
How do I date and do 'pickup' (by pickup I mean cold approach) in university?

15 posts in this topic

How do I date and do 'pickup' (by 'pickup' I mean cold approach, what Leo teaches in his dating series) in university? Basically, like I explained in my previous post, I do 1 hour cold approach session around university, after lecture, every single day I go there (basically, 5x a week). I have done that for 7 times already, including one 2 hour & 30 minutes session. 

Basically, what I am doing is walking around university buildings (university I am in has several buildings, like 5-6 buildings + another university is located close to it) and when I see girl which is either sitting or standing alone, I go ahead and approach. I got so many questions about what I am doing by doing this that it is hard to kind of explain. The questions which arose for me after I did this consistently for this week was that: 

  • Basically, If I go there and do 1 hour approach session after a lecture, would I not technically meet same girls over and over again?

Another question which arose is 'How one is supposed date and do what Leo says in his series in university'. Question which came across in my mind was  'Is what I am doing actually correct way? (P.S. I learned everything I know from dating, from Leo's series on it, I know this is correct for a nighclub or a bar but for question is university) (P.S. Leo's series about dating is extremely powerful, amazing, life-changing without it I don't know where would I be at this point) 

Another thing I came across is that, I cannot approach and talk with girls during the lecture because that is against the rules. Next question I got is: Girls I would actually invite on a date i.e. like are often times in groups with other girls, not standing or sitting alone (This ties back to my previous post), but honestly I am ain't sure about that, maybe that is my bias. Another question which came to mind is that: When I do this 1 hour cold approach session around university, eventually I am going to come across same women and they gonna realize that I am basically doing cold approach session like this around university, over and over again and that technically should get me into trouble (by trouble I mean, that would be a turn off, because I will come out as needy), I am not sure about that as well.

If you read everything until this point, you probably understand that I am confused. So, what to do?

  • How do I date in university? 
  • How does what Leo says in his series apply to university dating?
  • Is cold approach suited for university and when studying in university?
  • Is what I am doing correct, or basically I am the only dumbass who does this, and I basically did not understand what Leo talked about in his series and I need to stop?

Honestly, I can write more and ask more questions but scope of this post came to be long like the previous one, and I don't want to write another post since that would be like me spamming actualized forum. Spamming of course deserves a ban. I don't want to get banned from here because this forum is really helpful...:D:D:D

Thanks everyone, sorry if this is too long...

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Is lion a lion if he's in a zoo,park or urban city or safari?

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57 minutes ago, Rasheed said:

cold approach suited for university and when studying in university?

Not really unless you wanna be known as the guy trying to pick up girls. Pickup doesn’t work in a community type setting, only in an anonymous setting. 
why not just make friends and attend parties? 

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3 hours ago, Rasheed said:
  • Is cold approach suited for university and when studying in university?

Not really the best way to get laid in college consistently is through night game no doubt, another way is through school clubs and other social events.

Sarging day game approaches are not the best use of your time as that time should be spent building a social circle of quality people that can give you access to events or parties. 

Another method you should incorporate is online dating even though it gets a bad rep on here. Get one of your friends to take quality pictures of you touch them up a bit and create online profiles. I had one when in college and second to night game it's where i got the most women and i wouldn't consider myself incredibly attractive.

3 hours ago, Rasheed said:

When I do this 1 hour cold approach session around university, eventually I am going to come across same women and they gonna realize that I am basically doing cold approach session like this around university, over and over again

Again be careful about sarging on a campus I had a friend in a pickup forum who received a warning letter from his university because apparently a few women reported him for sexual harassment. Another also went semi viral on tiktok because someone made a compilation of him approaching multiple women and added one of those texts to speech edits that made him look creepy asf. Im not saying this is necessarily going to happen but its just unneeded risk considering the low amount of benefits you get.

If there's anywhere id suggest doing daygame approaches it would be at college events on campus where it makes sense to be social and go up to many people  

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23 minutes ago, petar8p said:

This is a third same topic this month..

Cos it’s the time of year when everyone is going to uni

And I responded to your (OPs) other thread before I saw this. But the jist is that cold approach during the day at uni is silly. Start going out and going to uni parties. Build up a social life at uni.

Edited by something_else

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put your thumb through your zipper and jump out from behind corners in the quad pretending its your dick. works everytime 

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17 hours ago, something_else said:

Cos it’s the time of year when everyone is going to uni

Yeah but the point is to see whether there was something similar before you posted right? 

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Start by approaching girls at a mall or shopping center so you have more leeway.

You also want to do most of your early practice sets at night in bars and clubs. Around a university there will be bars and clubs where all the girls go to party every Fri/Sat. Go there and do your practice.

On a college campus during the day your approaches must be more calibrated and subtle so you don't come off as a creepy approach machine.

Edited by Leo Gura

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Why don't you approach girls from your classes, I mean after the class? This is how all guys do it.

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“In my own bed, with a belly full of wine and a maiden’s mouth around my cock, at the age of eighty,” he replied.

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Thanks everyone for feedback

45 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Start by approaching girls at a mall or shopping center so you have more leeway.

You also want to do most of your early practice sets at night in bars and clubs. Around a university there will be bars and clubs where all the girls go to party every Fri/Sat. Go there and do your practice.

On a college campus during the day your approaches must be more calibrated and subtle so you don't come off as a creepy approach machine.

I think I came out as that 'creepy approach machine', actually it happened that I approached one girl and after I talked for her for and got her Instagram, I approached another one, she saw it and I think that actually turned her off, cause I come out as that robot-approach machine...or maybe it is me projecting but I think, it has something to do with that as well. s

So that means I should not practice cold approach around university buildings, for day game: mall, for night game: bars and clubs...

Another question I had was: In your series Leo you said to approach 20 women per week, in order to do that this week, I approached lot of women I did not really felt attracted you, so my question was: What do you mean by approaching 20 women and should I also approach girls I am not really into...

Truth be told, I think you talked about this point in your series and if that's the case sorry, I probably need to rewatch that series again because I only listened to it in its entirety just once. 

23 hours ago, NoSelfSelf said:

Is lion a lion if he's in a zoo,park or urban city or safari?

I did not get what you mean to be honest...

Edited by Rasheed

Digital Minimalism: A philosophy of technology use in which you focus your online time on a small number of carefully selected and optimized activities that strongly support things you value, and then happily miss out on everything else.” - Cal Newport

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@Rasheed Trying to say that lion or game doesnt really change by the enviroment 

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28 minutes ago, NoSelfSelf said:

@Rasheed Trying to say that lion or game doesnt really change by the enviroment 

I get what you are saying but most people here won't agree with you on that point. Day game approach is good in malls, not in college campus like I concluded from what I have read here + what @Bando and @something_else said...What do you think? 

Digital Minimalism: A philosophy of technology use in which you focus your online time on a small number of carefully selected and optimized activities that strongly support things you value, and then happily miss out on everything else.” - Cal Newport

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@Rasheed its all compensation looks money  etc. You either have game or dont doesnt matter if you are on moon jupiter or saturn if there are aliens invading or eclipse is coming for 30 days straight like in that movie...

Its you thats the problem not situation

Its like saying its great to run with kids then ill be the fastest so dont run with adults they will crush you...its you who doesnt know how to run...

Many guys look to get laid and put pussy on a pedestal(not the skill) so its better when its night and shes horny yeah she wanted to have sex you didnt do anything and then that same guy will say look i slept with her i have all the skill  in the world ?

Mybe they are vampires so its pointless to do daygame ?



Who teaches us whats real and how to laugh at lies? Who decides why we live and what we'll die to defend?Who chain us? And who holds the Key that can set us free? 

It's you.

You have all the weapons you need 

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