
Everything is an illusion but Leo still tells this....pls explain

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8 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

 Of course to keep living you must keep on with the story.

But the video you are talking about is about Absolute Truth.

When doing a video of politics, is normal to use relative truths.


So now the relative truths contradict the absolute truth??  Is the absolute truth a theory or a philosophy to begin with? 

"life is not a problem to be solved ..its a mystery to be lived "


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1 minute ago, Someone here said:

So now the relative truths contradict the absolute truth??  Is the absolute truth a theory or a philosophy to begin with? 

No, not at all. That's exactly why both can exist .


May you realize you are sitting on your Inmortal Throne of Bliss, and you have no obligations of any kind but to enjoy What You Are. Shambo

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Everything is real. Unreal doesn't exist. If it did it would be real!! 

Yes I agree with that statement. With the condition that it must happen in the now.

Because now is the only thing that exists.


You can have thoughts about ancient roman time and the thoughts are real right now.

But can you directly experience ancient roman time? Can you directly experience that you in fact pressed play?


So with only the memory of it happening you would be quite unscientific to use that as a proof for something to exist. You can for sure go ahead and invent all kinds of technology to help you, video, audio, transcription. But if you look at your notes now, only the notes are real themselves. Easy to fake. I could give you a note right now which says "Universe gave Someone here 2000$" with exact time and date. 

The note is real and exists. But whatever its referring to doesnt exist.


Even the word "existence" is only a symbol we use to talk about it right now. The real deal can not be communicated.

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5 hours ago, Someone here said:

So now the relative truths contradict the absolute truth??  Is the absolute truth a theory or a philosophy to begin with? 

You are trying contend the paradox of something and nothing existing at the same time.

The “something” you believe in is the mirage of the relative human experience. The “nothing” you are struggling to contend with is consciousness - the space in which that “something” occurs.

You are trying to use the relativity of mind to understand the non-duality of existence, not going to happen. Hence, why you are straining to reconcile a past the mind believes in and how it integrates into the illusiveness of consciousness, in which ultimately no past or future exist.



Edited by Jacobsrw

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I would say: if you don't know if these things are an illusion, then don't act as if they are. Don't create an imaginary idea about what "imagination" or “illusion” means. You want to experience and verify this for yourself. This "illusion" isn't the illusion that you think it is. It's outside of your knowledge and imagination.

Anything that your mind comes up with will only be an approximation of what it is, if you're close to it at all, and therefore, won’t be it (the "illusion" that Leo is talking about).

Let's see how this trap can start: Leo says: "the world is an illusion" > You think: "Wow! the {your idea of the world} is {your idea of illusory}!" > You think: "Then why the ef would I bother doing anything if it's all just {your idea of illusion}?"

Catch yourself here.. You are using your imagination to try and "build" what "the world being an illusion" is and what it means for "you" as a separate entity to it (the world). You and the world are one and illusion is arising from that which you are.. Reality. You are the unimagined world. 

I'll try and answer your question here:

"he talks very seriously about our ancestors (which supposed to be an illusion), our history and the past (supposed to be an illusion), politics and other [stuff,] isn’t it hypocrisy?"

Leo needs to take a relative positionality to convey a concept. In Truth, the so-called "illusions" are as just as important as Truth. These illusions are from Truth. They arise in Truth, exist as Truth and die in Truth.. kinda like a big soup lol

Isn't it these "illusions" that aid in the awakening of so many beings? Don't take value away from your life. The pain of your life will urge you to awaken. How do you expect to awaken if you think that your life and everything in it is a valueless illusion? These illusions are all that we have. When you fall in love with the illusion, then you'll know that you've discovered what "illusion" is.

Peace and love dude :) 


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On 23.06.2020 at 1:00 AM, Someone here said:

If something happened and its not anymore in the now then it becomes a memory


What is a memory? Its a thought

I would challange that assumption, taken as fact. 
In my direct experience of now, even if I do not engage with thoughts completely, both past and future create present moment. 

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16 hours ago, wesyasz said:

I would challange that assumption, taken as fact. 
In my direct experience of now, even if I do not engage with thoughts completely, both past and future create present moment. 


There is only now.

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On 25.6.2020 at 10:24 AM, wesyasz said:

Yes, but something creates this now.

How in your direct experience does past and future exist?

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Definition of illusion



1. something that deceives by producing a false or misleading impression of reality.

2. the state or condition of being deceived; misapprehension.

an instance of being deceived.

3. Psychology. a perception, as of visual stimuli (optical illusion), that represents what is perceived
 in a way different from the way it is in reality.


However "Everything is an illusion" means that reality does not exist

therefore "Everything is an illusion" means "Everything is deception" 


Now we go to another similar statement  

"Everything is imaginary" 




existing only in your mind or imagination





the act or power of forming a mental image of something not present to the senses or never before wholly perceived in reality


Again "Everything is imaginary" means there is no reality because if reality existed then some things would be real and other things imaginary. 
Therefore "Everything is imaginary" means "Everything is a product of your mind"

However another concept that someone might have is
"Everything is an imaginary illusion produced by all consciousness" 

And once you realize this then you can apply it to your life 





Edited by Nak Khid

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On 28.06.2020 at 8:53 AM, universe said:

How in your direct experience does past and future exist?

In the mind, just is. How in your direct experience does the present moment exist?

Edited by wesyasz

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The way I interpret this is:

The content of your experience such as thoughts, feelings, sensations, are not grounded in anything. It is literally grounded in nothing, it came from nothing and is nothing.

If you actually stare at sensations with your awareness, the sensations is nebulous, the mind, takes the sensation and then creates an image and fit for the sensation and produce a name like "My thumb, which is then disguised as what your eyes see.

however you can reach states through psychedelics with eyes closed, where the difference between your right hand and left foot are not clear at all. All your sensations, thoughts, feelings, are one big soup with artificial distinctions, in a vast space of nothingness.


On the other hand, you are not wrong. If I am walking on a dessert and I see a mirage, mirages are illusions, but the mirage is still there when I am looking at it as an experience. 

Edited by SgtPepper

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On 6/22/2020 at 4:25 PM, marinaaniram said:

someone please explain one thing to me
in leo's enlightenment vids Leo says pretty clearly that everything that we consider Life is an illusion. Our birth, parents, routine etc is just a dream
But at the same time in some of his vids, for example, Understanding Democracy & Authoritarianism, he talks very seriously about our ancestors (which supposed to be an illusion), our history and the past (supposed to be an illusion), politics and other staff
isnt it hypocrisy? i m not enlightened (yet) but when i think that i m just imaging everything what happens on planet earth, all things seem so pointless and not worthy or even silly to talk about

"imaginary" is a relative word
It doesn't mean anything unless "reality" also exists

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On 23/06/2020 at 1:24 AM, Leo Gura said:

They happened RELATIVE to you imagining them.

So if I imagine that you are dead you will not reply? Are happening and imagination equivalent?

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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