
Transmissions and RASA as a means to facilitate awakening/ Enlightenment

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@cetus56 Lol why is that bad? This guy found something that worked for him and improved his direct experience? He shouldn't share it?

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@Raptorsin7 yes mate, honestly I don’t care what people think, I’m coming from love and just trying to help, those that don’t resonate, that’s cool I hope they find something that resonates with them, as long as they’re happy I am :) 

@cetus56 Can you explain why trying to help people is such a bad thing, honestly id love to know....


@Nahm regular meditation, Leo’s and other non dual teachers videos, as well as many books like Eckhart and Adya, basically typical seeker stuff, you could say I was very well prepared, a hardcore seeker to say the least. 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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@Raptorsin7 I'm not bumping this topic any more then it's been bumped already. As I already stated I'm leaving it to the powers to be. It's not my forum and I don't write the guidelines.

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@cetus56 You’re a mod though, and I’m just asking for what I’ve done wrong by sharing what helped me, that’s all? :) 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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Btw guys I’m not making out RASA is the only path, but one path that could help people, hence why I’m sharing :) 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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On 12/31/2019 at 10:34 AM, Inliytened1 said:

@V-8I don't think anyone is bothered by your quotes - i think the issue is that you have been asked as to whether you have had mystical, frozen, divine, non-dual states of consciousness in which your sentient being collapses into the Absolute and the you dissolves, and you have either dodged the question or said that you had not had such an awakening.

Also, by taking the words of the awakened as Truth, without your own direct experience of Truth, your posts of direct quotes come off as very ambiguous, obscure, and open to interpretation - because of your inability to add proper context due to lack of direct experience.

Hope that helps.


Quite certain that no amount of mystical or divinely conditioned experiences will ever have a Direct Experience with the Absolute.  Experience arisen through belief can only be experienced through the condition of that belief,...thus not a Direct Experience.

The question of my Direct Experiences have neither been dodged nor denied.  In fact I recall commentting on my first Unfeigned Surrender in Dec '74,...my first experience with Undivided Light.   And it was mentioned that I not only retired 9 months following that tremendum, but had at least a thousand similar direct experiences.   A more important question would be why are you and others insistent on hearing stories of direct experience?   

Yes,...I've had more Peak Experiences than the average Italian has had pizza in their life,...so what,...how does that help someone serious about the Great Juncture from sentient being to spiritual being take the leap?

Someone once said,..."Go jump off a cliff. Don’t go near the cliff and contemplate jumping off. Don’t read a book about jumping off. Don’t study the art and science of jumping off. Don’t join a support group for jumping off. Don’t write poems about jumping off. Don't cling to a parachute as you jump. Don’t kiss the ass of someone else who jumped off. Just jump."      

To be clear,...I do not use the words of the awakened as Truth, without my own direct experience of Truth.   In fact,...the words of the "awakened" that I use are always prior to experiences.  And also keep in mind,...most quotes I use are not from the "awakened,"...but applicable to my message.

For example,...T. S. Eliot was surely NOT an awakened being,...but on occasion I've used his quote, "Human kind cannot bear very much reality."  

IMO, quotations and aphorisms can serve as a mentoring device for those who venture into the liminal zone between duality’s sciential sentience and the sapiential consciousness of authentic spirituality.

But again,...as mentioned before,...using quotations are an excellent TELL of those not really interested in Truth Realization,...but rather their own glorification and status.

And to really aggravate those tethered to the Substance Levels of Spiral Dynamics,...the Spiritual Pretenders,...my last book is a Collage of quotes, with the messenger numbered instead of written out.  

"99.9% of the World's so-called wisdom, East and West, for the purposes of awakening, is about as useful as a glass of warm spit with a hair in it."  Jed McKenna

I'm only interested in the <0.1% who are actually desirous of Awakening.  

A Yellow (SD 7) who appears close the Momentous Leap said, "When you can write your biography on the size of a stamp and you still have space left over, then I would like to meet you."


"The Feminine of Duality is not a gender of Form, but the Wave of a Particle" - V Panetta

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On 12/31/2019 at 5:35 PM, V-8 said:


I once was on a bus ride and I saw a baby (not more than one or two years old) and it radiated such a consciousness that it started transmuting lingering emotional pain inside of me that I was processing that day and I actually started crying, as if the soul of the baby was saying 'c'mon Martin, you got this'.

And I was like, omg thank you Baby sensei, mighty starseed guru, your greatness and beauty are infinite master baby! :D

Edited by Martin123

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I have 2 last questions for you. 

1) Are you happy? And what is your 24/7 “Level of Conscious Awareness? 

states and experiences are great, but to me stabilisation and integration are by far the most important things :) 

2) Why did you retire 45 (technically 46 now happy new year!) years ago and what have you done since then exactly?


hope you have a great new year, and while we may disagree on a LOT on here, I know you are also The Self, and I’m only talking to me, so I wish you nothing but happiness and love :)  

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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@V-8 Are you forever going to ignore the question when I ask: 

Are you happy? 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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3 hours ago, LfcCharlie4 said:

@V-8 Are you forever going to ignore the question when I ask: 

Are you happy? 

Does one need to be happy to live the best life possible? 

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@LfcCharlie4great work mate! Thanks for sharing your experiences. 

Did you realize infinite love while meditating or was it like a big bang or what was it like? :)

Edited by Byun Sean

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@cetus56 could one not argue, the purpose of life is to be happy, come from a place of love and enjoy yourself and have fun. Of course attempting to improve humanity simultaneously, hence the coming from a place of love.

Would you really want to go through your life without being happy, and would you regard that an amazing life? 

All I know is I’ve been ridiculously depressed, and now absolutely happy and at peace, and I know which I prefer ?

So, for me, yes happiness is a key ingredient to the best life possible, and lays the foundations.


I would also add, the greatest masters have always spoken about Happiness, peace, an unbreakable silence, end of suffering etc, therefore, while truth is of course fundamental on this path, happiness and peace seems a clear part of the path. 

I may even go as far to suggest if you aren’t stabilised in absolute peace and happiness there is deeper to go. 

im not saying you’ll never have a negative emotion or thought, or never have a mood again though, of course not. 

What I am saying is recognising the absolute and living from the Self, brings “absolute” happiness and a an unbreakable silence.

Edited by LfcCharlie4

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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@Byun Sean  RASA is strange in that it doesn’t always lead to incredible peak experiences instantly, It. “Happened” several days after a session.

but, most importantly the depth and ability to transmit and “be loving” has no end whatsoever and is forever a deepening process. 

I can’t remember where I heard this but if you look at people in the world, those happiest are those who give and love the most, they receive for the sake of sharing and are always sharing everything, and spreading love etc, and as a result are in tune with the natural ways of the universe and desire. 

Today, many people receive for the sake of themselves alone, and this of course isn’t the same thing. 

I got a bit side tracked, but my point is there is no end to the deepening and spreading of infinite love on a relative level, and it doesn’t mean you have to dedicate your life feeding homeless people, but can be in the simplest of things :) 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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I think if your main goal is help people. Then spend more time being strategic about how you relay your message. Like maybe write a post about common pitfalls seekers fall into and how RASA and 1-1 coaching is useful to address those problems. Meet people where they're at.

The common pitfalls seekers fall into can pretty much be boiled down to one thing: fear, in its various shapes, forms and disguises.

If something is psychologically threatening to you, it's good to examine it, because it is showing you where the ego contraction is taking place and where there is an opportunity to let go -- surrender -- instead.

I'm not saying this blithely, I have complete compassion for how hard this is as I went through it for a long time.

Nevertheless, at every step on the journey this is the fundamental choice in play: clinging, defensiveness, contraction or surrender, relinquishment, letting go.

I know that RASA is a fantastic tool for enlightenment, probably the best there is, but I also know that it is part of the paradox of enlightenment, which is like the "when the student is ready, the teacher will appear" saying.

In essence, when the seeker is ready, the means will appear.  Either something is on your radar as a possibility or it isn't.

So I'm fairly equanimous as far as RASA is concerned -- all those who are ready will find a way to it.

Everything happens as it must.  It's all beautiful.


Edited by Haumea2018

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Nice. I've been taking RASA from a student of Ramaji the past 2 years now, but extremely on and off. Perhaps every couple months. Simply because I don't want to spend more money, and I'm satisfied with my rate of growth.


1. Desire. For things, business, new ventures, how has desire changed for you? Do you have a strong desire still for certain things or do you kinda not give a fuck?

2. Ambition. You said you have a business. That's great. Has ambition in that regard rose or dropped post awakening?

3. Sex Drive. Same thing. Still have it? More, less?

I ask these questions because I brake my own spiritual growth sometimes. I'm young, there's still so many materialistic things I want to achieve and obtain for the hell of it, I don't want more awakening to take that desire just yet. 

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@Display_Name  You literally just summed up the 3 things I was most concerned of aged 17 when I first got into this stuff, especially when reading Buddhist masters, Monks, Ramana etc who are all celibate, I knew that wasn't for me. (Incoming well you're not awake then xD

I take a very tantric approach to life, as in EVERYTHING is the absolute so why not enjoy 'duality' and the play of life however you on a human level want to. 

1) Desire is fundamental to life, without desire you wouldn't survive, or wouldn't bother surviving. However, I touched on this above, desire 'evolves' from receiving for the self alone, to receiving for the sake of sharing. So for example, in business I am more focused than ever on satisfying the customers needs, as we evolve as a society business will also evolve and shady practices like payday loans, insurance scammers etc will gradually lessen, and those providing this kind of value will get the rewards they deserve. So, for me desire to grow my business and become financially free has actually grown, as before I was kind of 'blocking' it thinking Spirituality& Money don't go together, which is complete BS, money is simply another form of energy, Like anything, it's the consciousness behind it that matters, serving your customers and receiving money as a result is a perfect example of the desire to receive for the sake of sharing. So, yes awakening has actually increased my desire, Ramaji& Ananda have done some awesome satsangs on this. 

If you love something and have a passion for business, and your desire is coming from love and to help people and improve people's lives, then there is nothing wrong with growing a huge business no matter what is in. Of course the key here is that the desire is coming from LOVE. That is actually the key to all of this. 

2) Ambition has only skyrocketed to be honest, if anything I have more 'belief' in myself than ever that I can achieve whatever I set my mind to, when you realize the power of the universe is behind you, and you can harness that (sounds woo woo but stick with me) your level of belief skyrockets. So, go after your goal, be ambitious, there are no limits to what you can achieve. Again, notice the difference if this is coming from love and a loving consciousness as you won't be using typical Stage Orange tactics to get ahead. I am expecting backlash for saying these things, but at this point I couldn't care less. 

3) Similar, I'm 20 so it's probably normal for a 20 year old guy. If anything I have some work to do in this area regarding porn, and expressing my sexuality in my relationship. The issue was I actually demonised sexuality for a while due to believing celibacy was a must for this path, I'm sure for some people it helps, but you don't HAVE to be celibate. Again, it develops and you become more loving, so will be much more giving than before potentially. It also doesn't mean you can't do whatever you like, as I said some may become celibate, but some may become more active potentially with multiple partners. However, again you probably aren't going to manipulate girls into sleeping with you like a typical PUA would, and would be much more conscious of the 'others' feelings and emotions as you see them as yourself, therefore, as I said won't 'use' them. 

Basically, your desire will evolve and come from a much more conscious and loving place, if things drop away naturally let it be, but people often try to FORCE desire to and just end up suppressing things and growing their shadow. I mean, look at Catholic priests, and even Buddhist monks who have forcefully repressed their sexuality and the wreckage that has caused. Compare that to someone like Ramana, who naturally allowed sex to fall away. Sure not everyone will want to build a business or have a family etc, but what you have to figure out what YOU want, there's no simple answer here. 

Some will be happy on the mountain in a diaper (Usually Enneagram 9s- Eckhart& Ramana types) other will want to build a business, be a professional athlete, become a doctor etc, there are no set rules for awakening. 

A lot has to do with your personality, the Enneagram has helped me a lot in understanding myself on a human level, none of the online tests are great unless you pay for a full one, but read about the 9 types and you might figure out your type. 

Eventually, I'll make a post on the Tantric way of life in relation to spirituality as a westerner. 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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Awakening and Enlightenment is completely misunderstood on this thread?

An egoic self agenda always wants things to be different. It's never satisfied with the current situation. 

There is no end to the egoic self agendas needs and desires. It will keep one running on the hamster wheel forever. Once you get the new job promotion hot girlfriend a new car there will just be something else the ego will start seeking.

The trick is to get off the hamster wheel.

If something aligns with the egos desires it's labeled as good, if it doesn't it's labeled as bad that's how the ego works. The ego is the judger!!

Awakening is recognizing that the ego is running the show not going along with it holding its hand.

There is nothing that needs to be changed. The absolute doesn't make mistakes it's exactly the way it needs to be... for how else could it be.

Liberation is freeing yourself from the egoic self agendas constant desires that's something need be done, something needs to be different. 

You can't hit a homerun when you haven't even understood how the games played yet...

Actually nothing needs to be done you can continue playing around in Maya for the rest of your life because it's all within the absolute and makes no difference whatsoever. ❤



Edited by VeganAwake

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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@VeganAwake you completely missed my points, Desire will continue.

are you telling me you no longer have any desire in life?

without it you’d be dead and if you use spirituality as a reason to not workout, eat healthy, improve your finances, develop your career etc then that that merely seems like a form of spiritual bypassing.

i never once said something NEEDS to be done or be different, everything is perfect as it is. 

Yet, if you’re overweight, on a RELATIVE level yes you should probably go workout and eat healthier, just because you have now awakened does not change that. 

This is nothing to do with doing this stuff = happiness, as you said when you realise Non Duality = Duality, and the distinction is shattered you are free to play the game how you like. 

If you don’t want to do any of these things, nobody is saying you have to, you can just coast through life, have a simple existence and be happy, again like I said this is very dependent on the person and their personality/ enneagram type. Maybe you’re a 9, if you just want to rest in bliss/ peace forever, that is fine you do you. 

However, just because someone is active in the world, does not for one second mean they suddenly aren’t awakened. 

Rupert Spira often talked about the inner and outer understanding. Inner is pretty self explanatory, but outer is bringing your understanding of The Self into all realms of life, such as work, sex, etc. It does not mean you’re doing these things to BECOME happy, you’re simply doing them as you WANT to and for the fun of it, to EXPRESs happiness so to speak, do you get the difference? 

desire also evolves as I pointed out in the last post, im Not gonna go over it again.

You can’t and never will stop desire, otherwise you will die, if you have zero desires you would never feed yourself, drink, go to work, meditate, do literally anything, there is a common misunderstanding of desire in spiritual communities, a lot relating back to the Buddha being falsely translated.

Please don’t try and remove desire from your life, it is beautiful to express desire that comes from love and The Self, and is beautiful to experience life in all its forms. 

 Not everything that isn’t watching Non duality videos, meditating or talking about Awakening is Ego, it’s okay to do other things, when you go full circle you realize spontaneous joy of ordinary life is absolutely beautiful. 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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I didn't misinterpret anything you said.

There isn't an I and there isn't a you...that's the illusion(Maya)

You can't see the illusion clearly while immersed in it.

The absolute is simply sharing a message..❤

There is a strong and persistent ego there... you can't see it because you're immersed in it.

Your ego is also clever that's why it tries to put others that threaten your ego's survival strategy lower than you on the LOC so you can dismiss their claims much easier.

If you kill the messenger you don't have to take seriously the implications of the message.

And the message is you are being controlled by your ego... trust in this I used to be one so I can spot it a mile away...❤

Remember your ego isn't just negative things... it also wants to help people, it wants to make the world a better place, it wants to create more love... this is known as the spiritual ego.

You can always spot the ego by its persistent wanting more more love more money more power or enlightenment more of everything there's no end.

The ego is never happy with the way things are it always wants something to change.. you can decide to keep running on the hamster wheel or get off it's up to you either way it doesn't really matter good luck my friend..❤



“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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