
Is 5-MEO-DMT the most powerful tool to awaken??

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Leo was talking about another drug more powerfull, like a year ago.

What happened with it?

Also how is that you guys still cannot change the physical reality or read minds if we are inter-connected?

If I remember correctly Leo said that he could destroy the whole universe,yet he cannot change small things here.

Can someone explain please?

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In Leo's opinion yes, in the other 99% of teachers opinion (bar Martin Ball if you count him), no. 

This could be as they haven't tried it, or it could be as Psyches only produce experiences, not lasting peace and happiness. 

Maybe this will shift in the next 100 years, who knows. 

Find what works for you, and stick with it. 

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there must be thousands of 5 Meo and NN DMT masters out there since there are  people who have used them multiple times 




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I've tried dozens of different psychedelics, and 5-MeO-DMT is definitely the most direct psychedelic tool for spiritual awakening. It's still useless for that job in the wrong context though, so don't expect it to deliver on demand. It's not a mechanical response that a doctor could prescribe. It's just that, compared to other psychedelics, 5-MeO-DMT does away with all the window-dressing and goes straight to the heart of the matter when you let it.

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6 hours ago, freeman194673 said:

Leo was talking about another drug more powerfull, like a year ago.

What happened with it?

It's probably extremely hard to get your hands on and therefore not a practical tool. If nobody knows about it, then the probability that there are any chemists who have the ability to make it, sell it and profit from it is very low.

6 hours ago, freeman194673 said:

Also how is that you guys still cannot change the physical reality or read minds if we are inter-connected?

Oh, you're changing physical reality right now as we speak: you're turning oxygen and glucose into water and carbon dioxide :)

Have you ever tried reading somebody's mind?

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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The most powerful is whatever changes you the most, or allows you to realize the most growth.  I think for a novice the high psychedelics would likely scare the hell out of them and they may never use one again, so obviously no growth is achieved.  Mushrooms or LSD might be far more effective at first, and at higher dosages some may get more out of even these "classic" substances than something like DMT.

5-MeO seems to work in a specific way that makes the direct-experience realization of no-self more achievable, but as Leo has said many times as well, this doesn't happen in isolation--it is the capstone of all the work, reflection, and intent you have put into your own growth leading up to that point.

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9 hours ago, freeman194673 said:

Leo was talking about another drug more powerfull, like a year ago.



9 hours ago, freeman194673 said:

Also how is that you guys still cannot change the physical reality or read minds if we are inter-connected?


How would you know if someone did it?

9 hours ago, freeman194673 said:

If I remember correctly Leo said that he could destroy the whole universe,yet he cannot change small things here.


Didn't he as that Reality is the best possible configuration to maximize Goodness? Why would he want to change anything?

We are enslaved by anything we do not consciously see. We are freed by conscious perception.

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27 minutes ago, legendary said:


How would you know if someone did it?

Didn't he as that Reality is the best possible configuration to maximize Goodness? Why would he want to change anything?

High dosage of shrooms are too powerful. 

whatever changes dont matter. Everything is god and perfect. 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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Yes, well said @Flyboy

I have to say, I hope people don't get the wrong idea that 5-MeO-DMT is the be-all-end-all or something. It's just a very precise tool for the job, that's all. If all you ever had access to was LSD or mushrooms, that would be perfectly infinitely useful. And if you were averse to using psychedelics, or didn't have access to them, that doesn't need to be a hindrance either. They're just really good tools.

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I’ve never tried 5-meo so I can’t speak on it... but done n-DMT and it’s BY FAR the strongest substance I’ve found.

However it’s always been very hard for me to integrate what I experience on DMT back into my everyday life. And the ego backlash is typically quite severe. In fact, my most extreme DMT trip where I experienced complete ego death even caused me to be suicidal for a few days after I “came back”. 

Perhaps I’ve just not advanced really reap the rewards of DMT. Perhaps it’s too great a leap in consciousness, idk.

I have found the insights from shrooms and LSD are much easier to integrate into my every day life. Been using these substances regularly for the last few years now and they’ve facilitated pretty rapid growth.

Edited by King Merk

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