
I want to start posting more

14 posts in this topic

I have been lurking this forum since mid 2020 really and signed up on this account a few months ago. I mainly came here after discovering that Truth exists. No an awakening or anything, but just a YouTube video that really hit home for me that Truth cannot not exist. I mainly stay on the spirituality forums but thought it was more appropriate to put this here. Sorry if this is still the wrong place. 

I mainly just read threads, I only have two threads myself and never respond to any threads due to me not being “awake” or having a no dual experience I feel as if I don’t know enough to contribute. 

I recently signed up for therapy and have my first appointment this week, figure I should start working on some things I’m not so good at - the biggest thing would be communication and patience. I don’t want to be medicated though as when I was on Prozac it did absolutely nothing for me but make my anxiety worse. That’s actually gone away a lot now through my own self doing. 

I don’t have time to invest time into really doing mushrooms and lsd to really be on a track to how Leo teaches either, as my entire days are filled with stimulation and doing things for others: I rarely have free time. Even this thread is cut short due to being interrupted 

I want to start posting more, I feel maybe it would be good to start commenting on threads in some way.

Edited by Selfnaught

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Wooo, wanting to post more basically
I relate :)
Good luck


I believe in the religion of Love
Whatever direction its caravans may take,
For love is my religion and my faith.

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Hi, welcome

Have you watched many of Leo's videos? I myself used to just be a bystander for about 2yrs before I made my first post a few months ago, even though I basically have seen every one of Leo's videos, especially the ones within the last 5yrs. Don't be shy about posting, you might learn a thing or two and we could probably also learn from you. The people here are very sweet, they just get angry from time to time, you can also join in on that too, as long as you keep it respectful. 

As you can see, this forum is very versatile and has many topics to choose from. You don't have to be "awake" to post interesting topics, just as long as you're not asleep. Have fun.

Know thyself....

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Same honestly.

I feel this tendency to “keep things to oneself” can be a form of wisdom in some way. Instead of just posting every other thing in your mind without letting it “mature” or something.?

I feel like I have 1000 things I could say and write about but it all just marinates in my mind and doesn’t get out. But honestly I don’t see the point in posting for the sake of posting I like it to have a purpose. Will I or someone else benefit from this? If not then it’s not necessary 

I wonder sometimes. People who are just lurking but rarely write, maybe don’t even have an account, some of them would probably have the most profound, interesting things to say. I’m curious, where are they hiding, what are they doing and thinking haha

and honestly no need to be intimidated by a lot of these posters. They might not be all that you think ?but I relate I can be too sometimes


AND  not everyone does psychedelics and that is fine and does not mean per automatic one is “behind”

AND yea commenting is a good place to start imo :) 

Edited by Sugarcoat

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4 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

Hi, welcome

Have you watched many of Leo's videos? I myself used to just be a bystander for about 2yrs before I made my first post a few months ago, even though I basically have seen every one of Leo's videos, especially the ones within the last 5yrs. Don't be shy about posting, you might learn a thing or two and we could probably also learn from you. The people here are very sweet, they just get angry from time to time, you can also join in on that too, as long as you keep it respectful. 

As you can see, this forum is very versatile and has many topics to choose from. You don't have to be "awake" to post interesting topics, just as long as you're not asleep. Have fun.

I used to watch Leo’s videos back in 20/21 all the time but while on a factory line, so I only got to take in little of the information of what he was actually saying. Believe it or not, I had more time at a factory then I do now. The video that helped me the most was his video on what is actual. The last video I watched of his was about 6 months ago or more now and I remember him saying that if you’re not doing psychedelics be prepared for him to leave you in the dust. 
I’ll comment more on this forum when time allows, giving my thoughts and making sure it can make sense. I also may give details of personal stuff about my story this far via threads and see how that goes. Thank you for your welcoming.


4 hours ago, Sugarcoat said:

Same honestly.

I feel this tendency to “keep things to oneself” can be a form of wisdom in some way. Instead of just posting every other thing in your mind without letting it “mature” or something.?

I feel like I have 1000 things I could say and write about but it all just marinates in my mind and doesn’t get out. But honestly I don’t see the point in posting for the sake of posting I like it to have a purpose. Will I or someone else benefit from this? If not then it’s not necessary 

I wonder sometimes. People who are just lurking but rarely write, maybe don’t even have an account, some of them would probably have the most profound, interesting things to say. I’m curious, where are they hiding, what are they doing and thinking haha

and honestly no need to be intimidated by a lot of these posters. They might not be all that you think ?but I relate I can be too sometimes


AND  not everyone does psychedelics and that is fine and does not mean per automatic one is “behind”

AND yea commenting is a good place to start imo :) 

I feel that, I just don’t want to post anything or lead anyone down a certain way without knowing anything myself. Especially mainly staying in the enlightenment sub forum, commenting seems silly when I’ve never even had a no dual experience. I may not know anything more than I do now even after the experience 

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6 hours ago, Selfnaught said:

I mainly just read threads, I only have two threads myself and never respond to any threads due to me not being “awake” or having a no dual experience I feel as if I don’t know enough to contribute.

None of us are AWAKE, so feel free to respond to as many threads as you’d like! :)

I AM nutz

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28 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

None of us are AWAKE, so feel free to respond to as many threads as you’d like! :)

The energy we need ????

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Just be open-minded and you will have your spiritual breakthroughs eventually

You are at the right place.

In some way, the relative way, time is your most important resource. So use it wisely.

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Create a habit. Know your trigger: time/activity/location. Put a reminder. Start by responding to threads. Writing, and doing the best. This forum is a good place to connect, learn, and inspiration. Do it consistently if you think is good.

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16 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

Hi, welcome

Have you watched many of Leo's videos? I myself used to just be a bystander for about 2yrs before I made my first post a few months ago, even though I basically have seen every one of Leo's videos, especially the ones within the last 5yrs. Don't be shy about posting, you might learn a thing or two and we could probably also learn from you. The people here are very sweet, they just get angry from time to time, you can also join in on that too, as long as you keep it respectful. 

As you can see, this forum is very versatile and has many topics to choose from. You don't have to be "awake" to post interesting topics, just as long as you're not asleep. Have fun.

You're a sweet angel. I just love your posts. 

My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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1 hour ago, Enlightement said:

You're a sweet angel. I just love your posts. 

Thank you

Know thyself....

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18 hours ago, Selfnaught said:

I have been lurking this forum since mid 2020 really and signed up on this account a few months ago. I mainly came here after discovering that Truth exists. No an awakening or anything, but just a YouTube video that really hit home for me that Truth cannot not exist. I mainly stay on the spirituality forums but thought it was more appropriate to put this here. Sorry if this is still the wrong place. 

I mainly just read threads, I only have two threads myself and never respond to any threads due to me not being “awake” or having a no dual experience I feel as if I don’t know enough to contribute. 

I recently signed up for therapy and have my first appointment this week, figure I should start working on some things I’m not so good at - the biggest thing would be communication and patience. I don’t want to be medicated though as when I was on Prozac it did absolutely nothing for me but make my anxiety worse. That’s actually gone away a lot now through my own self doing. 

I don’t have time to invest time into really doing mushrooms and lsd to really be on a track to how Leo teaches either, as my entire days are filled with stimulation and doing things for others: I rarely have free time. Even this thread is cut short due to being interrupted 

I want to start posting more, I feel maybe it would be good to start commenting on threads in some way.

@Selfnaught I say go for it dude!



There is no failure, only feedback

Do what works

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Funny I started having the same inclination building up inside me recently too.

I need a place to channel my deep natural tendency to think and contemplate.

I do a lot of journaling / writing down but I think it would be lovely to also get outside perspectives to my thinking.

But this place is like perfect for it! I get to help people, while getting helped myself. Awesome!

Just need to be vary of some of the limits and the negative stuff (this place still probably has the least of them out of all places), which are part of the game.

Looking forward to getting to know ya’ll better!

Much love.

Edited by Migue Lonas

Connect with me on Instagram:

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On 24/07/2023 at 0:53 PM, Selfnaught said:

I have been lurking this forum since mid 2020 really and signed up on this account a few months ago. I mainly came here after discovering that Truth exists. No an awakening or anything, but just a YouTube video that really hit home for me that Truth cannot not exist. I mainly stay on the spirituality forums but thought it was more appropriate to put this here. Sorry if this is still the wrong place. 

I mainly just read threads, I only have two threads myself and never respond to any threads due to me not being “awake” or having a no dual experience I feel as if I don’t know enough to contribute. 

I recently signed up for therapy and have my first appointment this week, figure I should start working on some things I’m not so good at - the biggest thing would be communication and patience. I don’t want to be medicated though as when I was on Prozac it did absolutely nothing for me but make my anxiety worse. That’s actually gone away a lot now through my own self doing. 

I don’t have time to invest time into really doing mushrooms and lsd to really be on a track to how Leo teaches either, as my entire days are filled with stimulation and doing things for others: I rarely have free time. Even this thread is cut short due to being interrupted 

I want to start posting more, I feel maybe it would be good to start commenting on threads in some way.

   Best wah to start is to start a journal here. Or when you're browsing to the other forums, if you find an interesting topic you want to comment, then post. If you come across any higb quality videos then do make a thread in the right sub forum.

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