
How Do You Avoid A Mediocre Life?

10 posts in this topic

Of late, it seems that the society we live in is almost automated like a highly efficent machine. Almost a slot machine as such that it is rigged against you, as you insert more money into it, the owners of the slot machine get richer and richer, while the player loses all his money and then goes off to work to get more money to play the put more money into this slot machine, and this person feels like it has to play this game or he will end up miserable.

Let me brake the system down to how basics. Here is the mediocre life

1.You are born into the world.

2. You are named, you identify yourself as this name that has been given to you.

3 . You begin to grasp an understanding of the world which you beleive is true, you are easily influenced

4. You are taken to a Pre-School where you interact with others like you.

5. Parents discpline you.

6.You start asking questions lots of them, we are given answers to them which we beleive without qestioning.

7. Our emotions conflict with what we have been taught.

8 . We are sent to Primary/Elementry school where we are discplined even more, where we are forced to attend by law or heavy punishment will occur.You learn to fear authority and acceptance of it.

9.Tests are introduced to us, you are tested constantly.

10.You are taken to secondary school/ high school which you a forced to attend by law.

Here you are discplined and taught at a higher standard and higher exspectations

You begin to question the system,you are quickly told you are wrong by everyone surrounding you and made beleive that you are is whata wrong.

You are tested heavily and throughly and a huge emphasis on grades,you are punished if you receive bad grades, both by parents and school staff.

11. You finish your examinations thats get you "Points" which can get you into colleges and get certain courses in that college. 

12. You get into a college  and take a course you are interested in, or family members advised you to take.

13.You may or may not get a degree.

14. A job fair is hosted all sorta of corpartions a recruiting and they are lookimg for specfic kind people with certain skill sets.


15. You are employed you start your job,you have mixed feelings about your job you work for years to earn enough money to do what you desire.

16. You proabably have fallen in love and have a spouse/girlfriend/wife.

17 . You buy a mortgage for your house.

18 .You have children.

19 . You work, work,work to pay off mortgage

20 . Your kids to school, you tell the that their schooldays are the best days of there lives. You wan them to be better then  yourslef seeing you are miserable/ mediocre..

21. You kids get jobs.

22 . You retire

23. You enjoy retirement.

24. Your near death feeling unfullfilled and with regrets, without really knowing why.

25 . We die


Thats the life of the majority.

Ive noticed this , and theres something very fishy going on to say the least. And I dont like it.

Its like farming, but instead of killing the animal, they are using the animals as a labour force to make  the farmers who the animals rich pricks who do little work.

 I dont want this to be me.

I cant stop this system, so its all ready a " If you cant beat em, join em scenario" where in I cant beat the system, so to survive in the system I have to earn income which can only obtained by working with the system. ( Illegal shit will get you locked up for decades).

Its corrupt! And everyone is unconcious of it!

The thing is, How am I supposed to avoid like becoming the rest of the sheep?



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Meditate. Contemplate. Personal development.

Provide for yourself a career/business that will give you resources to do the above.

As long as you don't have children you are pretty much free to radically change your life anytime, so I would say don't have children.

In the Vast Expanse everything that arises is Lively Awakened Awareness.

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Leo's practical advice videos, Mj de Marco's Unscripted books (read either of them ) .


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8 hours ago, lisindel said:

You learn to fear authority and acceptance of it.

This is so true. I don't even view people in authority as human anymore, they're more like machines or robots that need to always be obeyed no matter what, no matter how ridiculous the rules. They are always so formal and punctual to a point of ridiculousness, as if they are a robot. Like, oh, you're 5 minutes late for class? Time to get punished. Oh, you couldn't make it today because you were sick? Time to get punished. Very Kafkaesque stuff. The one size fits all approach is very alienating, especially when you get chastised for questioning it.

Describe a thought.

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Find ways to give yourself income that's not from a typical job. Find ways to live your life the way you see fit that represents "your true self" within the limitations. More and more you will find the power is within you to do so. Dare to be different from the crowd, despite the temporary costs, gossips, demonization. If living your truths is worth everything to you you will find a way. :x 

Edited by puporing

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ❣ Warning: nobody here has reached the true God.

         ┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . ♪ 星空のディスタンス ♫┆彡 what are you dreaming today?

                           天国が来る | 私は道であり、真実であり、命であり。

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Here's my perspective atm.

Overcome your traumas.

Associate with healthy people.

Leave toxic life circumstance and people.

Make an earning doing something you like, and helps other people.

Maintain physical health.


There is no failure, only feedback

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Should you go all in at work or should you relax, take it easy since life is short anyway?

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