Leo Gura

This Week's Video Delayed

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On 2/9/2018 at 9:53 AM, Osm said:

This is so sad.. Alexa play despacito


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Main video is 50% uploaded.

Meanwhile, new side video available on the blog.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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7 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Meanwhile, new side video available on the blog.

I get a "Sorry, because of it's privacy settings, this video cannot be played here" . Eh. Any idea what kind of setting that is?

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You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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It seems like a perfect introductory video to link to rationalist-minded friends, good shit, thank you as always!

Edited by Hello from Russia

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@Leo Gura

bless :x

"embrace your inner pain. in hopelessness, you will find bliss. to be mindful all the time you need to have attention on the breath as second nature." - hellspeed

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1 hour ago, Bane said:

You can watch it from "insights" page

Somehow I can't. I'll try another computer.

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2 hours ago, see_on_see said:

Geez man. In the last few weeks I've been feeling like you're just repeating the same stuff over and over again for hours.  


Yeah, I got the same wibe, but I think it is important and it is NEEDED. He uses different words and different angles everytime. For me last 2 videos were very on point, they were like "reminders" and very motivational.
However If I'd get to choose next video I think it would be cool to mix all recent stuff with some materialistic minutia video. Some insights about business\money would be very helpful. Rewatching some episodes about money mindsets right now and damn, it is so golden.

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@Leo Gura Excellent job, too bad this will be dismissed by the people its targetted at simply for the length.

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Yeah, good video on Shadow work would also be very helpful, noone talks about how to do that properly

Edited by Hello from Russia

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8 hours ago, see_on_see said:

Geez man. In the last few weeks I've been feeling like you're just repeating the same stuff over and over again for hours. 

I agree. I've watched for years, so now I feel the videos really need some ruthless cutting of repetition and stuff that isn't of substance.

Maybe it's time to sort the videos by levels? And just go fast to the point in the advanced ones?

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Im going to chime in tho my opinion might mean squat diddly 

Yeah, i liked parts of the video but i kinda agree with @Elisabeth @see_on_see @Hello from Russia

Your subforum for video topics is too loaded for you to spend your videos on fillers

 i do appreciate the funny rants at the end about people that work for the man. Myself included. And higher ed...but maybe keep your vimeo directed at why metaphysics is important and go straight for the kill.

i dont even really care if i have to pay to see the requested topics. i value leos insights, just the rants on jordan peterson, super scientists and academia arent necessary

(from my egoic perspective : D)

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There will be more new topics coming soon.

It is a balancing act of getting newbies up to speed and covering advanced stuff.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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19 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

There will be more new topics coming soon.

It is a balancing act of getting newbies up to speed and covering advanced stuff.

Excited :D

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Those who are complaining about the latest episodes, are you fucking kidding me?

If watching the videos feels like a chore, making it 2x, skipping parts of it just to skim through the material as if you HAD to get it out of your system somehow, I would propose a re-evaluation of why you're watching Leo in the first place. I'm not singling anyone out but watch out if actualized.org is becoming another layer of your identity to stroke your ego.

@Leo Gura as a fan I suggest you to keep a category of videos running in balance just to continue talking about the significance, vision, motivation of this work and attacking the counter arguments of complacency.

Honestly speaking, it's the vision based videos that kick-started all the contemplation of my own and I'm glimpsing the things you talk about here and there. The free content that's already available, I doubt if virtually anyone here even mastered only 10% of it yet.

We don't need some never heard before, mind blowing theory every week. Instead we need breakthroughs and that can only come from returning to the same, raw, basic principles with recontextualized perspectives over and over again which gets so easily overlooked because of self deceptive mechanisms of the ego.

I'm not against new mindblowing contents but that needs to be balanced equally with vision based contents.

Or else 10 years down the road, actualized.org will itself become a maze of big fat rats with their tummies filled with exotic knowledge doing rat stuff. Leo, as a teacher is it something that would make you proud?

Edited by Preetom

''Not this...

Not this...

PLEASE...Not this...''

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@Preetom  thats why i stopped logging in because i noticed myself become demanding/entitled towards this company.

i'll continue to support no matter how many spiritual videos are released so just disregard my forum posts.

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@K VIL We still don't fathom fully the magnitude of what's being said by Leo. 

@Leo Gura is basically giving us extremely potent metaphysical weapons to demolish and rebuild our lives from scratch. Its for the greater jihad but these same weapons can be misinterpreted and misused to make an even bigger mess. That's how religions became mankind's one of the biggest folly.

The latest episode called intro to spirituality is something that should have been posted years ago before revealing any spiritual technique first. Probably 95% of people doing any spiritual practice have all sorts of bullshit notions about spirituality and that in itself hinders most of the growth. And people are complaining about this episode...

We need to be reminded of what is really at stake here. I think one of the major roles of Leo is to kick us over and over again in the nuts so that it becomes kinda impossible to go back to sleep. How else can this thing work when the rest of life is so full of mind numbing complacency, comfort and unquestioned assumptions. I know Leo is fully aware of this because he hints it here and there in some videos.

This knowledge has been esoteric and practiced in extreme secrecy over the ages for a reason. So that fucking rats don't abuse it. Leo has opened the Pandora's box by bringing all this in mainstream. And no wonder he will be one of the founding fathers if a widespread revolution really emerges from this new knowledge.

Edited by Preetom

''Not this...

Not this...

PLEASE...Not this...''

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@Preetom @Leo Gura

im really grateful tbh x_x ive fallen for the smaller jihad tonight. Note i take my part seriously and without going into a melodrama, ill be more careful with my rash judgements.



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