
Why is mental illness trendy with teenagers?

34 posts in this topic

There's plenty of data to show that has connected the rise of social media and apps like tumblr, tiktok etc... with major increase in mental health issues reported in schools. Social media has successfully brainwashed a generation into believing they have depression, anxiety disorders and gender dysphoria. Mass Munchhausen syndrome

What's the solution?

Before anyone mentions social media campaigns. They don't work, "spreading awareness" typically amounts to fuck all and I pin the rise of teenage mental health issues on social media. So using social media to fix the problem is pouring gasoline on a fire. Also the "end the stigma" campaigns are stupid, crazy people can fuck up your life to it's natural to avoid them. "End the stigma" idea are a result of soccer moms and university students that are detached from any real mental health crisis. 

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Maybe because social media has helped create awareness and reduce the stigma around mental illness and has caused mentally ill people to open up about their problems more frequently. 

It gives off the illusion that mental illness is on the rise. 

At the same time, you can always see that people are too much into video games and other stuff and human relationships are in limbo, it's a worldwide phenomenon where the quality of human connection is rapidly declining, Narcissism is on the rise and as a result people are slowly developing symptoms of mental illness, this is no surprise considering the shitty nature of human relationships right now. 

Although social media should have ironically helped people come together it is sadly doing the opposite and turning people into isolated islands 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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Text below taken from another forum thread on zoomers -

Anyone work with kids / teens here?

I do and the kids are NOT alright.

-near zero problem solving skills

-boys have almost no drive to do anything, like 40 year old coach potatoes

who gave up on life but as teens

-nurse friend said she's never seen this many young boys with ED, and retired

nurses told her it was nearly unheard of before, suspects it's far more but

most don't know because they haven't had sex yet

-everything is phones. Nonstop all the time.

-feels like half the girls on are medication for depression / anxiety and the other half need to be. ER physician friend

says he feels like teen girls admitted for large cuts has tripled

-elementary schoolers horrified to not cover their face and shriek at each to keep away, some don't give a shit

-generation cheats more than I've ever seen

-extremely toxic communication. Constant virtue signaling, social media mobbing, "calling out" each other for stupid

shit like microaggressions

-a ton of them, mostly girls identify as bisexual or non-binary or some shit, multiple trans identifiers some getting


-boys are too afraid to express themselves on anything remotely controversial because the girls will mob them, just stay


-constant panicking over newest social media trend

-little ambition, many convinced the world is ending by the time they are adults

-openly bash the founding fathers, constitution, don't believe in free speech because it's not inclusive, literally hate


-girls openly saying they will make a only fans when they are old enough, discussing sex work, also say they hate men

-boys with zero plan, seems they just want to make the least amount possible to afford food and video games

-very low attention span, few girls read for fun, no boys do

-another doctor friend said patients got mad at young volunteers and interns because they kept asking for pronouns

-stunningly fragile, snap over the slightest thing, girls constantly offended

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24 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

Maybe because social media has helped create awareness and reduce the stigma around mental illness and has caused mentally ill people to open up about their problems more frequently. 

I don't think it helps people to open up about their problems it's more so makes it trendy and you a delicate snowflake to have a mental health problem and to broadcast that to other people.

25 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

It gives off the illusion that mental illness is on the rise.

No it objectively is. Far more children and teenagers are depressed, anxious, on prescription medications, admitted to mental hospitals and commit suicide. 

26 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

At the same time, you can always see that people are too much into video games and other stuff and human relationships are in limbo, it's a worldwide phenomenon where the quality of human connection is rapidly declining, Narcissism is on the rise and as a result people are slowly developing symptoms of mental illness, this is no surprise considering the shitty nature of human relationships right now. 

Which all adds to create an environment where the typical zoomer is mentally ill. Also NPD is definitely on the rise and gen z is going to be a generation of sociopaths.

27 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

Although social media should have ironically helped people come together it is sadly doing the opposite and turning people into isolated islands 


mental health society.jpg

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5 minutes ago, bloomer said:

Text below taken from another forum thread on zoomers -

Anyone work with kids / teens here?

I do and the kids are NOT alright.

-near zero problem solving skills

-boys have almost no drive to do anything, like 40 year old coach potatoes

who gave up on life but as teens

-nurse friend said she's never seen this many young boys with ED, and retired

nurses told her it was nearly unheard of before, suspects it's far more but

most don't know because they haven't had sex yet

-everything is phones. Nonstop all the time.

-feels like half the girls on are medication for depression / anxiety and the other half need to be. ER physician friend

says he feels like teen girls admitted for large cuts has tripled

-elementary schoolers horrified to not cover their face and shriek at each to keep away, some don't give a shit

-generation cheats more than I've ever seen

-extremely toxic communication. Constant virtue signaling, social media mobbing, "calling out" each other for stupid

shit like microaggressions

-a ton of them, mostly girls identify as bisexual or non-binary or some shit, multiple trans identifiers some getting


-boys are too afraid to express themselves on anything remotely controversial because the girls will mob them, just stay


-constant panicking over newest social media trend

-little ambition, many convinced the world is ending by the time they are adults

-openly bash the founding fathers, constitution, don't believe in free speech because it's not inclusive, literally hate


-girls openly saying they will make a only fans when they are old enough, discussing sex work, also say they hate men

-boys with zero plan, seems they just want to make the least amount possible to afford food and video games

-very low attention span, few girls read for fun, no boys do

-another doctor friend said patients got mad at young volunteers and interns because they kept asking for pronouns

-stunningly fragile, snap over the slightest thing, girls constantly offended

Maybe all of this is because most of these children have been emotionally neglected by their parents in their early stages. 

Have you done research into how a fucked up childhood can turn kids into unstable adults? 

I exhibit a range of stuff that you have described above. I show extreme fragility and emotional instability. 

But much of my behavior is directly linked to not getting enough love or attention from super busy parents, bad parenting, too much emotional neglect and lack of friends in school. Also abusive boyfriends. 

Maybe whatever you are seeing is a symptom of a larger problem that is never addressed at its root. 

I would have never turned into a Hyper fragile sjw fucked up adult if I at least received a decent treatment as a child growing up. 

And this whole trend of mistreating and neglecting children during their core periods of growing up is not an isolated phenomenon. Mild child abuse has become very normal where parents are busy in their own lives and routinely neglect children who then get bullied in their classrooms. 

If something is happening on a broad scale, it's a symptom of a larger and deeper problem that is going unnoticed. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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7 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

Maybe all of this is because most of these children have been emotionally neglected by their parents in their early stages. 

And previous generations haven't been emotionally neglected? Also if that is the case why are gen z and a being so much more emotionally neglected than any other previous generation?

8 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

Have you done research into how a fucked up childhood can turn kids into unstable adults? 

A bit.

8 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

I exhibit a range of stuff that you have described above. I show extreme fragility and emotional instability. 

But much of my behavior is directly linked to not getting enough love or attention from super busy parents, bad parenting, too much emotional neglect and lack of friends in school. Also abusive boyfriends. 

Sounds like bpd and you can blame others for your own actions and behavior but at the end of the day your choices are down to you. Sorry about the abusive parents.

9 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

Maybe whatever you are seeing is a symptom of a larger problem that is never addressed at its root. 

What's the root?


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Almost every kid has a Phone. Instagram, TikTok, and stuff like that make depressed teenagers.

They see "models" with fake lips and firm asses. Then they compare themselves to those.

That's not the only reason but it's valid.

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2 minutes ago, D2sage said:

That's not the only reason but it's valid.


It breeds a culture of narcissism where you see the people who are most popular and get the most attention and likes all are these vapid models which you could never be and everyone is chasing after them and wanting to be them. So you either have to compete in that landscape or resign yourself to social exclusion. Competing is miserable as well as resignation. 

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More mental health awareness = More mental health detection = Higher reported rates of mental health issues.


There is no failure, only feedback

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Society is a mental illness. With special effect when its environmental conditions force emotional distress in those with vulnerabilities. 

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1 hour ago, Preety_India said:

But much of my behavior is directly linked to not getting enough love or attention from super busy parents, bad parenting, too much emotional neglect and lack of friends in school. Also abusive boyfriends. 

I would have never turned into a Hyper fragile sjw fucked up adult if I at least received a decent treatment as a child growing up. 

How do you know this is true? Let go of your past, you are reborn every single moment. You don't need spend your time now to think about the bad things that happened in the past. You are here and now, you're alive. Feel your inner body, feel your breath!  Eckhart Tolle talks about for example how people who are depressed often have suffered in their childhood in various ways(bad parenting, emotional neglect, lack of friends, abusive boyfriends) and how they get stuck in that story. Yes, all of those things are unfortunate and I'm sorry you had to go through that. But isn't it that thinking about those things now simply justify how you're feeling and makes you believe that you're supposed to be unhappy, because you got a problematic past that has caused you emotional damage? But how do you actually know that is true, it is just a belief(thoughts), isn't it, hello :D?  

If you spend the now thinking about the bad things in the past you miss the goodness you have NOW. The Now is what will free you from your past.

"When you let go of who you are you become who you might be" - Rumi

Edited by Asayake

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1 minute ago, Asayake said:

How do you know this is true? Let go of your past, you are reborn every single moment. You don't need spend your time now to think about the bad things that happened in the past. You are here and now, you're alive. Feel your inner body, feel your breath!  Eckhart Tolle talks about for example how people who are depressed often have suffered in their childhood in various ways(bad parenting, emotional neglect, lack of friends, abusive boyfriends). Yes, all of those things are unfortunate and I'm sorry you had to go through that. But isn't it that thinking about those things now simply justify how you're feeling and makes you believe that you're supposed to be unhappy, because you got a problematic past that has caused you emotional damage? But how do you actually know that is true, it is just a belief(thoughts), isn't it, hello :D?  

If you spend the now thinking about the bad things in the past you miss the goodness you have NOW. The Now is what will free you from your past.


11 minutes ago, AtheisticNonduality said:

Society is a mental illness. With special effect when its environmental conditions force emotional distress in those with vulnerabilities. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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There are many reasons for this.

Spriritually bankrupt society;   Really bad food;   Shitty values;   Awful education system;   It's good for business to have a mentally ill society;  ...

The core problem is just lack of Love and Truth


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Social media is probably only the top of the iceberg when it comes to mental illness. A modern society typically aim for efficency in terms of material goods. And for the matertial goods to have a value and usability, there needs to be living people buying what is produced inorder to keep up the rising production and material wealth going up.

For the most ambitious and money hungry individuals, the humans themselves are merely a by-product that needs to be kept alive and fostered into finding meaning in the products, prior to finding value in eachother. In this way, big companys can speed up the efficency and steadiness of production by selling your human value back to you as long as you can afford it.

Every youth have an increasing price to pay, because they where born to late to keep up with the curent competition.

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35 minutes ago, Ulax said:

More mental health awareness = More mental health detection = Higher reported rates of mental health issues.

Bigger emphases on mental health = status for being mentally ill and hard done by = more people wanting to be mental ill = Munchhausen syndrome + actual mental illness created = Higher reported rates of mental health issues 

because more people are actually mentally ill. What did you think happened before when less people committed suicide? That they just weren't talked about and their deaths buried. 


32 minutes ago, AtheisticNonduality said:

Society is a mental illness. With special effect when its environmental conditions force emotional distress in those with vulnerabilities. 


The concept of "mental health" in our society is defined largely by the extent to which an individual behaves in accord with the needs of the system and does so without showing signs of stress.

Quote by bad man ^

@Christoph Werner

17 minutes ago, Christoph Werner said:

The core problem is just lack of Love and Truth

That's the core problem of everything.

But good points you brought up.

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I don't meet mentally healthy  adults that often as well

also this world probably needs WW3 or something similar to feel alive again

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Just now, T_i_m said:

also this world probably needs WW3 or something similar to feel alive again

Yes that will solve all our problems 


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