Guest Tobia

Covid19 - Fear, control, the TRUTH?

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Hey, I'm a 22 year old kid from Italy and I just signed up to this forum. Please forgive my english and spelling mistakes

I've been following Leo for many years, I love and appreciate his content very much.

However, I was kinda shocked by his posts on covid19.

I really couldn't help but wonder what good is it to seek metaphysical and universal truth if one misses a real life pivotal moment in history?

what's the point of studying conscious politics and enlightenment if one can't see the devil himself disguised as a stupid virus?

what's the point of studying fear and love if one obeys to control and power like a scared puppet?

These are not attacks, I am questioning myself too. I don't know what the truth is but I'm 100% sure it's not what the CNN anchors are telling you. I'd bet $100k on that right now.

Fear is speading more than the disease and opening the doors for the end of freedom and society as we know it. 

I don't think most people realize what is happening and how  this is not a temporary disruption of your normal life.  This is the beginning of a totally different way of life, a new normal. 

And this new normal is not going to be what you want it to be, it will bite us back in the ass in ways we can't imagine yet.

While you are basically under house arrest and given up democracy,  5g towers are being installed in the streets.  It's intensity and radiation is very likely to cause problems with guess what.. oxygen in the blood.  Interfering with the body's electromagnetic fields can potentially affect the brain and consciousness.

These are technologies that are developed for military purposes.  Videos talking about it are being BANNED. When they try to hide something and suppress speech, that's when we should get very suspicious.  I could claim that ginger cures covid19, everyone would tell me I'm an idiot but youtube wouldn't ban me!

While you are under house arrest, not exercising and never seeing a ray of sunshine, your immune system is weakening and your mind getting used to authority and control.

While you wait for going back out, Bill Gates and company are preparing the "cure". A plan which will certainly involve mass vaccination with systems to identify who has been vaccinated or not. 
Unless you'll let them inject poison and heavy metals in your veins, your freedom of movement and ability to partecipate in society will be limited.

While CNN anchors tell you to wear a mask and stay quiet, billions of people are losing their livelyhood and becoming dependent on the state.

I am not a conspiracy theorist, never been. But David Icke's interview on London Real was beyond fascinating. Even if 10% of what he says is true (I think it's more than 10%), then we are at an unprecedented crossroad. He also talks about awareness and consciousness towards the end-  
This man is not Alex Jones, this man speaks truth and the 2 hours and 100% worth listening to. Even if you don't agree.


What do you guys think?   








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I'm exactly the same. 

At first I fell for the fear and propaganda due to my Mum being vulnerable and some of my GFs family, but every day it was becoming clearer that something isn't quite right with this 'virus.' 

Now, I'm not saying people aren't dying, clearly they are, but what of and what is really going on. 

These statistics are at the minimum very interesting:

Why are more people than usual not dying, since we are in the midst of a 'Global Pandemic,' are they simply shifting the deaths to 'Covid-19' 

Like you say, life will be changed forever, it seems this is at the minimum part of some plan for further controls, like mass vaccinations and ID is a very scary thought. Imagine, oh sorry you can't leave the country unless you inject yourself with what we tell you to do, and oh you have no job, well unless you do as we say, you'll also have no UBI so no food, sorry! 

5G is another point, how will this effect our bodies and wellbeing...

Like I said, something isn't adding up and kudos for investigating further into the truth. 

If you really want to go down the Rabbit hole watch this and research Agenda 21 by the UN, it truly is sickening the amount of control they want. 


Fear will kill more people than this virus ever would, living in fear will help nobody and nothing, especially not your Immune system! 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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@Tobia "Fear is the currency of control" - David Icke

Nice post.

"God is not a conclusion, it is a sudden revelation. When you see a rose it is not that you go through a logical solipsism, 'This is a rose, and roses are beautiful, so this must be beautiful.' The moment you see it, the head stops spinning thoughts. On the contrary, your heart starts beating faster. It is something totally different from the idea of truth." -Osho

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Good on you for speaking your heart. Remain vigilant and question everything, just know that you don't actually know what this truly is. You've just chosen to believe a narrative for the time being. It's too new to definitively know one way or another. But you're right, we shouldn't flat out ignore the theory simply because "oMG cOnSPirACy tHeoRY!"

Always leave room for the unknown in your thinking ♥️

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Thanks guys :) remaining open to everything is certainly the best option.

While I don't know what the truth is, what I know for sure is that people here in Italy are not going to take this for much longer. Lockdown started on March 9th and, at this point, this is a form of collective torture. Especially for people in small apartments in cities.

Politicians make it so much worse with the "we're all in the same boat" narrative.   That is a false, disrespectful and stupid thing to say.

I experience this first-hand. Many of my friends are rightfully a bit resentful towards me.   I sit here on undeniable priviledge and wealth, in a spacious house with a gym and gated garden.   Most of my friends are imprisoned in small appartments with tiny windows in the city center.

I sit here everyday sunbathing by the pool eating takeout while a sense of guilt, shame and unfairness ruins my lunch.

We're not in the same boat, that's for sure. Most people in society are not even on a boat. They are in tiny, broken canoes and if you force them to stop in the middle of the ocean, they'll sink in a matter of weeks.

I've already paypaled some cash to at least a dozen people who literally don't have money to buy groceries because they just can't go to work. It's so heartbreaking to receive phone calls from people crying as everything has been taken away from them. These are often the hardest working people I know.


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@Tobia Where do you live? Start going out to parks and trails. Get out in nature, exercise, soak in the sunshine and breathe. They can't take that away from you. All this can be done while social distancing. 

I've been going to local and regional parks every day almost. Parking lots are closed but you find alternative parking, and the parks themselves aren't closed, you just have to social distance. 

"Started from the bottom and I just realized I'm still there since the money and the fame is an illusion" -Drake doing self-inquiry

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Coronavirus is not what will tear society apart, but inner division. 

In times like these, choose love and peace above all other options.

I am myself, heaven and hell.

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@TrynaBeTurquoise I'm in italy. Going to public spaces and parks is illegal. My friend got a 1000 euros fine for jogging in empty trail in nature. Another one got even criminal charges for taking the car and trying to get out of the city to go in nature. Police stops cars, drones spot people jogging,  other people also report you to police if they see around.

I am part of a very priviledged 0.1% who has a large garden around my house. it's a private and fenced small park and that's the ONLY legal one can take a walk or stay out in nature.
As I said above, I can't stay here and enjoy my "vacation" by the pool while all my friends are suffering in tiny apartments and can't even afford food. I cannot hide behind my own priviledge (which I haven't even earned for the most part) and forget my neighbours who are being led to bankruptcy and losing their mental health in tiny apartments without air conditioning.

very scary to see this in real time





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1 hour ago, Tobia said:

@TrynaBeTurquoise I'm in italy. Going to public spaces and parks is illegal. My friend got a 1000 euros fine for jogging in empty trail in nature. Another one got even criminal charges for taking the car and trying to get out of the city to go in nature. Police stops cars, drones spot people jogging,  other people also report you to police if they see around.

I am part of a very priviledged 0.1% who has a large garden around my house. it's a private and fenced small park and that's the ONLY legal one can take a walk or stay out in nature.
As I said above, I can't stay here and enjoy my "vacation" by the pool while all my friends are suffering in tiny apartments and can't even afford food. I cannot hide behind my own priviledge (which I haven't even earned for the most part) and forget my neighbours who are being led to bankruptcy and losing their mental health in tiny apartments without air conditioning.

very scary to see this in real time





Thats horrible I'm sorry that is going on in Italy. I wasn't even aware laws were getting that draconian around this overblown flu. 

Here in the US, its perfectly legal to go out in nature and social distance. Those laws are extremely oppressive and ridiculous. Going out into nature by yourself is your own right to get exercise sunlight and fresh air to maintain your health while not harming anyone. 

"Started from the bottom and I just realized I'm still there since the money and the fame is an illusion" -Drake doing self-inquiry

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@Tobia I feel for you, brother. You seem like a genuine and nice guy and the fact that you help you're friends in need is nothing short of admirable. I don't think you should feel bad for the fact that you have it better than most of your peers, it's just the way it is and for now you are just doing what you can, being a good citizen and obeying the rules.

For Italy as a whole, It seems like your actions are working and that the curve has started to flatten, so maybe it's just a matter of time before the goverment will start lightening the restrictions. 

Best of luck to all of you and take care!

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i think maybe people dont yet appreciate the situation well enough. its really serious. the longer the virus lasts the higher chances it will have to develop new types and these can be even more dangerous. the more it spreads the higher risk that will happen quicker because of mutation. humanity is on a sharp edge right now and the deaths will keep increasing even in larger numbers than today. india alone will have at least one million deaths in the span of two to three months sadly. and then the virus will change again and will likely re infect people who had endured the previous one. that will create a new pandemic that will likely create another and another and another. things are going to hell. i really hope that this is just a sad story but im afraid its not. stay safe guys.

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8 minutes ago, The observer said:

i think maybe people dont yet appreciate the situation well enough. its really serious. the longer the virus lasts the higher chances it will have to develop new types and these can be even more dangerous. the more it spreads the higher risk that will happen quicker because of mutation. humanity is on a sharp edge right now and the deaths will keep increasing even in larger numbers than today. india alone will have at least one million deaths in the span of two to three months sadly. and then the virus will change again and will likely re infect people who had endured the previous one. that will create a new pandemic that will likely create another and another and another. things are going to hell. i really hope that this is just a sad story but im afraid its not. stay safe guys.

The mortality rate is on par with a normal flu virus. Very few people are dying in ratio to the number of people who have Covid-19, and out of those already are old and dealing with chronic health conditions. Given the proper medical treatment, its not a deadly virus. Encourage you to watch the interview of Dr. Bruce Lipton who explains the virus. 

"Started from the bottom and I just realized I'm still there since the money and the fame is an illusion" -Drake doing self-inquiry

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30 minutes ago, TrynaBeTurquoise said:

The mortality rate is on par with a normal flu virus.

Where do you have these numbers from? I thought this had been debunked several times by the scientific community.

You guys should really, really stick to reliable, scientific resources to ensure quality of thought. And not some random people on YouTube.

I am surprised this place has suddenly become a safe haven for disinformation, speculation and conspiracy theories. @Leo Gura You should really take a look into this section of the forum.

10 hours ago, LfcCharlie4 said:

At first I fell for the fear and propaganda due to my Mum being vulnerable and some of my GFs family, but every day it was becoming clearer that something isn't quite right with this 'virus.'

So instead of actually dealing with the fear you went into denial. Good to know.

It is not without reason that they are putting entire countries under lockdown. This a massive hit to the economy and our countries are not benefitting from this at all. And yet, some people do not think it is serious. Because it's all just one big conspiracy and they know something other people don't.

Incessant freedom-seekers always get so spooked by control. It's really quite comical.

I am myself, heaven and hell.

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1 hour ago, Commodent said:

Where do you have these numbers from? I thought this had been debunked several times by the scientific community.

You guys should really, really stick to reliable, scientific resources to ensure quality of thought. And not some random people on YouTube.

I am surprised this place has suddenly become a safe haven for disinformation, speculation and conspiracy theories. @Leo Gura You should really take a look into this section of the forum.

So instead of actually dealing with the fear you went into denial. Good to know.

It is not without reason that they are putting entire countries under lockdown. This a massive hit to the economy and our countries are not benefitting from this at all. And yet, some people do not think it is serious. Because it's all just one big conspiracy and they know something other people don't.

Incessant freedom-seekers always get so spooked by control. It's really quite comical.

It is from scientific reliable sources. Its from Dr. Bruce Lipton one of the leading scientists in the world in Immunity and Epigentics.

Do some thorough research yourself before you start calling out others for things you are just making assumptions on.



"Started from the bottom and I just realized I'm still there since the money and the fame is an illusion" -Drake doing self-inquiry

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55 minutes ago, TrynaBeTurquoise said:

It is from scientific reliable sources. Its from Dr. Bruce Lipton one of the leading scientists in the world in Immunity and Epigentics.

Do some thorough research yourself before you start calling out others for things you are just making assumptions on.




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hi @TrynaBeTurquoise trust me i truly hope for this pandemic to turn out to be just a giant conspiracy because if thats so it means that its under control and the truth will shine eventually and everything will get exposed but if not then were all gonna get blatantly fucked.

the current death rate in italy is about 12% of the acknowledged cases. theres still cases which are not diagnosed yet and the flu season is not over besides the fact that research suggests that it will probably not improve with weather. i can only imagine how worse things would have been without a lockdown. also don't forget that right now there are about 100k infected people in there. studies show that about 5% of them will need icu and 15% will need hospitalization. this means about 20k beds with one quarter with icu and even some of those will die. i dont think italy has that much capacity to begin with so things are terrifying to say the least. the occurrence and death rates are already higher than ever and are more likely to keep increasing.

i really hope that this doesnt happen but unless this whole covid-19 thing goes down during april it is highly likely that by the end of the month we will be weeping tears for tens of thousands of deaths in italy alone and some other tens of thousands in new york alone.

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@Tobia i sense some panick and i also sense how influenced it seems you get by what some conspiracy theories are telling. does your nonna still live? if she does call her and if she does not think of her. there is a massive difference in standing up against a fascist regime and staying home for others so not so many people have to die. you guys just sometimes have the pinocchio syndrome – even though you are aware of it you still are one of the most amazing artists who can inflate some moskitos up to elephants – that’s why you might sometimes not understand anymore what is actually going on when its getting real earnest, because like in the peter and the wolves story you don’t know in what to believe. really do you think life after this will change – how much did it change after the second world war? can we stop always searching for bad people who are responsible please? the numbers of people dying of the virus in italy is just shocking and sad – everyone is hoping its going to end soon. they won‘t put up 5g in europe yet – the eu did not approve yet. what is the conspiracy is the conspiracy theory which your ego likes because then it can find another scapegoat for a situation no one is in a sense really responsible for but everyone is.

why do we cling to conspiracies rather than talking about refugies for example – we even deny the third world war is already happening in favor of fear and scapegoating of our countries measurements to protect the old and weak in our society. its a crazy time.

it should be a time to call out conspiracy theorists rather than to call out conspiracy. a time in calling out why health systems are not working or why international organisations are getting sabotaged. once lets rather ask who is the magician who let that elephant disappear all the years?

Edited by remember

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@remember Yes you are right, I am experiencing fear and worry. I am 1 million times more afraid of the cure than the disease.

YES, people here in Italy are dying, it's sad and serious. I'm not saying it's not happening.

Where are people dying?  In northern Italy. The most polluted and toxic region in Europe. Many people I know who live there have had chronic sinus  and lung issues for years due to air quality.  Milan has been a poisonous city to live in for many years.

I live in Tuscany, on the hills just outside a small town. We eat fresh food and breathe the cleanest air in the country.

Nobody in my town has died. Except for the people who kill themselves after going bankrupt. Except for the people who haven't seen natural light in over a month and are being eaten by depression and loneliness. Except for the people who are suddenly prisoners of a police state which doesn't let them go out in nature and breathe, doesn't let them move their body.

My nonna is alive and thriving. "I could die right now and I'd be happy woman but I'm worried for young people because this reminds me of times I would never wanna go back" she said to me.  She was born in 1931 so it's obvious what she's talking about.

Many rich italians like me are breezing through this in their villas saying exactly what you said but they better be ready because violence will happen. People can't take it anymore, that is for sure

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@Tobia yes you see i‘m here in germany, wanted to be in a vacation in italy right now to learn italian. temperature is rising and people want to go out again. even though i buy italian products right now, canned tomatoes a lot of pasta! and veggies, olive oil... i can’t help you differently - but i will also go back to italy when its possible again - within europe its for me sad that things like the brexit happen - for italy it would be problematic, too. we can’t go back to a time before europe, that’s something i‘m sure of, if that would happen it would be rather worse. i also think europe needs a democratic reformation not everyone brewing their own soup but rather the people of different countries talk together about the solution, more than every country doing their national thing. of course there are different interests. just think how air was polluted in the beginning of industrialization... and then think where do we get the energy for our industry from? its all connected - but we fail to see the connection we all want somehow to live at the sun forgetting the problems, how can that work out? it won’t by shutting  boarders - it also won’t if we ignore the concerns. no person is an island.

Edited by remember

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9 hours ago, TrynaBeTurquoise said:

It is from scientific reliable sources. Its from Dr. Bruce Lipton one of the leading scientists in the world in Immunity and Epigentics.

Do some thorough research yourself before you start calling out others for things you are just making assumptions on.



That's what I thought. You're putting all your faith in one guy on YouTube who you've told yourself is really significant. Which timestamp, by the way?

I assume this survey (and it's only one survey from one town) is what he's reffering to, which suggests a mortality rate of 0.37%. In this town they did extensive testing and out of all studies this is the lowest estimate I have seen, by far. But still, the death rate of seasonal flu is typically around 0.1%, and that is without extensive testing. So those numbers are not really comparable, and even if they were that would still indicate that COVID-19 is more than three times as deadly. So nothing suggests it's "on par with normal flu". But of course, with good research you already would have known that.

The hospitals in Northern Italy were/are massively overburdened. In Wuhan they had to build a hospital in 10 days to deal with the influx of new patients. These are not theories, these are facts. We can only speculate where we would have been today if we had done nothing.

Edited by Commodent

I am myself, heaven and hell.

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