
What is causing the teen mental health crisis?

71 posts in this topic

8 hours ago, spiritual memes said:

There's less stigma for mental health issues for liberals and girls so they may just be reporting it more.

That’s a possibility too

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7 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:


   However, the greater factor here is the design of Tik Tok being the maximum attention holding app in existence, designed to hijack one's reptilian brain, making them spend more time in Tik Tok, without in app time clock to keep track of time, full screen shorts very easy scroll ups, and an algorithm that hyper tailors content watched based on time spent watching and clicking, auto correcting image profile A.I that increases self consciousness and Narcissism, and the ADD/ADHD negative effects of prolonged watching, are dangerous. Preexisting factors of a person like their value systems, cognitive and moral development, personality type and traits and personality traits developed with internet use, states of being, life experiences and other lines of development, and ideology indoctrinated into your mind, all these factors get amplified by Tik Tok especially, never mind other social media sites out there. Regardless of your political views, you could be a white supremist/Nazi girl/guy, or a Marxist, or socialist, or progressive, or conservative, or liberal, or libertarian, no matter, Tik Tok will serve more content that matches your biases and preferences so well that it knows more about you, than what you know about yourself. Tik and overuse of social media are factors that multiply any hidden preexisting factors.

Yes, I agree with all that. My point is that it wouldn’t necessarily explain the discrepancy between liberal girls and other demographics as it pertains to depression.

My thought is that Tik Tok and social media use would be equivalent across teen demographics 

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

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16 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:

A whole generation of young, Millenials and Zoomers, getting mind raped by social media, not a promising future.



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6 hours ago, mr_engineer said:

Redpill spaces talk about some brutal truths about women and dating.


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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

I don't see any trends in our culture that would solve these problems. Our culture is still degrading. As you can see with the popularity of people like Tate.

I see it a bit like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly. It’s order-chaos-order again 

The caterpillar was like traditional conservative values. Stage Blue. Things had an order to them that people could understand and follow.

And then the cocoon phase is the phase we’re in now. This is where the regenerative chaos comes in coupled with degenerative chaos.

In the cocoon, the caterpillar totally deconstructs and dissolves into a chaotic primordial goo.

This is what the individualistic nature of Stage Orange and the post-modern nature of Stage Green is meant to do to old traditions surrounding the pre-industrial agrarian ethos. It’s meant to deconstruct them and take them apart.

And then, from the chaotic primordial goo, the butterfly starts to develop and gestate in Stage Green.

And a new and more complex order emerges eventually from the cocoon… probably in later intonations of Green.

But to hasten this process, those who have already oriented to the new order because of their own independent consciousness work practice, must find ways to help people who are in the primordial goo of chaos by giving them something ordered to move toward. 

Unfortunately, the only ones who are currently helping people out of the primordial goo of chaos are the ones who are advocating for us to go back to the caterpillar phase. This is Jordan Peterson in a nutshell. It’s why he’s so popular because he gives an antidote to chaos (unfortunately one that won’t work because you can’t resurrect the caterpillar from the goo).

But we need to give people a vision for what the new order of the butterfly looks like.

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

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These things are bound to happen because, presently in our society, the focus on materialism and the outside world is the focus.  We will be lucky as a whole to see the tide shift into the inner world in the next 20-30 years.  

The marketing dollars being spent are designed to keep people distracted, and deep down inside, it's what people want the most, that's why it is given to them.  


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6 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:


   What are your criticisms of the bro-culture and PUA?

   Why do you hold no loyalty to any movement?

   Or, is your criticisms of stage green being harsher, is a way of trolling stage green's emotional sensitivity? Since you are part of the trolling movement right?

Stage Green also trolls the emotional sensitivity of the lower stages. Nothing new there. The difference is that they should know better, cuz they're sensitive themselves. 

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9 hours ago, Hardkill said:


I didn't say all conservatives around the world are toxic.

It is also true that left-wing ideologies such as communism/socialism have indeed backfired terribly.

I actually have a lot of respect for moderate conservatives and I don't know what most in countries like the UK are like, but unfortunately most conservatives in America have been brainwashed by MAGA.

Some Conservative values are still good to have, but I was pointing out all of the atrocities that have occurred because of many toxic forms of conservatism 


   Okay, sure. I took it, even though you didn't explicitly say it, that you implied all conservatives are evil, otherwise why bring up multiple historical points? What was the point and build up for, sequencing negative event by negative event by the conservatives?

   I'd agree with you a bit the yes the alt right is toxic and alt left too. The historical atrocities, from what I can tell, where when the alt right saw opportunities in chaotic shifts in the political climate or power. WW1 started because Austria's emperor got assassinated, and the neighboring countries with different alliances saw opportunity to grab more power if they can. The outcome of WW1 is that Germany lost, and the sad thing is that the president at that time in America, thought over how to deal with Germany in a fair way. That president died of his illness before he could guide the negotiation table, leaving Germany's fate to the western allies, which dealt it a severe hand and crippled it's economy, which gave more opportunities for it's alt right groups to seize power and promise the German people that they would restore Germany to it's glory days. Extremely hard to not empathize and understand just how bad the economic situation Germany was under.

   Basically, it's just a tragic chain of events that leads to the creation of bigger and more evil in the future. 

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On 3/5/2023 at 4:20 AM, Leo Gura said:

So many people live such shallow lives, without any sense of life purpose or philosophical depth. Of course you will be depressed that way.

What do most teens live for? Games? Porn? Parties? Sex? Online content? Likes? Approval from friends?

All of that is trash.

Adding onto that:

I believe that a significant number of individuals resort to a perpetual dopamine-seeking behavior as a coping mechanism due to their dissatisfaction with the lives they have unintentionally built for themselves. It's an endless cycle that people can't see out of because in their reality there IS no alternative to this constant chasing of the next hit. There is nothing else. Living a shallow life for so long that it's not even a possibility in their mind that there exists an alternative way of being. 

I forgive my past, I release the future, and I honor how I feel in the present. 

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