
Girl treated you like dogshit?

38 posts in this topic

1 hour ago, somegirl said:

What was supposed to be funny about that? ? Genuinely curious.

Those kind of stuff can actually make a girl scared, especially if she doesn't know a guy. "Who knows what kind of people there are", she would think.

Cmoooon funny as fuck ? 

May you realize you are sitting on your Inmortal Throne of Bliss, and you have no obligations of any kind but to enjoy What You Are. Shambo

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11 hours ago, somegirl said:

What was supposed to be funny about that?

Literally anything can be funny if you pull it off right. It's not really about the words, more the delivery


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15 hours ago, Hardkill said:

Ah okay, so disrespecting a girl in anyway never works and in general only say and do things that she may feel negative about but aren't that big of a deal. Even then, only do this for a small amount of time.

Look at it this way: if you are 100% honest, you are creating enough of an emotional rollercoaster to keep an emotionally healthy person interested.

Example: one day you say you like her energy. The other day she blabs on and on about the emotional problems of her friend, which you don't care about, and you tell her to cut it out because it doesn't interest you.

That's enough in my experience to keep a healthy girl interested.

If you have to play the I love you/ I hate you push-pull game, you'll attract traumatized girls and you'll be stuck in drama for however long you're with them. So it's a bad investment to overdramatize your personality.

Your honest likes and dislikes, expressed without sugar coating, create enough emotional spikes.

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11 minutes ago, Medhansh said:

Really? It's that simple?! ?


Simple but not easy.

If you can cut out all people-pleasing behavior, even the subtle stuff like allowing someone to finish their story which you are bored with, or telling her that you think something is cool whilst you should be telling her that you don't like what she just said, or allowing her to finish her sentence whilst you actually want to kiss her, or you actually want to send her home because you want to sleep, then that's enough.

Beware that this manifests throughout your entire interaction with her from the beginning.

Instead of trying to create a good vibe and being entertaining to her, you will be amusing yourself whilst constantly judging and figuring out whether she meets your standards or not.

Always be willing to walk away as soon as she does something you don't like. Be respectful but don't slip into politeness.

Edited by flowboy

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@Medhansh  Another thing you can do (when it's authentic), is when she says something negative about something you like, whether it is her criticizing Leo Gura or saying some music artist you like is lame, instead of half-heartedly agreeing or trying to find a middle ground, you just look her straight in the eyes and tell her that you actually love this X or Y. Look at her with a vibe of being fine with the awkwardness of the dissonance, and being mildly entertained at the same time.

If she backpeddles and corrects herself to agree with you, you basically already know she's yours if you want her.

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@Antor8188 I think it’s all in the approach, your attitude and demeanor. Being friendly, being kind. Being real.  Being patient. You don’t have to ask every girl for their number. It’s better to analyze the situation. Being aware, and seeing if there is a connection and a possible match. 
Being the best version of yourself. Dressing nice, taking care of yourself and your appearance, both inside and out (physically, emotionally and spiritually balanced). Treating people the way you would want to be treated. I think loving yourself and being confident is a big aspect with approaching women. You’ll feel fearless, and you won’t care about if something works out or not because you are grounded and know you are an amazing person regardless of the outcome.

Several years ago, after my dad passed away from colon cancer and my mom was single, my mom got picked up from a guy in a local grocery store. They ended up dating for six months. Do you want to know what he said to her? He sincerely asked her about salad dressing and what to use to help him lose weight. They ended up connecting really well and were talking for a few hours in the grocery store and exchanged numbers.

The thing is he sincerely asked her about salad dressing. It wasn’t some cheesy pick up line. And they ended up helping each other lose weight in their relationship together. They connected because of similar interests.


Don’t worry about the girls that snicker or give rude comments. These women are not a match and don’t waste your time with them or trying to win them over. Just like with friendship, love is the same, It’s about quality over quantity. Know your worth, know your value as a man. Know that you’re a good match for the right girl that deserves your heart. 

I want to tell you about how I met my current boyfriend and what he did to win my heart. My bf and I used to work together in a retail job at a pet store. We didn’t work in the same department but we did interact with each other every so often. He was the only person that genuinely asked me how I was doing every day. And I really liked that he generally cared about my well-being.  Every week he would help me clean this super large turtle tank. He was naturally a social butterfly and what was so interesting about him is I remember we would talk about things (and it was fun and enjoyable) even though we didn’t seem to have anything in common at the time. I remembered we would talk about alcohol and drinking, and even though I have been sober for over 4 years, the conversations were fun because I got to reminiscent about my past and tell them about the amazing shots and wine I used to drink. He wasn’t evasive. He wasn’t pushy. He was fun, friendly, happy and full of energy. It was magnetic. And even though he liked me he didn’t feel it was right to ask me out (which I didn’t know at the time). I started to look forward to these meetings with him and cleaning the turtle tank. And each time he asked things about me and how I was doing it got a little more personal each time. I remember showing him a photo of me in a swimsuit where my best friend and I had gone hiking and looking at waterfalls. He was always very smart about his responses especially the photos. He didn’t come off super flirtatious. The interest and attraction eventually grew and I pulled him aside and asked him if he wanted to meet outside of work and get coffee!  The rest is history. And we’ve been dating for almost a year and half now. 

I think the best way to meet people is by hobbies and common interests. Go to a class, go to a concert, go to a convention. Go out and do something fun! Feel the moment, and be happy and engage with women in those moments and you’ll have better responses.


Best of luck to you! 




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22 minutes ago, Medhansh said:

Damn dude. So I should be absolutely unfiltered and straightforward?

This sounds dangerous. But I will still work on it. After all, I have to increase my masculinity.

If you want to get laid and have women respect you, yes.

It's not even that extreme. It's just radically being yourself.

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22 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

I once told a girl that her friend looks like her daughter (because the friend looks like 16). The girl got so pissed off, thinking that I called her old.

Haha! I did something similar but got the opposite effect a few years ago.

I was flirting with a girl who was out with her girlfriend, so the gf got jealous pissed off cuz she wanted some flirting too. I told her something that conveyed double meaning, so she thought I was finally complimenting her along with her friend. Then I clarified that I meant the opposite of what she thought, and she got crazy she started swearing at me and pulling her gf back. I left them alone for a while, then I saw her fixing her make up. Both of them seemed interested, although for opposite reasons, but I was a beginner and didn't know how to close. I lost both of them that night. And lost a red rose to their third friend who I met initially but went behind the scenes later, but to be fair she gave me a cigarette.

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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On 2/25/2022 at 3:35 AM, flowboy said:

Example: one day you say you like her energy. The other day she blabs on and on about the emotional problems of her friend, which you don't care about, and you tell her to cut it out because it doesn't interest you.

haha dude nice. have you done this to an exclusive partner too?

Edited by John Paul

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On 2/25/2022 at 4:50 AM, flowboy said:

Always be willing to walk away as soon as she does something you don't like. Be respectful but don't slip into politeness.

so you would walk away, not tell her you don't like it?

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dude sounds like Leo is popping off in the club LOL sounds so much fun.. i don't wanna get hit in the mouth though or clawed

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On 2/23/2022 at 5:29 PM, Antor8188 said:

@Leo Gura did it ever happen when you approached a girl she gave a disgusting look and did not even talk to you properly? For example you said hi how are you and she gave a disgusting look and did not even talk? It happened to a lot of guys doing cold approaches

of course bro. there's something about your vibe.... don't let it take your self-respect away. self-respect is the thing that they're after. 

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On 25/2/2022 at 4:47 PM, flowboy said:

If you want to get laid and have women respect you, yes.

It's not even that extreme. It's just radically being yourself.

Who cares about women respecting you? As long as you respect yourself ?‍♂️

May you realize you are sitting on your Inmortal Throne of Bliss, and you have no obligations of any kind but to enjoy What You Are. Shambo

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On 24/02/2022 at 8:19 PM, Leo Gura said:

Well, I did tell her I was gonna sell her into sexual slavery. But sometimes a girl just can't take a joke ¬¬

lmao jesus christ can't believe she reported you. guess she must have had some shit going on.

Law of averages is really on full display when it comes to pickup.

One of my wingmen got slapped in the face by a random latino girl who was passing by whilst doing pickup. Some crazy shit lmao.


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Remember tho, the law of averages works both ways ;).

And, also I'd recommend seeing harsh rejections as a blessing from the girl, in some aspects. it really grounds you.


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Go on some walks along a high traffic path and say hi or wave to everyone. There are some people who are just grumpy lol. I did a few hundred runs and always said hi or waved daily. It's good practice too, because every now and then one of them will be an attractive girl. You just say hi like you would to the rest, or add a smile. I have been genuinely surprised on some of the responses I got from that. Had I followed up that could have potentially got me some dates. 

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On 24-2-2022 at 9:33 PM, Leo Gura said:

Be careful saying outlandish things to girls. They can easily get offended and take them the wrong way.

I once told a girl that her friend looks like her daughter (because the friend looks like 16). The girl got so pissed off, thinking that I called her old.

So learn to control your tongue or one day you will regret it.

So basically it is this: Just throw all logic out of the window and talk from emotion, get on her nerves but hope she is not a psycho. 

On 25-2-2022 at 1:00 AM, somegirl said:

What was supposed to be funny about that? ? Genuinely curious.

Those kind of stuff can actually make a girl scared, especially if she doesn't know a guy. "Who knows what kind of people there are", she would think.

That is true. If she doesn't know you, she will always bet against you in her judgement

Edited by StarStruck

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@StarStruck  i wouldn't hold the mindset of get on her nerves or as you become calibrated you will subconsciously get on her nerves, turn her off. but if you just have the mindset of "i'm not gonna filter anything i say or do in front of her" that's better... you will naturally get on her nerves you annoying bastard LOL

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