
left on read, should I double text?

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I'm a 22 year old female, I was exchanging a few messages back and forth with this guy. the convo was going very well and flirty and sexual and then this morning I saw he read my message about 2 hours ago and hasn't respond? should I double text or just leave it? what's more attractive 

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Just leave it. Let him come to you. Maybe he's busy, or there could be a multitude of other reasons. Double texting him will just make you look like you want him more than he wants you. If he still hasn't text you back in a couple days, maybe consider giving him a text like a meme or something like that. Something that just offers value, "here check out this cool thing," rather than, "hi...please talk to me..." If he still doesn't reply at that point, just move on. 

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58 minutes ago, Elevated said:

Just leave it. Let him come to you. Maybe he's busy, or there could be a multitude of other reasons. Double texting him will just make you look like you want him more than he wants you. If he still hasn't text you back in a couple days, maybe consider giving him a text like a meme or something like that. Something that just offers value, "here check out this cool thing," rather than, "hi...please talk to me..." If he still doesn't reply at that point, just move on. 

To act like nothing has happend is stupid. He has seen his messages and didnt reply. That is disrespectful :)

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@kras Maybe he's busy, maybe he got distracted and forgot. It's only been 2 hours. I think it's extremely unreasonable to assume that someone should text you back immediately no matter what. People have lives that do not revolve around answering every text. 

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Write if you have something worth writing. Pushing someone to react isn't attractive. It doesn't matter what you do as long as your are not needy / unconscious at the moment.

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He's got game. You are in the presence of a player. Look at the emotional buttons he has already pushed on you. Enough to make a thread about it. He will reply in 4-5 hours.





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As someone who is not a phone person, maybe it's the same for him. Just wait for him to text back.

If he hasn't in a few days, maybe send a follow-up message. 

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@iceprincess I often look at a message and don't respond because I'm distracted by whatever. It doesn't even have that much to do with interest. 

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I'll go with a combination of the above responses 

? No, don't text him back, he doesn't deserve your attention if he cannot respond to it 

? He could be busy. Benefit of the doubt, but nobody is too busy . 

? 2 hours is a short time. I have sometimes waited for 2-3 days. Because sometimes life can be so full. You never know. Try to get to know their lifestyle. 

?Some people are overwhelmed by texting. They find it tiring to keep responding. They feel like keeping the other person on hold for some time till they feel sorted out in their head. 

?Distraction in social media age is so common and the common culprit behind lack of responsiveness. You can still wait. Doesn't necessarily mean he lost interest. 

? Maybe texting is not that great for him. Maybe he gets bored with it. Texting is work. 

?Like the user said above, he already seems to have great emotional control on you. It's not even started yet. You sure you want this level of influence. Could lead to unhealthy attachments quickly. 

? This - - > Write if you have something worth writing. Pushing someone to react isn't attractive. 

Don't send a trivial text. Will make you feel cheaper in his eyes. Send something worth writing and worth reading. Men are kinda objective creatures. They get miffed if they see something that doesn't provide value or doesn't resonate. 

They don't want read airy fairy stuff 

Don't send impulsive text messages. 

? Maybe he forgot? It's only 2 hours. Time is too limited to come to any conclusion. Unreasonable to think that he should text right back 

? Has he done this too many times before? This could be probably their habit. I was like this with my second ex. Too lazy to text. Too late to respond. Bad habit. 

? Relax, maybe it's not a big thing. Does he show interest in other ways? In what ways? 

?If it's 24 hours and if he doesn't text back,then send some random emoji just as a reminder that someone is waiting 

? Use a code word for both. I used the code word "hmm" to express my displeasure if I didn't receive a text back. 

He would use the same code word if he didn't receive a reply from me. 

?Set mutually agreed upon rules and timings of communication beforehand regarding texting and responding. This clears up many potential doubts and frustrations. 



Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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@iceprincess Never double text.

Some people use this as a strategy to show you that they're busy (which may or may not be true) in order to hook you (look how it worked perfectly on you).

Of course, some people may be genuinely busy at certain times, but they still can respond later if they're interested.

So, again, never double text.

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