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Is Strong Determination Neurotic ?

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Hey guys,

In the latest guided meditation video, the method of meditating was alot more calmer and about enjoying it. It was more about enjoying the silence meditation brings, whereas In the strong determination sitting, it's all about being still, not moving and allowing mind chatter. 

Has one technique produced different results than another ? Does the technique you use in meditation result in different outcomes ?


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YOu already enlightened, you just dont know your true self yet! 

I just wanna be annoying like this, its even offtopic. even tho enlightenment engulfs every other topic. ok move on, nothing to see here.

Free yourself from attachment; Free yourself from fear; Free yourself from desire; Take deep breaths through the diaphragm and train that muscle; Meditate and meld with reality; Never skip spirit day 🙏 🤲 Don't have enemies, they are you.

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1 hour ago, rush said:

Is Strong Determination Neurotic ?

You can go into meditation just by sitting, but then be just sitting; do not do anything else. If you can be just sitting, it becomes meditation. Be completely in the sitting; but it is difficult. 

You can sit very easily when you are doing something else but the moment you are just sitting and doing nothing, it becomes a problem. Every fiber of the body begins to move inside; every vein, every muscle, begins to move. You will begin to feel a subtle trembling; you will be aware of many points in the body of which you have never been aware before. And the more you try to just sit, the more movement you will feel inside you.

If you begin with strong determination sitting, you will feel much disturbance inside. The more you try to just sit, the more disturbance will be felt; you will become aware only of your insane mind and nothing else. It will create depression, you will feel frustrated. You will not feel blissful; rather, you will begin to feel that you are insane. And sometimes you may really go insane.

If you make a sincere effort to 'just sit,' you may really go insane. Only because people do not really try sincerely does insanity not happen more often. You may not be ready to be aware of all the insanity that is inside you; you must be allowed to get to know certain things gradually. Knowledge is not always good; it must unfold itself slowly as your capacity to absorb it grows.

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2 hours ago, rush said:

Hey guys,

In the latest guided meditation video, the method of meditating was alot more calmer and about enjoying it. It was more about enjoying the silence meditation brings, whereas In the strong determination sitting, it's all about being still, not moving and allowing mind chatter. 

Has one technique produced different results than another ? Does the technique you use in meditation result in different outcomes ?


After a while the main object of the meditation will become your pain and struggle to go on which is pretty much the point of this meditation so the mind chatter will not get a lot of attention in later stages.


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@rush Hello!  Do you have an objective in meditation?  Are you aiming to calm your mind, or to disidentify from ego, or to reach enlightenment, or something else?

The reason I ask (and I'll point out here that I am definitely not a meditation expert) is that my experience with different methods of meditation suggests that they offer different experiences, resonances, and responses in/from me.

So I find SDS incredibly powerful, but in the sense of seeing how fucking relentless ego is in terms of screaming at my body.

I find vipassina incredibly powerful, in the sense of seeing how I have no control whatsoever over my thought process.

I find embodied meditations incredibly powerful, in noting how much embodied sensory data I usually filter out.

I find breath counting incredibly powerful, in the sense that my focus drifts at the drop of a hat.

And so on.

I'm always wary about suggesting that "x technique = y result", because we're all within our own subjective experience, and I think the great thing about this work is that you get to customise it.  Which isn't actually something you read about that much.  But look at it this way: you know what you want better than anyone else here.  You know what you experience better than anyone else here.  You may look to us for suggestions or advice, but you are ultimately always making the decisions.  So take a breath and listen to what you think is best for you.  Keep exploring, keep learning, but also keep filtering through your own sense of right/wrong, helpful/un-helpful. 

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@rush There are many paths to enlightement. I think that many enlightened masters did Strong Determination Sittings. It's a great tool because pushs the envelop of your practice, forcing you develop mindfulness.

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Don't forget that seeking out pleasure is even more neurotic than seeking out pain.

The reason people train in the worst conditions is so that they can handle the entire spectrum of what life has to throw at you.

If you always train in gentle ways, your spirituality will be quite fragile.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Telepresent Hey, I guess I do have an objective of disidentifying with ego needs during meditation but I also just simply want to enjoy being. 

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Pain works so fucking good for meditation, it' almost retarted. But on the other hand 15 minutes ago I dropped into Samadhi during the end of an orgasm :P 


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14 minutes ago, rush said:

@Telepresent Hey, I guess I do have an objective of disidentifying with ego needs during meditation but I also just simply want to enjoy being. 

Cool.  Great.  (remember I am no expert)  My suggestion would be that you take several complimentary approaches.  A suggestion would be a rotating process of SDS, some kind of embodied meditation (such as vipassina), and some kind of processing (such as spiritual-autolysis or self-inquiry) which allows you to follow up on how you're feeling, and process it with regard to your life and circumstances.

We sometimes forget there's no race.  It's perfectly possible to spend a little while meditating, self-inquiring, and just working yourself out, before you bother with the bigger questions.  If that's what you want to do, do that.  Don't feel you have to jump into no-self or enlightenment just because someone else says so.  It's your life.  It's your experience.  Make it what you want.  If you want to lay in on Sundays, lay in on Sundays.  You're allowed.

Edited by Telepresent

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43 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

The reason people train in the worst conditions is so that they can handle the entire spectrum of what life has to throw at you.

I have RLS. (Restless leg syndrome). It got worse because i get it in the arms too now. If you don't know what that is, the limb gets a really weird restless feeling and than the muscles fire suddenly and the limb jerks of it's own doing.

When I'm active I don't notice it. But when I relax my body, that's when the trouble starts. Simply sitting watching TV or resting in bed at night is when it starts. So of course that effects meditation too. But I can't overcome it. I try but always give up because it's so relentless. That's my part of the spectrum to someday overcome.


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@cetus56 Next time you sit down to meditate, fully welcome the RLS, envelop it with love, and meditate the entire time on enjoying it. Focus 100% on the sensation rather than ignoring it.

If you're gonna suffer, at least try to enjoy it.

I've met people who get their teeth drilled without painkillers and enjoy it. So it's definitely doable.

An even more advanced thing to try: when the RSL is in full force, imagine that it will never ever end. Like you will live with it 24/7 for eternity. Don't let pain push you around. You're way stronger than it.

It helps a lot if you can realize that you are not a physical being. But until you have that insight, do the best to fake it till you make it.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura does that mean that strong determination sits are more applicable to dealing with the different scenarios life can throw at you, compared to just blissing out in a meditation session?

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@rush Well obviously.

Do you want a soldier trained in a muddy obstacle course or a soldier trained in the Ritz Carlton?

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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16 minutes ago, rush said:

@Leo Gura does that mean that strong determination sits are more applicable to dealing with the different scenarios life can throw at you, compared to just blissing out in a meditation session?

NO!  Fuck that shit

I don't give a shit about what Leo considers an 'appproptiately' considered the fae

Your asking means

That you need to pay attentiont to what the routines and rituals around you are

and ask why you're playing them out


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