Leo Gura

The 5-MeO-DMT Mega-Thread

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4 hours ago, RedLine said:

Hi, I have a question:

How do I know if my 5 Meo DMT is HCL or freebase?


The HCL version (the salt) is soluble in warm water whereas the freebase is not.

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On 7/31/2020 at 1:03 PM, Tarzan said:

@outlandish Have you got more experience? What is the correct way to insufflate? Is it more unreliable than I presumed it to be?

7.5 mg freebase, 3 drops of dilute vinegar, some water and baking soda. I insufflated from a syringe about 0.1 mL rather strongly. I lied down almost immediately, didn't massage my nose at all. Noticed mild burning sensations in the back of my nasal cavity although it didn't drip down my throat. I mean I did get noticeable effects, the dosage wasn't that big, it seems my technique was ok? I will do 15 mg next time though, probably use some coconut cream to see if it alleviates the burn more-so.

Here's my technique:

Before sniffing it I set up a "launch pad" on the ground where I can lie down and ride the intense part of the trip. I prepare a flat area, with some pillows to support my next shoulders so that my head can tilt back comfortably without straining my neck. This tilt prevents the post-nasal drip, and also I find that the posture "opens up" my chest/heart which is conducive to the letting go/opening up experience of 5-MeO-DMT. I make sure there is a blanket ready in case I get jittery, and a cloth in case I want to cover my eyes. I make sure the lights are low, and that the house is calm and quiet.

Next step is to clear out the nasal passages if I'm at all stuffy or dry. Blow my nose, sniff some water and blow it out. Neti-pot would probably be a good idea, but I've never tried that.

I then prep the 5-MeO-DMT by first carefully weighing out my dose, and then chop it up with a razor blade until it's an ultra fine powder. My product is a bit grainy, like little grains of sand, so it needs to be made more fine to make it easy to snort and absorb. So I chop chop chop for quite a long time until it's a uniformly fine powder, like icing sugar or baby powder. 

Then I cut it into 2 rails, and use a straw (use a 1/2 or 1/3 cut section of a plastic straw) to very carefully sniff the powder into my nasal passages. This is the trickiest part that take a little practice to get just right. You want to place the straw at the back of your nose so that you bypass the part that boogers collect in, you're trying to get it into your mucous membranes in your nasal passages. But you can't sniff it too hard or it gets way in the back and then it can drip out the back. So you sniff *just barely* hard enough to get it in there, no harder. Your nasal passages are a shockingly huge cavity in your head so there's actually quite a bit of room for the powder in there, but it's easy to over-sniff. One rail up each nostril.

At that point, I retire to the "launch pad" and calmly await the effects, with my head tilted back to prevent that post-nasal drip. Avoid the temptation to snort and swallow because that will just cause the 5-MeO-DMT to go down into your stomach where it will be pretty much inert.

I just lie there in this modified shivasana, meditating. The 5-MeO-DMT can sting or burn a little bit. I don't find it too bad personally, but I can see why it's a turn off for a lot of people. I find it gets pretty irrelevant once the experience develops, but it's possible that it is making a more challenging backdrop for the whole thing. 

Usually some time in (the timing of this varies greatly - I've had it happen I think 10mins in, and 1hr in) I find my heart will start racing and a very powerful thrilling feeling occurs, which could be interpreted as fear. Release into this, allow it to develop and go where it will. I'll stop here because I don't want to condition your experience, but my main piece of advice is that when that heart race and thrill comes on, that's part of the ride. Try to allow and accept it whole-heartedly the way you might accept and embrace a wave if you've ever surfed, or decide to fully go with the flow when you take a jump on your bike, or open up to your crush. Go deep, find the bottom of the experience, without resistance. Let.

That's my method in a nutshell. 

One note is that I don't find the burn gets worse from 10mg up to 22mg, it just burns the same. Maybe at 22mg it burns almost less because the experience is so much more powerful, it makes you forget there is any burning sensation going on.

I'm very curious about using water as a solvent and buffering the solution like you describe @Tarzan, I haven't tried that.

I think going up to 15mg is a good next step. Keep us posted here.

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@outlandish woah thanks for your detailed mannual. I am stuck at low dose 5 meo and am too fearful of ego death ( never had one) to go higher than 7 to 10 mg hcl plugged. On low dose most time there happens almost nothing but every second time I get this heart race and thrill what you describe for one to three minutes. what will exactly happen if I accept it fully and go deeper into this thrill? As I said I have big fear to realize something shocking so I always cannot relax fully into the experience

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31 minutes ago, OBEler said:

@outlandish woah thanks for your detailed mannual. I am stuck at low dose 5 meo and am too fearful of ego death ( never had one) to go higher than 7 to 10 mg hcl plugged. On low dose most time there happens almost nothing but every second time I get this heart race and thrill what you describe for one to three minutes. what will exactly happen if I accept it fully and go deeper into this thrill? As I said I have big fear to realize something shocking so I always cannot relax fully into the experience

Maybe you can't relax if you are alone, with anyone taking care of may be you could release easier. I had this fear too. to go more far I smoked a low dose, enough to see fractals and feel the fear of the ego. A while after my ego was like in anestesia so i dare to smoke the bigger dose. Maybe it doesn't work inhalating because it takes more time

Edited by cobalto

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1 hour ago, OBEler said:

what will exactly happen if I accept it fully and go deeper into this thrill? As I said I have big fear to realize something shocking so I always cannot relax fully into the experience

It's not really something to try to describe or explain. I mean I could try to explain what has happened for me, but that would just be feeding you a story that you would compare to, which would distract you from having your own raw experience. Anyways, it would just be words that try to categorize something outside of category anyways, so it would fail and be a joke at best.

What I will tell you is that you don't have to be afraid, nothing bad will happen! You can go for it :)

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@outlandish Can I just go back to normal life again? Or when this event will happen, I will remember this for the rest of my life until I die, seeing reality broken? like how the magic trick works? I will lose my previous life which I like somehow right now

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9 minutes ago, OBEler said:

@outlandish Can I just go back to normal life again? Or when this event will happen, I will remember this for the rest of my life until I die, seeing reality broken? like how the magic trick works? I will lose my previous life which I like somehow right now

It depends. Oroc did and his life experienced a dramatic change. I think the change is always to better. I experienced a dramatic change. I was materialistic and I had fear to get sick, old, anything...after that I had 90% less fear, and my mind is 80% in the spiritual. I'm not sure if the last effect is good or bad but it is

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Well, @OBEler, that's entirely up to you. For me, my life is exactly the same as it was before, but with a subtle but profoundly different core understanding of reality. The game itself hasn't changed one bit. And most of the time I'm so swept up in the game anyways that I don't even pay any attention at all to the deeper truth of reality.

Actually, the funny thing is that if anything, these experiences reaffirm my earnest participation in the game. This is it, bring it on!

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@outlandish That sounds nice! I will go for it anyway,  Right now I will explore this fear a little bit more. Maybe also reducing my ego with more spiritual practices

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On 8/4/2020 at 11:33 PM, outlandish said:

Here's my technique:

Before sniffing it I set up a "launch pad" on the ground where I can lie down and ride the intense part of the trip. I prepare a flat area, with some pillows to support my next shoulders so that my head can tilt back comfortably without straining my neck. This tilt prevents the post-nasal drip, and also I find that the posture "opens up" my chest/heart which is conducive to the letting go/opening up experience of 5-MeO-DMT. I make sure there is a blanket ready in case I get jittery, and a cloth in case I want to cover my eyes. I make sure the lights are low, and that the house is calm and quiet.

Next step is to clear out the nasal passages if I'm at all stuffy or dry. Blow my nose, sniff some water and blow it out. Neti-pot would probably be a good idea, but I've never tried that.

I then prep the 5-MeO-DMT by first carefully weighing out my dose, and then chop it up with a razor blade until it's an ultra fine powder. My product is a bit grainy, like little grains of sand, so it needs to be made more fine to make it easy to snort and absorb. So I chop chop chop for quite a long time until it's a uniformly fine powder, like icing sugar or baby powder. 

Then I cut it into 2 rails, and use a straw (use a 1/2 or 1/3 cut section of a plastic straw) to very carefully sniff the powder into my nasal passages. This is the trickiest part that take a little practice to get just right. You want to place the straw at the back of your nose so that you bypass the part that boogers collect in, you're trying to get it into your mucous membranes in your nasal passages. But you can't sniff it too hard or it gets way in the back and then it can drip out the back. So you sniff *just barely* hard enough to get it in there, no harder. Your nasal passages are a shockingly huge cavity in your head so there's actually quite a bit of room for the powder in there, but it's easy to over-sniff. One rail up each nostril.

At that point, I retire to the "launch pad" and calmly await the effects, with my head tilted back to prevent that post-nasal drip. Avoid the temptation to snort and swallow because that will just cause the 5-MeO-DMT to go down into your stomach where it will be pretty much inert.

I just lie there in this modified shivasana, meditating. The 5-MeO-DMT can sting or burn a little bit. I don't find it too bad personally, but I can see why it's a turn off for a lot of people. I find it gets pretty irrelevant once the experience develops, but it's possible that it is making a more challenging backdrop for the whole thing. 

Usually some time in (the timing of this varies greatly - I've had it happen I think 10mins in, and 1hr in) I find my heart will start racing and a very powerful thrilling feeling occurs, which could be interpreted as fear. Release into this, allow it to develop and go where it will. I'll stop here because I don't want to condition your experience, but my main piece of advice is that when that heart race and thrill comes on, that's part of the ride. Try to allow and accept it whole-heartedly the way you might accept and embrace a wave if you've ever surfed, or decide to fully go with the flow when you take a jump on your bike, or open up to your crush. Go deep, find the bottom of the experience, without resistance. Let.

That's my method in a nutshell. 

One note is that I don't find the burn gets worse from 10mg up to 22mg, it just burns the same. Maybe at 22mg it burns almost less because the experience is so much more powerful, it makes you forget there is any burning sensation going on.

I'm very curious about using water as a solvent and buffering the solution like you describe @Tarzan, I haven't tried that.

I think going up to 15mg is a good next step. Keep us posted here.

@outlandish  niceeeeee



@OBEler hey man, don't forget Leo says there is a threshold where the ego struggles most...and that it's not at high doses but at low doses. I know that every time I do around 15mg (smoked) all I experience is pure Bliss heaven realms. But recently I smoked an estimated 7mg and I...kinda freaked out. I really like outlandish's post there about how he relaxed and doesn't jitter. I note I took from the 7mg trip was not to sit up and try to think and move around too much. I have a feeling that pushing through the "low dose" threshold area can actually reduce fear. Pushing through and leaning in ♥️

I've also found that different batches of 5meo can perform slightly differently. No doubt it can vary slightly in potency also. I've got another different batch of 5meo coming in soon...going to compare the two. I'm also going to try plugging with good pharmaceutical grade, soluble 5meo soon enough. Very excited

Edited by Aaron p

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On 5/8/2020 at 11:23 PM, OBEler said:

@outlandish That sounds nice! I will go for it anyway,  Right now I will explore this fear a little bit more. Maybe also reducing my ego with more spiritual practice

On 5/8/2020 at 11:23 PM, OBEler said:

Just jump. and you're going to reduce your ego a lot. At the end you are going to do, so soon is better than late

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On 04/08/2020 at 11:33 PM, outlandish said:


Usually some time in (the timing of this varies greatly - I've had it happen I think 10mins in, and 1hr in) I find my heart will start racing and a very powerful thrilling feeling occurs, which could be interpreted as fear.

I question this. For an insufflated compound to make its effects known after an hour (if that is what is meant by the above) is questionable. An hour after snorting 5 MeO DMT the bells and whistles have abated.

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6 hours ago, Corpus said:

I question this. For an insufflated compound to make its effects known after an hour (if that is what is meant by the above) is questionable. An hour after snorting 5 MeO DMT the bells and whistles have abated.

I mean the timing for when the steep acceleration phase approaching breakthrough happens. It's not a fully predictable, causative thing because it interplays so much with mental factors, and physical factors complicate it too.

I remember being very surprised with it happened around the 1hr mark during one session, because I hadn't taken it too many times at that point, and had read that it should peak around 1/2hr, and be going back down to baseline by 1hr. I remember taking a peek at the clock around 45min and feeling pretty ok with "well that was interesting, but it didn't really go off". I think dropping my expectations had something to do with setting the mental stage.

OTOH it's very possible that it was purely down to physical causes. Something could have been going on in my nasal passages that caused the absorption to be slowed, maybe I was stuffed up, or dry and the 5-MeO-DMT had collected into a dry ball that didn't absorb properly for a while. 

Psychedelics are highly variable and dependent on so many factors. My point in mentioning this is don't expect clockwork, because it's not.

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@outlandish, @Leo Gura

Well damn :D, 15 mg was intense indeed. I prepared it using a few drops of dilute vinegar and coconut water. I tried dilute vinegar or dilut baking soda on their own and for me vinegar was actually very mild. Baking soda doesn't seem pleasant. I think just dilute vinegar and water work just fine to dissolve and shouldn't give much discomfort.

I insufflated 0,5 mL solution with needleless syringe, seated, although I think I should've lied down. I lied down, head upside down and massaged my nostrils. I had a sitter by my side just in case. He measured time and told me that it took just 3 mins for the rollercoaster to start, I was basically orgasming for 15 mins straight. Basically no resistance whatsoever, it was amazing. After that I was still in the experience, but it was lighter, and I could walk around like a maniac, it was hard to sit still as I just couldn't believe what was happening. It took like 30 mins to return to baseline, I was communicating with my sitter kind of like documenting what it was like. All in all, it was very positive and I seem to handle 5MeO extremely well, I suppose the return to baseline felt a bit weird. This was intense, but I feel like I didn't go deep enough. I feel fatigued but I don't feel any resistance right now to return to it. I think I'm going to explore higher dosages.

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I finally got my hands on some 5meo. It almost look like brown sugar, but a little bit lighter in color. Is that to be expected?

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1 hour ago, ivory said:

I finally got my hands on some 5meo. It almost look like brown sugar, but a little bit lighter in color. Is that to be expected?

It's not ideal, but that can still be within normal range.

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24 minutes ago, ivory said:

@Leo Gura That's not good to hear. Is it a matter of purity?

The whiter the purer.

But texture also varies, and texture is not necessarily a matter of purity.

I prefer fine dry powder. Sometimes it comes in a clumpy sticky brown sugar like texture. Which still works fine, but not as good for micro-scooping.

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13 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

The whiter the purer.

But texture also varies, and texture is not necessarily a matter of purity.

I prefer fine dry powder. Sometimes it comes in a clumpy sticky brown sugar like texture. Which still works fine, but not as good for micro-scooping.

Freebase 5 MeO DMT is not white, typically. Visual assessments of purity on the basis of whiteness should be dismissed as utterly unreliable. Any substance sold under false pretences could be as white as the driven snow and not even psycho-active. The proof of the pudding is always in the sensible approach to "tasting". 

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@Tarzan wow that's a super fast onset, really interesting. Sounds like you're ready to bump the dose up.

Have a good trip :D

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