
Does Insanity is inevitable ?

47 posts in this topic

37 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

That's funny that you said you were communicating with trees.  I don't even want to tell you my story about my experiences with that same thing.  Thank God it was a phase I went through right around the time I was losing my religious beliefs and doing my initial shifts in Enlightenment Work a couple of years ago.  But I had some major mystical experiences like that around that time.  I think there is a kind of mystical stage that you can go through when you're first starting to transcend the Ego.  

@Joseph Maynor So what stage are you at now?

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32 minutes ago, cetus56 said:

@Joseph Maynor So what stage are you at now?

I don't believe in objective stages in Enlightenment work.  That's all subjective.  You can only really use your own Path as a metric, everything else is merely hearsay from someone else.  All I can do is tell the truth from my perspective.  If that sits well with you, then great.  If not, then ignore me.  But there's really no sense in trying to prove someone's perspective is right or wrong objectively.  That's a pointless game that has a bad outcome.  But at the same time I think it's useful for me to honestly share my perspective even if others disagree with me vehemently.  Maybe I disagree with them vehemently too, but that's no matter to me.  At the end of the day, I live within my Path and my perspective only.  We can really only play show-and-tell from our own perspectives.  And those perspective couldn't be more different from my experience if we tried to engineer them to be.  It's called pluralism: acceptance and tolerance of perspectives that differ from one's own.  I'm cool with pluralism -- it's actually a value that I try to uphold.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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2 hours ago, Shin said:

I'm at a point where I'm wondering if insanity is the only way to go.

I mean that, when your all sense starts to shift, how could you not becoming insane even for a few days/weeks ?

You go out and see only fleeting ants called human being doing their thing,

You look at a wall or a building and it's just, well nothing.

You sit in class, and even if you hear and see hundreds of other people, you still deepluy feel alone meta physically speaking.

You don't even know if your body/mind is actually real, it's just a bunch of perceptions, where they all seem to converge behind the eyes.

Is this only resistance, or is it unavoidable ?

The cusp of insanity is sometimes a very healthy place to be if your desire is real freedom from the mind.  Now I dont know your exact situation, but for me when I reached a similar point, I came to the realization that I could not control any of this, I could not prevent death, I could not prevent the mind from just falling apart and what ever the sense of self of being from one moment the next is, from just disappearing.  I literally just accepted my death both physically and mentally, and let it go.  This came with a profound sense of peace and freedom and eventually lead to the understanding of who and what we are, truely.  There was also a respect for the fact that somehow this whole thing called, life, with a "me" and a "you" body/mind happening some how, that worked from one second to the next didnt just blow away in the wind.  Because literally any second this happening could just pfffffffff......................................... and yet it hasn't yet, and that was a source of a new happiness.

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11 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

In my experience it's for noobs.  I went through it.  You're fine to disagree with me, but you can't really disprove me.  I'm speaking from my experience.

Just for the fun of conversation, does your experience encompass the actual truth?  For instance, it didn't happen to you and a few others you observed, so its the case now?  But it did happen to me, and those I know and a number of awakened teachers from books they wrote or talks that gave.  So theres evidence that it doesn't just happen to "noobs". 

Also I think if your honest with yourself, you really can't say for certain how you will respond to the yet to be created future and what life with mold you as and throw at "you".

Edited by Mu_

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19 minutes ago, Mu_ said:

Just for the fun of conversation, does your experience encompass the actual truth?  For instance, it didn't happen to you and a few others you observed, so its the case now?  But it did happen to me, and those I know and a number of awakened teachers from books they wrote or talks that gave.  So theres evidence that it doesn't just happen to "noobs". 

Also I think if your honest with yourself, you really can't say for certain how you will respond to the yet to be created future and what life with mold you as and throw at "you".

I don't want to respond because someone might accuse me of being overly argumentative which has happened before on here.  I'll leave this alone.  Message me if you really care to know.  I have no desire to be overly argumentative on here.  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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21 minutes ago, Mu_ said:

The cusp of insanity is sometimes a very healthy place to be if your desire is real freedom from the mind.  Now I dont know your exact situation, but for me when I reached a similar point, I came to the realization that I could not control any of this,

Did it feel like this?:)


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2 minutes ago, Mu_ said:

It felt like a "sense of self" that saw itself flicker in and out of existence, except that when the flickering out happened, there was still "something".

What is that which remains when it feels as if nothing should remain? 

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16 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

I don't want to respond because someone might accuse me of being overly argumentative which has happened before.  I'll leave this alone.  Message me if you really care to know.  I have no desire to be overly argumentative on here.  

I can respect that.

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1 minute ago, cetus56 said:

What is that which remains when it feels as if nothing should remain?

This sounds like a koan, I love koans. That which remains when it feels as though nothing should remain is commonly referred to as "ego", but even this is energy is god/"something"/infinity upon further awakening.  

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Probably everyone gets to experience some of it, but the thing is that most of it is made by mind making some assumptions out of experience,  and thinking that he has to following in them in some awkward  way. 

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1 hour ago, Joseph Maynor said:

That's funny that you said you were communicating with trees.  I don't even want to tell you my story about my experiences with that same thing.  Thank God it was a phase I went through right around the time I was losing my religious beliefs and doing my initial shifts in Enlightenment Work a couple of years ago.  But I had some major mystical experiences like that around that time.  I think there is a kind of mystical stage that you can go through when you're first starting to transcend the Ego.  

Trans-ego is a lower level than trans-human. The egoic dynamic is within the human dynamic. 

A human that believes they communicated with trees as a phase during their path of enlightenment is still within the human construct. This is a form of speciesism. They may have transcended the human ego, yet they have not yet transcended humanness. 

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17 minutes ago, Serotoninluv said:

They may have transcended the human ego, yet they have not yet transcended humanness. 

That answers the question "what remains when it feels as if nothing should remain?"

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4 hours ago, Mu_ said:

The cusp of insanity is sometimes a very healthy place to be if your desire is real freedom from the mind.  Now I dont know your exact situation, but for me when I reached a similar point, I came to the realization that I could not control any of this, I could not prevent death, I could not prevent the mind from just falling apart and what ever the sense of self of being from one moment the next is, from just disappearing.  I literally just accepted my death both physically and mentally, and let it go.  This came with a profound sense of peace and freedom and eventually lead to the understanding of who and what we are, truely.  There was also a respect for the fact that somehow this whole thing called, life, with a "me" and a "you" body/mind happening some how, that worked from one second to the next didnt just blow away in the wind.  Because literally any second this happening could just pfffffffff......................................... and yet it hasn't yet, and that was a source of a new happiness.

That's exactly how it feels, except I fear it and try everything to not face it, even though like you say it's inevitable.

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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7 hours ago, Shin said:

I'm at a point where I'm wondering if insanity is the only way to go.

Insanity has a negative connotation that implies dangerous, unknown depths. It threatens infinite loneliness.
This implication, its meaning, is a barrier that scares you away from silence.
Do not adopt the mantle of an insane, vulnerable, warm person either. You are you and you don't need names for yourself.

Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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2 hours ago, Shin said:

That's exactly how it feels, except I fear it and try everything to not face it, even though like you say it's inevitable.

Don't push yourself so hard. Don't expect so much of yourself. There's just this moment. Feeling crazy or any other negative feelings that come from it are resistance to the moment. Your mind wants to judge it rather than experience it. It's normal to have passing thoughts of being crazy, the mind is always trying to make sense of the world and disallowing it to do that for too long causes greater and greater efforts on its part to get hold again. Let it delude you again. It's better for you to feel good than to know the "truth" 24/7. The delusion is fun, delusion is what life is about, enjoy the delusion. When it stops being fun you know you let it go to far and then you recognize it for what it is again, a delusion. 


My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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6 hours ago, Shin said:

That's exactly how it feels, except I fear it and try everything to not face it, even though like you say it's inevitable.

Well the invitation is always there to recognize and deeply accept, why not just let it in a little, truely just surrender to the truth of this, than fight it.  Your gonna face it eventually, so why not now, instead of running away from it for the next 50 years of your life and letting this fear weigh you down.

Edited by Mu_

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@Shin i feel like everyone here is just overcomplicating things and talking in riddles. insanity is just another word for 'out of the ordinary' where there is no metric system to measure your position on a pathway. It feels like your lost, i.e surrendering to the truth, how do you know you've  surrendered up to the half way point, your directionless. hence you feel like your going insane. 

however, its even more simple than that. If becoming god means that you live in an insane manner to the devils way. Then insanity is correct. 

joseph's point was more towards how you feel about being insane i would say. whether it feels normal or totally wrong is besides the point, the point is to have the courage to take the path less chosen if yourself wishes to actualise yourself as god


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