
First 5-meo-dmt Experience ~20mg

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So today's morning I tried to give this substance my first shot. I hadn't tried any psychedelics before.

After snorting ~20mg of the substance with a cut-up straw, I rested my head upside down for exactly 5 minutes. Then, I laid back on the couch and relaxed (body completely opened as previously suggested).

So in the first minutes, my heart rate starts increasing and I start experiencing some weird phenomena.

I started saying Oh my god outloud, followed by Oh fuck and Son of a bitch. I think this is what people refer as panic attacks. I vividly remember screaming on the top of my lungs: Oh my gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood, Oh fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. And then, Oh, oh my god. Oh my god oh my god. Son of a bitch. I was puzzled by this because I don't usually use this vocabulary. I'd put my hands in my face and then say the words Oh my god repeatedly. I also opened my mouth very wide repeatedly and throughout the entire session. It would be so wide that it would actually hurt. I remembered what Leo said and forced my body to be completely opened.

Then, some really weird stuff started happening. Between these moments of panic, I would have brief moments of total satisfaction. My faced looked exactly like this emoji - :P -  with the tongue sticking out. I also experienced moments of being the stereotypical homosexual (my voice would also change to match this persona). Notice that I was almost always saying the words Oh my god.

So this was like nothing I ever did before. It was actually not what I was expecting at all.

I'd appreciate some feedback, thanks :D


Oh boy, what a weird night. I woke up 5 times during last night's sleep. I would wake up, turn around in the bed and adjust my pillow. Then, I'd fall back asleep like immediately. This happened while I was meta-observing myself. I wouldn't actually feel like I was controlling the body, it would just move by itself but I was conscious of it. 


Edited by Afonso

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Yeah... the crazy thing is that 20mg is 1000x less significant than 30mg.

So what did you learn?

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Afonso You underestimate reality by infinity.

It's only the biggest mistake possible to make. Oh well. No biggy ;) 

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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4 hours ago, Afonso said:

I'd appreciate some feedback, thanks :D

What you described was an absolutely hilarious image, so thank you for sharing.

I think the first psychedelic experiences might be very unique in the sense that it is the ego's first exposure to being melted, or at least having the heat turned up.

Your experience reminded me of my first psychedelic experience. I took mushrooms. Enough of a dose to cause what people sometimes refer to as 'ego death' - and I remember my face going through a series of emotions super rapidly. Like extreme fear, to despair, to confusion, to joy, to wonder, to interest, to rage, etc etc. This was happening really fast, like 1-2 emotions a second as I entered these exaggerated expressions. It was happening completely spontaneously. It was as if my operating system had rebooted for the first time and the OS was scanning through the hierarchy of files. 

I will say that what you described is not too strange in the scheme of things. When the ego and emotions start to loosen up from their accustomed frame, things can seen to get very bizarre, absurd, even psychotic. This can manifest itself through thoughts and behaviors that can be seemingly completely involuntary. Expressions of the subconscious are not a subject of great concern, and it's not always going to be insightful. Can you see why I suggested to be careful to not have others around you that you don't want there? 

You may have also been temporary possessed by some kind of really gay demon. Very, very unlikely... but I thought it best mentioned for the sake of... thoroughness. 

All in all sounds like what you experienced and the mindmelting godhead infinity breakthrough that some describe have not been one in the same. Lower doses of DMT are nothing like higher doses, I can only assume that this is also true of 5meo. 

Thank you for your report, and glad you are safe and sound! 


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What happened to the sense of your body? 

If you got the shitty meo did you make sure that you cut it into a fine powder? Or is it a very fine powder already?

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11 hours ago, Psychonaut said:

What happened to the sense of your body? 

If you got the shitty meo did you make sure that you cut it into a fine powder? Or is it a very fine powder already?

In the peak of the experience, my body would move by itself. I could control it but I chose not to.

It's a very fine powder already.

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I underestimated 5-MeO


To quote you before you took it: "This is some heavy shit"

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Here is a user guide which Martin Ball sent. I know you have already taken it but still would have some good advice 



5-MeO-DMT User's Guide.pdf

Edited by Huz

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To the best of your memory, how long after insufflation did you first start to feel it, roughly when did it 'peak' and how long did the entire experience last? 

Also how did you find the snorting part? 

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@Afonso Do another 2 trips, one with 25mg and one with 27mg until you do the 30mg. And be safe. If you haven't done any other psychedelics before, of course you get hilarious panic attacks that overwhelm you. I had very panicky experiences with my first 2-3 doses as well, but I could always handle them because I knew it would come and I had transformational experiences with LSD and DMT before that. What's your goal here? Why do you go for MeO at all and not for shrooms? Do you think it'll enlighten you in 5 sessions and your through? Or it will kill off all of your social anxiety and make you a super human? Be careful with these kind of assumptions if you have 'em.

If you haven't done some deep inner work before MeO, it'll probably let loose all of the shit that is buried inside your mind and leave you with a 6 months existential crisis to purge it out. (Which of course is great, because that way you get it all out. But are you ready for that? I doubt it.)

They want reality, so I give 'em a fatal dosage.

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1 hour ago, Arman said:

To the best of your memory, how long after insufflation did you first start to feel it, roughly when did it 'peak' and how long did the entire experience last? 

Also how did you find the snorting part? 

I actually set a timer of 5 minutes after insufflation. After that, I laid back on the couch and ~10 minutes later it peak. It lasted for around another 10 minutes. The entire experience lasted for ~50 minutes.

It burned a lot. A couple minutes after insufflation, I felt a really unpleasant sensation in my nose and back of my throat. I ultimately forgot about it during the experience.


53 minutes ago, Azrael said:

@Afonso Do another 2 trips, one with 25mg and one with 27mg until you do the 30mg. And be safe. If you haven't done any other psychedelics before, of course you get hilarious panic attacks that overwhelm you. I had very panicky experiences with my first 2-3 doses as well, but I could always handle them because I knew it would come and I had transformational experiences with LSD and DMT before that. What's your goal here? Why do you go for MeO at all and not for shrooms? Do you think it'll enlighten you in 5 sessions and your through? Or it will kill off all of your social anxiety and make you a super human? Be careful with these kind of assumptions if you have 'em.

If you haven't done some deep inner work before MeO, it'll probably let loose all of the shit that is buried inside your mind and leave you with a 6 months existential crisis to purge it out. (Which of course is great, because that way you get it all out. But are you ready for that? I doubt it.)

I want to get an enlightenment experience. I knew the panic attacks would pass, so I was kind of calmed and panicking at the same time if that makes any sense. Well, I don't know if I'm ready or not but I'm down for more trips!

Edited by Afonso

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31 minutes ago, Afonso said:

I actually set a timer of 5 minutes after insufflation. After that, I laid back on the couch and ~10 minutes later it peak. It lasted for around another 10 minutes. The entire experience lasted for ~50 minutes.

It burned a lot. A couple minutes after insufflation, I felt a really unpleasant sensation in my nose and back of my throat. I ultimately forgot about it during the experience.


Thanks for sharing. 

When insufflating, don't inhale through your nostril too hard. Just very gentle like if you are smelling a flower or something. Apparently using a nasal spray before and after can help. You can also try putting a little bit of water in your palm and snorting that for mild relief, and supposedly it helps with absorption too, but I'm not sure about that. 

Edited by Arman

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How happy do you have to be if you realise you are not fearing your biggest fear right now? Instant state of bliss - less than one hit of marijuanna - because it allows me to see my real fears and realise if I am not experiencing them (in the present) I should be in a state of permanent elation. What more could one ask for. I can feel myself flowing. I love meditation. LOVE. To feel good in the body is LOVE.

Edited by Dodoster

Free yourself from attachment; Free yourself from fear; Free yourself from desire; Take deep breaths through the diaphragm and train that muscle; Meditate and meld with reality; Never skip spirit day 🙏 🤲 Don't have enemies, they are you.

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@Afonso I think i know where you got your 5-meo from, its freebase form so you will need to smoke it. i had to do about 40mg to get a breakthrough experience

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@bobbyward So you had to smoke 40mg to get a breakthrough? Or did you manage to snort 40mg? Do you know if snorting freebase is effective and you only have to increase dosages or its not possible?

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ya about 40 smoked. im not sure if snorting freebase works, i heard another guy saying he snorted freebase and felt nothing

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On 24/12/2016 at 0:17 PM, Azrael said:

If you haven't done some deep inner work before MeO, it'll probably let loose all of the shit that is buried inside your mind and leave you with a 6 months existential crisis to purge it out. (Which of course is great, because that way you get it all out. But are you ready for that? I doubt it.)

I have to strongly agree with Az here. MEO is not a magic pill without any sideeffects. The sideeffects are severe. Especially if you take too much. The shit that will come up is just baffling. It will bring everything up. Everything you have been suppressing. This has to be done gradually. Lean slightly over the edge every time. The experience should feel productive but it will always be difficult. That way you know you are making progress. Meo will not make your problems go away. It will confront you with them and you have to deal with it. It's not like an acid that washes the problems away. It is a tool that brings the issues into the light. Only when all the issues and problems have been brought into the light they can be dealt with and the healing process can begin.

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It's nice to see some proper warnings and cautionary advice coming out finally, albeit after the guy has already tried it. I think I would have been a bit peeved about the "don't forget the gay demon can interfere with you" comment only after taking it. Although I am slightly puzzled how this drug brings up or purges all the shit in your life and you are only 17. Life's got a lot of shit to throw at you after that.

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22 minutes ago, Neo said:

Although I am slightly puzzled how this drug brings up or purges all the shit in your life and you are only 17. Life's got a lot of shit to throw at you after that.

That depends doesn't it, if you understand life is but a projection in consciousness that you decide how you want to feel about then you know 'shit' to be a thought.

I think it really happens in the childhood years and then somewhat in the teenage years mostly though, where you tend to be so loyal to your environment/parents/friends/culture.

Later in life, when a girl friend leaves you or what ever it just triggers the emotional pain hurt of not being good enough you already started to belief in as a child:

There is a very clear distinction between a happy 4 year old playing and being absolutely himself as apposed to the older kids trying to look cool. 

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