
No-self to God-Self

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21 minutes ago, tecladocasio said:

@Anton_Pierre I assume there is another one 

Self -> No-Self -> God-Self -> No-nonsense-Self 

That's where you're wrong, because Self > No-Self (?!) > God-Self = Deluded Self

If you cease to exist, then how can you become God who does exist - unless you're saying He doesn't really exist!  If that's the case, then nothing ever existed, including YOU, and the process of becoming God never took place!!    

I am one of many, an expression of the divine nature of Christ

"I think, therefore I am" - René Descartes

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What cease to exist is imaginary false self/personality/ which was never ACTUALLY here now. What remains is Truth Being which was always here now. 

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24 minutes ago, Anton_Pierre said:

@Soul-lover 2020 God is responsible for the creation of rapists, murders and terrorists. You just judge them instead of loving a part of yourself. Life is to love everything even the things our ego dislikes.

Anton Pierre,

God doesn't create people to commit evil acts.  They freely choose to,  God will judge them, unless they repent, renounce their evil ways, and make Jesus Christ their Savior and Master.  But He won't allow them to escape justice.


I am one of many, an expression of the divine nature of Christ

"I think, therefore I am" - René Descartes

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15 minutes ago, Nahm said:

@Soul-lover 2020 What is the difference between a belief, and the truth?

Good question.  I've often asked myself that.

The interesting thing that's worth noting is the fact that it's not only you and I who believe the truth about something, or not, but also the scientific community, criminal court juries, and others.

Jesus Christ said: "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  No one can come to the Father except through Me."  Do you believe Him?  I do.  Can I prove that it's true?  No.

And yet I know....


I am one of many, an expression of the divine nature of Christ

"I think, therefore I am" - René Descartes

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9 minutes ago, Soul-lover 2020 said:


Jesus Christ said: "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  No one can come to the Father except through Me."

Very Good pointer I AM not I am. ?❤️

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15 minutes ago, Soul-lover 2020 said:

Good question.  I've often asked myself that.

The interesting thing that's worth noting is the fact that it's not only you and I who believe the truth about something, or not, but also the scientific community, criminal court juries, and others.

Jesus Christ said: "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  No one can come to the Father except through Me."  Do you believe Him?  I do.  Can I prove that it's true?  No.

And yet I know....


There is no documented paper of his time of what he said , If I would have to believe that this guy that made first scripture 100 years after his death from word to mouth stories is delivering his word, I would be very skeptical, not to mention that there are tens of scriptures that are put together, translation errors, picking most similar scriptures and choosing wording and just general changes in each era.  

Then also problem of interpretation of message that I can make 10 theories about, this is where you get all thous crazy ideas. 

Edited by purerogue

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we don't give these enlightened people like jesus enough credit lol to create a whole route back to the true self is quite a feat, 

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definitely a true hero's journey, i would have no clue how to construct that, but fuck that lol i'd rather learn how to make a million pounds for the fun of it for now. 

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@Soul-lover 2020 Why don't you listen to a modern person who has realized God. Reading the bible might be like reading an outdated science book, maybe?

43 minutes ago, Soul-lover 2020 said:

Anton Pierre,

God doesn't create people to commit evil acts.  They freely choose to,  God will judge them, unless they repent, renounce their evil ways, and make Jesus Christ their Savior and Master.  But He won't allow them to escape justice.



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43 minutes ago, Soul-lover 2020 said:

Do you believe Him?  I do.  Can I prove that it's true?  No.

You’ve ignored my question by deflecting.

I am not asking about what you have read nor what you believe. 

I am asking you if you have yet learned to see that there is a distinction between Truth, and a belief. 

I take your answer as a resounding, no. 

I am asking you, and you are talking about books, quotes, courts, etc (Deflection)



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49 minutes ago, Soul-lover 2020 said:

The interesting thing that's worth noting is the fact that it's not only you and I who believe the truth about something, or not, but also the scientific community, criminal court juries, and others.

Be mindful that this is a common rationale the mind uses to extrapolate relative/subjective into absolute/universally objective. It provides the mind-body with a sense of grounding, yet also keeps a mind in a contracted state.

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5 minutes ago, Nahm said:

I am asking you if you have yet learned to see that there is a distinction between Truth, and a belief. 

Reminds me of this video.

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Nahm I care for your well being. There is nothing to prove. If she is ready she Will wake up. ?❤️

Back to washing dishes ???

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Im literally feel like i'm going insane and talking to myself LOL! even when your talking to nahm, this is actually crazy man 

your talking to yourself! 

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Write “well being” on a piece of paper, and lay it on the table. 

Look at the paper, read it. Notice the idea of well being. 

Then remove the piece of paper, see the table. 

See it. 



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