occupied territories are under the thumb of Israel, and the thumb is more dominant than the pinky - there's a reason people play thumb wars.

If a jail guard exits a jail cell but still has the keys to that jail cell, is the prisoner really free or is he still occupied and controlled but this time from the outside.

Edited by zazen

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I think the 2nd video you posted was more credible than the 1st one. The body language of the older woman was genuine, but I wasn't feeling that first guy.

Thanks for posting.

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9 minutes ago, zazen said:

A state has its own laws, capital, border air and sea control, airports and ports, sovereignty in the fullest sense including to its own resources (water in West Bank and Gas off of Gaza).

Palestinians may be governed under the pinky finger of Hamas and the PLO but both occupied territories are under the thumb of Israel and the thumb is more dominant than the pinky - there's a reason people play thumb wars.

This is their problem after all the suicide bombing they did and when a terror organization is in charge there, they cant expect maritime and air ways. Gaza shares border with egypt too.

Edited by Nivsch

🌻Stage Yellow emerges when Green starts to have tolerance and respect to the variety of views within HIMSELF.

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59 minutes ago, Lila9 said:

IDF confirmed that they are looking for Israelies corpses in those cemeteries. People Hamas kidnapped and killed in captivity, their bodies should to be returned to their families in Israel. Don't worry, they will put everything in place, if that's bothering you.


The CNN report would indicate that the damage is terminally significant, to the extent that many are completely destroyed.

I admire your optimism, but find it hard to imagine the IDF having the time or will to rebuild any of these cemeteries.

Besides, as the highlighted passage from the study showed, none of the Palestinian cemeteries from the Nakba were ever restored...


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12 minutes ago, Nivsch said:

This is their problem after all the suicide bombing they did and when a terror organization is in charge there, they cant expect maritime and air ways. Gaza shares border with egypt too.

   Is it always their problem, and never Israel's fault?

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@Danioover9000 This is always the result of a positive feedback between the two sides, but they didn't let Israel any choice but to not let them this physical accesses, and they are the ones who refused to any proposal to an independent state and chose terror.


Edited by Nivsch

🌻Stage Yellow emerges when Green starts to have tolerance and respect to the variety of views within HIMSELF.

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Owen Jones and Alex de Waal

Analysis of the use of starvation as a weapon and the imminent starvation crisis in Gaza.

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15 minutes ago, zazen said:

Palestinians are 20% of Israels population. Pro-Israeli's talk about how they have a great life and no apartheid within Israel so how are you guys able to live side by side there? Are the Palestinians in West Bank and Gaza a different type of Palestinian.

I struggle to see how this all ends. A issue with the two state solution is that from the West Bank there is a direct sight of Tel Aviv and Ben Gurion airport - the elevated position and proximity means direct attacks and snipers are within range. I can understand why Israel would be hesitant about this, especially after bringing so much bad blood between them and Palestinians. Then you have settlers already placed in West Bank who are more extreme and armed now which makes them impossible to move.

Then with Gaza it has been made uninhabitable and is still 'too risky' for Israeli residents to be living near such a place in Israel's eyes. So the two state solution the world is calling for seems difficult to achieve and something that Israel won't even allow. What you will effectively have is a militarily controlled land where Palestinians live but who aren't part of Israeli democracy - that is basically occupation and apartheid, similar to what is already the situation but without Hamas and with military check points within Gaza similar to West Bank.

Israeli Arabs are moderate. There are radicals but not enough to create big mess inside Israel.

Palestinians in WB and Gaza are more radical and it is not a good fit with the Jews radicals in Israel.

Both Muslims and Jews are not conscious enough to have a state which is equally Muslim and Jewish, both have different values and belief systems. Israel and Palestine should agree on basic values and things to coexist in one state, in reality, they are very far from agreement.

In general, both Israelies and Palestinians are traumatized from each other so living face to face is not a good idea.

Why not live under Palestinians? Reality proves that it's not safe for Jews to live under Muslim government, even if it's not that religious. And there are barely any Jews in Muslim countries (except Azarbajan which supports Israel).

While the opposite, Muslims under a Jewish goverment, proves itself safe, Muslims thrive in Israel, especially the Muslim women.

There are literally queer Muslims in TLV, who feel safer among Jews in TLV rather than among Muslims in their birth village, that alone says a lot. 

Two state solution could be good if they proved themselves safe and not wanting to destroy Israel.

It's up to them to show they invest their money to develop themselves rather than in weapons to destroy Israel. Otherwise, Israel would do everything to secure itself from them.

Iran is threatening to destroy Israel for years, they are funding Hamas. 

What could grantee that they will not attack Israel once they gain a state, what could grantee they stop hate us once they get a state if their real goal is to destroy us completely.


Netanyahu in the UN about Iran's threats-


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The Saudi price says about Iran's leader Khamenei: "He wants to expend, he wants to create his own project in the ME, very much like Hitler who wanted to expend at that time".


Edited by Lila9

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Second to this list


There are many Terrorist Organizations around the world. HAMAS Included.

I will use one example of a small terrorist organization to set my point. The Comando Vermelho in Brasil, a criminal militia that trives in drugs and much more. 

So, how logical would be entering the favela and killing the people living there just because the Terrorists live there? Noy every one in the favela agree with Comando Vermelho. For sure the villagers need to keep themselfs quiet about the terrorist activites around them since their ass are on the line. But is senseless to destroy the whole favela, kids, girls...with the justifocation that is being for the good of all. 

So, what point ISRAEL have in destroying innocents using HaMas as a scapegoat?

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2 hours ago, Nivsch said:

They are an independent state in Gaza and under the PLO in West bank.

Did not know that the biggest open air prison in the world called Gaza, where nobody can go in and out and is heavily controlled by Israel is a "state".


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3 minutes ago, Rafael Thundercat said:

Second to this list


There are many Terrorist Organizations around the world. HAMAS Included.

I will use one example of a small terrorist organization to set my point. The Comando Vermelho in Brasil, a criminal militia that trives in drugs and much more. 

So, how logical would be entering the favela and killing the people living there just because the Terrorists live there? Noy every one in the favela agree with Comando Vermelho. For sure the villagers need to keep themselfs quiet about the terrorist activites around them since their ass are on the line. But is senseless to destroy the whole favela, kids, girls...with the justifocation that is being for the good of all. 

So, what point ISRAEL have in destroying innocents using HaMas as a scapegoat?


It's a very good question, and really is central to the issue in play.

At it's core, Israel has a constitution that revolves around ethnicity, rather than a constitution that revolves around principles (as in for example the principle-led US constitution).

Or in other words Israel is an artificially created ethno-state, aka The Jewish State.

The problem is that within the context of the land that Israel wants for itself as an ethnostate, there are simply too many Palestinian Arabs in the area.

This is known as the demographic problem.

Simply put, if there was a one-state solution and Arabs and Jews lived side by side under the same democratic framework, you would have an Arab majority population that would most likely vote for an Arab majority government. And so the artificial Jewish ethnostate would be no more.

Up until recently Israel has got around this by rounding up a critical number of Arabs and maintaining their population in territories, that Israel like to pretend is divorced from Israel (in order to deny them the vote) but in actuality is defacto controlled by the Israeli military.

Most recently however, Israel has gone full Zionist Nazi and is now trying to push the entire 2.1 million Arab Palestinians out of Gaza as a kind of final solution.

The Israel vs Hamas war is just a convenient cover story in order to do this.

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One of the bad things about being telepathic is feeling people's suffering.

One of the good things about being telepathic is that I can feel @Lila9 already feverishly typing a response to the above.

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United Nations Security Council 9834th meeting starts in 10 minutes regarding Israel / Palestine Crisis.

These livestreams are always worth watching and IMO are full of really useful information.

It also gives a sense of the positions of other countries, seen through a lens devoid of media manipulation.

Livestreams begins:-

2pm ET

8pm CET

(In 10 minutes)

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A Q&A by the Brother of Gabor Mate with two Israeli guys who have the courage to speak againt their own Contry. Very Interesting to see the dialoge. There is a point one of them say: If my physical life is in risk I leae Israel, obvious, but see that in the end of the day we are all materialists, physicalists. Lets adimit, even Leo, we just want to live one more day.



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