Leo Gura

Who's Interested In Conscious Politics?

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14 minutes ago, Norbert Lennartz said:

Have you noticed that in all your posts the characteristics of propaganda are clearly recognizable?


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1 minute ago, Norbert Lennartz said:

So he even admits it at the same time. :)

No. Just pointing out a common tactic to redirect the conversation away from one self. 

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@Shadowraix ... so you can drive a sow through the village.

I'm not answerable to anyone here. The subject here is not a personnel matter. That's what you "low quality poster" want to make of it.

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A conscious politician would understand the human tendency which manifests most often as an unconscious compulsion, of feeding on negative emotions. 

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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20 minutes ago, Norbert Lennartz said:

@Shadowraix ... so you can drive a sow through the village.

I'm not answerable to anyone here. The subject here is not a personnel matter. That's what you "low quality poster" want to make of it.

Every discussion is personal. It all starts with a agenda. You would not be preaching your politics if you didn't have one. Everyone must keep awareness of themselves though lest it get nowhere. Which is the point of pointing out many ego tactics. 

It's evident your continuous repetition of the same ideas isn't working yet your approach consists of inconsistencies in your willingness to engage in discussion. It also never adjusts itself to the audience. It really confuses me what your actual agenda is. Because any attempt to teach has failed. 

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Who has here the ideas of "conscious politics" and "good government", of the social through violence, of the spirit of society, of necessity, of collective ghosts? Scare you. 

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30 minutes ago, Zigzag Idiot said:

A conscious politician would understand the human tendency which manifests most often as an unconscious compulsion, of feeding on negative emotions. 

One form of which is spreading fear.

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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13 minutes ago, Norbert Lennartz said:


Who has here the ideas of "conscious politics" and "good government", of the social through violence, of the spirit of society, of necessity, of collective ghosts? Scare you. 

Collective ghosts? What? 

Survival is dirty. Unfortunately we have not transcended the use of violence entirely. Probably won't for a long time. Good government and conscious politics are relative ideals not some absolute truth. But don't forget the necessity of progression when striving for these ideals. We will not transcend government without going through all the stages of government. 

Conscious politics and good government is much more needed right now than optional anarchy. At least if you don't wanna live in the wilderness. Your criticisms of it are fine and all but there is a big difference between practicality and a fantasy of what we want. Be strategic. Promoting conscious politics and good government in a way helps your ideals. 

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25 minutes ago, Norbert Lennartz said:

Who has here the ideas of "conscious politics" and "good government", of the social through violence, of the spirit of society, of necessity, of collective ghosts?

Nobody and everyone xD

"Nobody" because nobody can say "I understand it all already. I have nothing to learn."
"Everyone" because everyone knows something that may add up to the topic.

In conclusion, we're here to build it together. Although I must admit that I haven't understood a single drop of what you may have communicated about politics so far. I am a mathematician and when I want to communicate something about math, I have to light up my communication skills in order to explain my lines of thought in a clear and concise way so that everyone can understand what I say/write. Talking simple is more advanced than talking complex. Also, using metaphors is not always a good idea.

Interesting source: https://zen-of-python.info/

unborn Truth

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I can’t believe we haven’t moved on from this ?

it’s simple really 

a) Norbert no one can tell you what to do 

b) Leo can only attempt to stop someone spouting nonsense 

c) good government or ideal government is exactly what you did by stating anarchy, it’s simple the best state of affairs the government can reach 

d) can we continue the discussion properly lol 

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Why did Hilbert's program prove to be unfeasible (not completely nonsensical, but only the overall intention to put mathematics on a purely formal-theoretical basis failed)? 

Because mathematics works with symbols that need a real equivalent. Otherwise they are only dreams, but they represent only dreams, no real things of the world, no being. Mathematics can only be applied to something real, existing. Human actions, for example, are something that is based on something real that exists.
But to write a constitution in which things are written that are purely abstract is a hopeless undertaking to put the whole of social life on a purely formal-theoretical basis. 

The same had already been said about "society".

Just a hint for a mathematician.

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It is the BASIC EVASION OF THE ESSENTIAL which is the problem of man. This evasion and evasiveness is a part of the deep structure of man. The running away from the exit out of the trap is the result of this structure of man. Man fears and hates the exit from the trap. He guards cruelly against any attempt at finding the exit. This is the great riddle.

Wilhelm Reich :)


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@Norbert Lennartz We can stay away from constitutions for now and address simpler issues.

Have you heard of the work that has been done in Bhutan? Personally, I find it quite advanced. The government is genuinely involved in providing a better environment for the people based on serious studies about the current needs.

More details:

This is something that I'd like to study in more depth as soon as possible.

unborn Truth

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7 minutes ago, Norbert Lennartz said:

It is the BASIC EVASION OF THE ESSENTIAL which is the problem of man. This evasion and evasiveness is a part of the deep structure of man. The running away from the exit out of the trap is the result of this structure of man. Man fears and hates the exit from the trap. He guards cruelly against any attempt at finding the exit. This is the great riddle.

Wilhelm Reich :)


More psychologising.

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What is the simplest insight now?
If people can do something with the state, does that mean they couldn't do it without the state?
If they couldn't do it without the state, then people have valued things differently. It was not worth it to them and they decided on something even better.

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43 minutes ago, Norbert Lennartz said:

It is the BASIC EVASION OF THE ESSENTIAL which is the problem of man. This evasion and evasiveness is a part of the deep structure of man. The running away from the exit out of the trap is the result of this structure of man. Man fears and hates the exit from the trap. He guards cruelly against any attempt at finding the exit. This is the great riddle.

Wilhelm Reich :)


So let's not evade how essential it is to fully experience something in every angle to transcend it. ?

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@Joseph Maynor do you ever consider that sometimes your viewpoint is too limited, i believe there will always be a trade off decision to be made, when aiming for what sort of society we want to see as basically the most advanced members of our species, if you consider us the best out of a bad bunch, it itself shows you how much work there is to lol, its actually poor! its a madting sadting, (translation: its amazingly shocking for it to be this way, but its sad its like this aswell), 

like lol, you really stress personal development work, but do you actually comprehend that ALL subject foundations are predicated on incorrect principality? to give the subject survival of itself, if you ever stressed those foundational stuctures, the whole structure breaks down. 

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18 minutes ago, Aakash said:

@Joseph Maynor do you ever consider that sometimes your viewpoint is too limited,

Yep.  But I've always have a good energy read on things.  My perspective is worth taking seriously by smart people.  But of course, I'm just a perspective.  But I'm a wise perspective.  I've done a lot of work on the Personal/ Interpersonal Development Path.

Be more gentle, soft-spoken, kiss people more, give more overt appreciation in words to people.  Then reality will give this energy back to you through the Law of Attraction.  It's a minor tweak in what you're already doing actually.  if people made just this one minor change, their relationships and community-building efforts would transform.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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