
I think psychedelics can blunt spiritual progress. thoughts?

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5 minutes ago, corndjorn said:

@Joseph Maynor an awakened person has an ego, but a person who is in a complete state of nonduality (cleared all subconscious fear mechanisms through the process tha takes place after awakening, fear is the building blocks of your ego) has no ego. not many are in a complete state of nonduality, the buddha was though.

A definition is not a proof.  A proof is you show me a person who is Enlightened who has no Ego.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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@Aquarius i know youre expressing your opinion, and im expressing mine haha, sometimes i can be a bit abrasive however. i like you though youre a constructive guy. nice to meet you man.

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@now is forever the awareness that one’s own perspective is relative is a high level. Stage yellow in the SD model. It’s one of the hardest parts of evolving to tier2. I still have to work through it at times. It’s one facet of ego death. 

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@Joseph Maynor sure okay i dont have proof of a complete enlightened person, but through my own experience and many others thats been stabilized in nonduality this seems to be the course of action thats taking place, "moving" towards ego dissolution.

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Just now, corndjorn said:

@now is forever man seriously what are you talking about? im trying to be open to what your saying, which is why im asking u to be elaborate... but youre not explaining exactly what youre talking about.

What are you trying to achieve with this whole post? Authentically, honestly speaking. Let us know. If you have no ego, you have nothing to protect and nothing to hide, so a question like this should be no trouble for you to answer. Plus we are trying to help you. Let us know what are you expecting of us. :) at least me, the individual typing this, I'm genuinely curious about your needs. All of us were trying to help in our own way, you're just not aware of it. 

I don't actually expect you to respond, just sit with yourself and contemplate if you need to. You are free to choose your reactions or non-reactions. I am only reminding you of things, I'm not assuming you don't know them. So it;s pointless to argue. 

Maybe take a break and respond later if you feel like it.


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@Serotoninluv ok i understand. it’s just that i got so used to how we talk here that i was a little confused right now. sometimes forget how long it takes to understand a situation.

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The extent that subject object divison is ultimately believed in and acted upon is the degree that action or innaction is influenced by psychological fear. 

This again relates to the projection of self imposed images. Resistance & resistance to resistance, or reaction to what-is, will manifest itself as ego defense mechanism or psychological becoming. 

To react to this apparent subject/object and see it as REALITY makes for this response of egocentric activity. Ego or subject/object division has its place for practical purposes, but when it comes to the relationship with that which arises in experience, with other people, and the environment is where ego has no place. 

Because in isolation there can be no communion. Communion/relationship cannot exist with the distinctions/separation that is inhenret in egocentric activity. 

Edited by Jack River

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56 minutes ago, corndjorn said:

@Joseph Maynor sure okay i dont have proof of a complete enlightened person, but through my own experience and many others thats been stabilized in nonduality this seems to be the course of action thats taking place, "moving" towards ego dissolution.

But see you should.  Otherwise you have no idea if you'e bullshitting yourself or not.  One of the things us humans do is make up a  bunch of things that don't comport with reality.

If some joker says he has a penis the size of an anaconda, my first response is gonna be prove it.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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5 minutes ago, now is forever said:

@Serotoninluv ok i understand. it’s just that i got so used to how we talk here that i was a little confused right now. sometimes forget how long it takes to understand a situation.

It was just a statement in general. The ego doesn’t like giving up control of the narrative. My mind included. 

And yes, this thread has turned into a can of worns, hasn’t it?

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@Joseph Maynor im sorry but this is someyhing that has to do with time and experience, time will show you that nondual states get deeper in fact, by the release your fear mechanisms, which is what ur ego is built off of

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7 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

If some joker says he has a penis the size of an anaconda, my first response is gonna be prove it.


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13 minutes ago, Aquarius said:

What are you trying to achieve with this whole post? Authentically, honestly speaking. Let us know. If you have no ego, you have nothing to protect and nothing to hide, so a question like this should be no trouble for you to answer. Plus we are trying to help you. Let us know what are you expecting of us. :) at least me, the individual typing this, I'm genuinely curious about your needs. All of us were trying to help in our own way, you're just not aware of it. 

I don't actually expect you to respond, just sit with yourself and contemplate if you need to. You are free to choose your reactions or non-reactions. I am only reminding you of things, I'm not assuming you don't know them. So it;s pointless to argue. 

Maybe take a break and respond later if you feel like it.


Your whole post is projection tbh. What i said in the post i genuinely meant, i dont understand what he was trying to point me in his convo. You have this enlightened/constructive ego that takes things out of context it seems to me

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@Salvijus He can say whatever lol, and no he is clearly uncomfortable. Out of rhythm, and his humanity is showing. Normally he has his arrogant know it all face which people interpret as beyond human. 

It is not. He is in nonnduality. In a crazy state but by no means is he at the end.

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6 minutes ago, corndjorn said:

@Aquarius i know youre expressing your opinion, and im expressing mine haha, sometimes i can be a bit abrasive however. i like you though youre a constructive guy. nice to meet you man.

Thanks! :) Nice to meet you too, it's a pleasure to talk to you.

I'm a girl by the way. No worries tho haha, just mentioning it cause you had no way to know it, so you created a picture of me in your mind, which is natural and not "bad", in fact it's something that everyone does, it;s how the human mind works. Many people assume I'm a guy, maybe it was my emo-ish profile picture haha. You tell me. ;) (See the point I'm trying to make here? We all make projections based on past experiences. Me being a girl in essence is meaningless, at least I believe it doesn't alter the helpfulness of my posts for you). 

And yeah, I guess I can be constructive sometimes, I get that often. I am confident but deep within I know I am just like everyone else. A random human being. But thanks, that really felt good! 

It's ok to be abrasive. No one can take that away from you. It's a choice. You're free to choose each response, no one was doing the action of typing for you but you. Not saying it was wrong, it was neutral from a non-dual point of view. Abrasive is just your opinion about yourself, but if you feel like it resonates with you, fine, be it. You are aware that everyone can be what you call "abrasive", right? ;) No need to be hard on yourself, but I appreciate your honesty with yourself, it's definitely a sign that you're on the right track! Keep up the good work! :) 

Sorry if I scared you away with my last post, I'm still practicing to express my unconditional love towards people effectively, so don't mind me if I was bit awkward haha. 

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31 minutes ago, corndjorn said:


Your whole post is projection tbh. What i said in the post i genuinely meant, i dont understand what he was trying to point me in his convo. You have this enlightened/constructive ego that takes things out of context it seems to me

I think you're referring to the spiritual ego. Thanks for your concern..But no, I was aware that you genuinely meant everything. :) I wasn;t projecting anything, I asked a question to be able to help you in a more effective way. I was literally saying, "help me help you". :) 

And I meant your thread, not your post. Sorry for the confusion, it's late night here. Was generally and genuinely asking what are you expecting from the actualized community.

Edited by Aquarius

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@Aquarius discussion of the path to enlightenment and seeing more perspectives that i havent acknoledged before

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@corndjorn by the way i’m a girl, too. i wanted to tell you that before - but i was not sure if you would reflect anything anymore if i told you. 

maybe you really want to think about what non duality really means in a budhist way, before you criticize psychedelics or judge about how people use them. you where talking about attachment so i just wondered if you are attached to a position in society or special habits. but in this conversation you call a convoi (sounds like one that tries to bring manna to men) you where not able to open the door nor did you look outside the window.

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2 minutes ago, corndjorn said:

@Aquarius discussion of the path to enlightenment and seeing more perspectives that i havent acknoledged before

That's good. I hope you're getting what you've expected. :) Communication difficulties and misunderstandings can easily arise in such complex topics, Depending on where you are on the path.

@now is forever <3 

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@now is forever you act as if i said psychedelics are flat out bad or people who use them are stupid, ive stated multiple times that my post shouldnt be looked at dogmatically, everyone are at different points in their paths and im sharing my point in the path where psychedelics do more harm than good for me, it seems that ur the one thats not open to that possibility. I never said psychedelics WILL blunt progress i said it CAN, big difference. And secondly, i asked you multiple times to please explain yourself and you just kept giving me this mysterious enlightened attitude and not really trying to explain to me ur point, when i genuinely said i want to see what u mean, am i the closed off one really? 

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@Aquarius thank you, yes this forum is indeed helpful, including to process my own egoic stuff aswell. Wish u the best in ur path aswell :)

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