Leo Gura

The N,N-DMT Mega-Thread

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Thanks for the tip man, unfortunately i actually tried this method my first time doing time DMT and didnt worked much (It didnt give much stronger trip than ~15mg of 5-meo) :(

May you realize you are sitting on your Inmortal Throne of Bliss, and you have no obligations of any kind but to enjoy What You Are. Shambo

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@acidgoofy @WaveInTheOcean

Gotcha. I did a little more poking around on the Nexus / Reddit and it seems plugging can produce mixed results. Some profound. Some not. I read a few reports of people plugging without a potentiator & while there were effects, they were marginal. I think the best course of action for me is to try plugging with a harmala extract & then move on to enhanced leaf / changa if that doesn't work out. 

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@PonchoTheWizard Plugging with MAOi works. Without not. It still requires big doses which might hurt your rectum.

I have been vaping DMT with Mr Bald T, no breakthrough yet.

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On 26.4.2021 at 3:04 AM, Girzo said:

@TheAlchemist So, did you get more experience with this method? Is the smoke harsh or tasteless when vaping a breakthrough dose?

Yes, I can confirm this method is an absolute beast. You can inhale a full breakthrough dose with 1-2 inhales simply pressing a button. For me the smoke still stings in the lungs but it's not really harsh. 

No hassle with open flames, hot pipes, efficient vaporization and it makes exact dosing easy. Make sure to get a long driptip so the vapor has even more time to cool down. I tried gordotek method, crack pipes etc. before this and it was always a hassle and wasted a lot of material. Once you get this method set up, you are just a click away from hyperspace ;)

Feel free to ask me if you have any questions. 

"Only that which can change can continue."

-James P. Carse

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@TheAlchemist Can you tilt it and smoke from between 45 and 90 degrees angle?

I have a cup vaporizer and it has to be perfectly straight, and me being a total noob always managa to spit saliva into it because of that. Don't ask me how, I don't know how, what I know is that I am no sonoran desert toad and vaping my saliva doesn't make one trip harder, haha

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Oil pipe and torch lighter is so simple and easy. The only challenge is holding that shit in your lungs as it stings.

Work on your inhale technique. That's key if you want to take big doses. You need to fully exhale and then inhale very slow but deep. The DMT is useless in your mouth, you must suck it deep down into the lungs until it stings so bad you can barely stand it.

I think the inhale technique is more important than the pipe you use. A tiny oil pipe can generate more vapor than your lungs can stand.

Work on your inhale technique. That's the key. Practice taking inhales through a straw for 30-45 seconds straight, and deep into your lungs.

And then hold that shit in until you are dying. Do not let it out of you until you are gasping for air.

Watch out! Deep inhales are a whole new ballgame. You will blast out of your skull.

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True enough. Inhaling technique is key.

Smoke 3 cigs/day for a week leading up to your break through day. This will harden your lungs;) making it easier to hold that warm vapor in your sweet lungs

You need to hold it in your lungs for at least 15 seconds. Don't worry bout passing out, your body is orders of magnitude more intelligent than your cute worrying ego. Especially when you infuse it with extra exogenous DMT;)

I always do around 30 deep shamanic/whim hoffish breaths before diving in. Works like a charm, makes you alert and ready and easier to hold breath for longer.

Then exhale deeply, completely emptying ur lungs. And then (changa-waterbong-std lighter scenario) put your mouth to the mouthpiece ((and if there is a hole in the bong make sure ya finger is keepin it closed! only let air come in just before laying the bong away to let the last vapor sink into your system)) and then light the leaves so the start glowing red in the darkness (only candlelight is allowed, also listen to some beautiful music, u wont regret it). Then slowly inhale, slowly, steady, maybe take microbreaths of surrounding air to make it easier for your lungs. Just keep inhaling, filling your lungs. Dont exhale. Keep it in.

??? Profit. Only 1 slow long hit is nessecary. Get alll the DMT in one and blast off man. GL - enjoy, let go. Love


Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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42 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Oil pipe and torch lighter is so simple and easy. The only challenge is holding that shit in your lungs as it stings.

Work on your inhale technique. That's key if you want to take big doses. You need to fully exhale and then inhale very slow but deep. The DMT is useless in your mouth, you must suck it deep down into the lungs until it stings so bad you can barely stand it.

I think the inhale technique is more important than the pipe you use. A tiny oil pipe can generate more vapor than your lungs can stand.

Work on your inhale technique. That's the key. Practice taking inhales through a straw for 30-45 seconds straight, and deep into your lungs.

And then hold that shit in until you are dying. Do not let it out of you until you are gasping for air.

Watch out! Deep inhales are a whole new ballgame. You will blast out of your skull.

If ones lungs are stinging then the vaporization is sub-optimal. And this is typical if the vaporization is via conduction (as with an oil pipe) rather than convection (eg Sherlock Vaporgenie). Ones inhale technique is important but this presupposes that the vaporization is as good as can be because vapor that stings the lungs will affect aspects of the inhalation process. A single deep inhale can give a breakthrough with ease with an appropriate device without having to hold it in till you are gasping.   

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26 minutes ago, Corpus said:

Sherlock Vaporgenie

I've used the Vaporgenie and it's worse than an oil pipe. And the vapor does not sting any less.

If you suck in pure DMT, it's gonna sting the hell out of your lungs. No way around that.

Vaporgenie wastes a lot of DMT as it cools all along the inside of the glass. The more glass you got the more DMT vapor will stick to it. Fancy glass is a gimmick. All you need is a 4 inch oil pipe. Simple and efficient. Invest in a heavy duty torch lighter. If you're using a cheap lighter that will create more problems than it's worth.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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32 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

I've used the Vaporgenie and it's worse than an oil pipe.

Your experience is just that; it also runs contrary to that of many who have used both. 

34 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

If you suck in pure DMT, it's gonna sting the hell out of your lungs. No way around that.


Again, many would disagree with this.

35 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:


Vaporgenie wastes a lot of DMT as it cools all along the inside of the glass. 

And you have quantified this, rather than based this on a visual inspection? Could this relate to your set-up in some way?

I wonder if when you used the Vaporgenie you may have used multiple steel screens rather than a disc of copper mesh, or steel wool, to rest the DMT on. This massively reduces the efficiency and increases deposition along the glass body, and, sincerely, I would suggest revisiting this device with a more efficacious bed as mentioned before giving it up as a bad job.  

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7 minutes ago, Corpus said:

And you have quantified this, rather than based this on a visual inspection?

DMT melts and crystallizes all down the body.


I wonder if when you used the Vaporgenie you may have used multiple steel screens rather than a disc of copper mesh, or steel wool, to rest the DMT on.

I used multiple screens.

Fuck it, I threw the damn thing away. Not worth the hassle. Oil pipe works just fine. People invent elaborate shit for something so simple.

I don't have a problem with DMT not being strong enough. It's always too strong.

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2 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

DMT melts and crystallizes all down the body.

I used multiple screens.

Fuck it, I threw the damn thing away. Not worth the hassle. Oil pipes works just fine. People invent elaborate shit for something so simple.

Using multiple screens was the issue. It is no hassle to actually do a little research into how to get the best out of the device; the info is not hidden. Oil pipe I assure you is vastly inferior to a properly set-up Vaporgenie. Your conception of "just fine" is selling yourself, and the experience, short.

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1 minute ago, Corpus said:

is selling yourself, and the experience, short.


Trust me, ain't nothing about my DMT trips sold short.

If I became any more conscious I would kill myself.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

I've used the Vaporgenie and it's worse than an oil pipe. And the vapor does not sting any less.

That's because you don't have the right technique down, If you master the Vaporgenie it's far superior to a oil pipe.

I always heat up the removable glass piece before I even start to hit it and then it's important to inhale very slow and smooth.

When done correctly the whole pipe will be filled with vapor and you just suck it all in. The smoke is still uncomfortable to hold in but much less then with a oil pipe.

43 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

DMT melts and crystallizes all down the body.

There will always be a some waste but you waste way more with a oil pipe because it's almost impossible to not burn the DMT and it will also crystallize all over the pipe or even more...

Also it's much more healthy to use the Vaporgenie because it's made to vape and that way you inhale much less harmful toxins.

Anyway I suspect you only need a small amount of DMT to have insane experiences so it doens't matter to much. But it's really fucking hard to inhale 40mg+ DMT with a oil pipe..

What's your dosage with N-N DMT?

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9 hours ago, Girzo said:

@TheAlchemist Can you tilt it and smoke from between 45 and 90 degrees angle?

I have a cup vaporizer and it has to be perfectly straight, and me being a total noob always managa to spit saliva into it because of that. Don't ask me how, I don't know how, what 

On 26.4.2021 at 3:04 AM, Girzo said:

I think it's possible since you first melt the dmt into the mesh with a few short clicks so it should be stuck there, but there's no struggle with keeping it just at 0 degrees vertical. You simply put your mouth on the  mouthpiece, click a button and inhale. You can get a curved driptip (mouthpiece) that is longer so saliva won't be an issue at all. 

"Only that which can change can continue."

-James P. Carse

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5 hours ago, acidgoofy said:

There will always be a some waste but you waste way more with a oil pipe because it's almost impossible to not burn the DMT and it will also crystallize all over the pipe or even more...

Never had a problem burning DMT in an oil pipe. It does not burn if done gently. Why would freebase burn?

Crystals are easier to revaporize on a simple pipe than on the squirrely GVG, which is a pain in the ass.


Also it's much more healthy to use the Vaporgenie because it's made to vape and that way you inhale much less harmful toxins.

I don't get any toxins.


Anyway I suspect you only need a small amount of DMT to have insane experiences so it doens't matter to much.

Probably true.


What's your dosage with N-N DMT?

Hard to say because I take many small tokes. I never blast a full dose.

I put in maybe 15-20mg and vape it like 5-10 times until the pipe becomes empty. By that point I am so conscious it feels like insanity.

The biggest problem with DMT is how short it lasts.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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On 12/06/2019 at 5:00 AM, Leo Gura said:

That's a psychedelic breakthrough, LOL.

My channel should just be videos like this. There's really nothing more to say.

The perfect depiction of Infinite Consciousness/God.

@Leo Gura I thought psychedelic breakthroughs meant you BECAME God. Purely. No crazy, wacky, psychedelic-y visuals. Just the pure unwavering experience of infinite potential and infinite Love. Not this weird, head-spinning nonsense. Well, guess I’m wrong again? ??

Edited by blankisomeone

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12 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

It does not burn if done gently. Why would freebase burn?

Not really burn, but you destroy the DMT if you heat it up to much and it happens easier with an oil pipe.

15 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Crystals are easier to revaporize on a simple pipe than on the squirrely GVG, which is a pain in the ass.

For me it's much smoother with the GVG but it took me a long time to get the hang of it. As I said you have to practice, it's like an artform to me.?

Did you use a torch lighter?

16 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Hard to say because I take many small tokes. I never blast a full dose.

I put in maybe 15-20mg and vape it like 5-10 times until the pipe becomes empty. By that point I am so conscious it feels like insanity.

Oke in that case it's not that important what you use. I have the best effects when I get the full dose in one hit.

Try to smoke 40mg in one hit with an oil pipe lol.. much easier with the vaporgenie

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DMT vaped from electronic vaporizer is not harsh at all. It hurts the lungs a little, because it's freebase, but other than that it's good. Ineffective though.

I manage to only inhale like 20% of what I put into it. Haven't yet had a breakthrough experience, even though I load it with 60 mg. The device is so ineffective, I would have to make two inhales, or maybe set up a higher temperature than 170C and try to get it all in one toke, but harsher.

I have to train that inhaling technique and try the mesh method, since I already have a DIY vape, I only need to buy one element. I think about learning the technique on DPT freebase, I remember it is easier to vape DPT than DMT.

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4 hours ago, acidgoofy said:

Did you use a torch lighter?


4 hours ago, blankisomeone said:

@Leo Gura I thought psychedelic breakthroughs meant you BECAME God. Purely. No crazy, wacky, psychedelic-y visuals.

God is everything, so crazy, wacky, psychedelic-y visuals are not excluded and in no way interfere or contradict becoming God. God is that.

God is there with visuals or without. God is never not present. Every visual is it, but it is not limited to any visual.

Don't poo-poo the visuals. The visuals can be a very profound and effective mode of communication and comprehension. Although never strictly necessary. It's icing on the nondual cake.

Do not make the mistake of thinking that nonduality or awakening requires no visuals.

A TV is a TV regardless of what it displays, or even whether it displays anything at all. But you are making the simple mistake of thinking that you cannot be conscious of the TV while it is displaying a movie. Of course you can. In fact, that's the point: to be conscious that the movie is the TV while it is playing. Otherwise you're lost in the illusion.

So rather than rejecting visuals, embrace them and see right through them without getting hypnotized by them.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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