
Is there an afterlife for the ego?

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Just now, BjarkeT said:

@Rilles who is asking the question?

Can we stay on topic? 

If you are aware of nothing then its not nothing because there is somebody there to know it. You cant be aware of not existing it doesnt make any sense. You have never been aware of death because then it wouldnt be death. You can only know life.

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@Rilles in a way I can be because I wasn’t always born I was non existence and when I die I return to non existence. Life is short and you only got one so don’t waste it.

Edited by BjarkeT

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2 minutes ago, BjarkeT said:

Life is short and you only got one so don’t waste it.

Where did you learn this? Can you prove that to me? Im not trying to disprove you or say youre wrong. Can you actually find evidence for there only being one existence/lifetime?

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Just now, BjarkeT said:

@Rilles just what make the most sense to me. After life is more belief than proof anyway.

Not after-life is a belief too. Be honest. :D Truth is... we dont know. 

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2 minutes ago, BjarkeT said:

@Rilles yep but it what make most sense to me 

Where is the sense coming from? When you say hmm that feels right isnt that just a sensation? 

Edited by Rilles

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@ rilles i think you should explain it in a different way , or simplify it further within a logical framework or  into more sections with more example ?  

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17 minutes ago, BjarkeT said:

@Rilles why are you asking? From the mind when neurons connect?

I dont have any experience of any neurons I just had an urge to discuss abit. xD

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1 minute ago, BjarkeT said:

@Rilles ah ok well happy soon to be new year

Hha you too! What an amazing year of insights this has been... We should make an 2018 insight/goals thread.

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@Rilles yes good idea that would be interesting and thanks btw

Edited by BjarkeT

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If you remembered every life before this one, you would've most likely gone insane. Most people cannot handle the crap they have been through in one life time, imagine, they that could remember 100 times more bad memories... It's good that we do not have this ability :) 

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9 minutes ago, bejapuskas said:

If you remembered every life before this one, you would've most likely gone insane. Most people cannot handle the crap they have been through in one life time, imagine, they that could remember 100 times more bad memories... It's good that we do not have this ability :) 

Indeed, you wouldnt be able to have ”a life” because you would keep confusing it with your other memories, schizophrenia times 1000. xD

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@Mikael89 how do you know you didn’t get it wrong and you are the one needing to Contemplate more?

besides I need more than “you are wrong” to know that I am wrong everybody can say that with out actually being right.

also contemplation isn’t the best tool to figure out if something is true you need something like the scientific method for that.

and you said “No, there's no afterlife for the ego, and you don't keep the memories and stuff”

how is that different from saying there is only one life and that’s it?

Edited by BjarkeT

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10 hours ago, tentacion said:

I have heard Leo say that there is no afterlife, that this is the afterlife. Martin ball has said the same thing, that there is no afterlife, that there will be an end to Martin. Will we remember that we died, will we remember ourselves in whatever way we were the moment right before our death? Can the ego aka sense of self survive beyond death? Will I remember? I wonder.

Everything gets recorded forever. We make the most of this life, living 10x more as they told us or we choose to stay dormant and live at most 100 and die. 

... 7 rabbits will live forever.                                                                                                                                                                                                  



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