
Enlightenment Sickness

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Ay ay ay! You junkies out there don't know :P 


That "Free" Humility about Enlightenment and Non-Duality is another EGO disguise hahaha. 


Edited by Quanty

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4 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

Whaddya think of this definition of Ego?

Ego is the false sense of identification, control, doing, or conceptually knowing between unchanging Awareness and the  changing dream?

I don’t get into changing an unchanging personaly. Nor do I use the word dream. I like to keep it simple becomes the mind is very complex. 


To me ego ‘is’ the process of indentification itself. It is an identifying with its content (knowledge, experience, memory) 

To me any movement away from what is involves these processes and instantly qualifies as dualistic. 

Can you see that? 

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Without that content of thought (knowledge, experience, memory) there is no identification of an independent psychological entity. 

Thought is the root of identification/duality 

Edited by Faceless

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12 minutes ago, Faceless said:

Without that content of thought (knowledge, experience, memory) there is no identification of an independent psychological entity. 

Thought is the root of identification/duality 

If thought is the root of duality — then why are you engaging in it so much?  Shouldn’t you be meditating in a cave or something? I mean, according to your logic, you’re way off the path, right?  All this time spent theorizing on the Forum!  You’re knee deep in duality all day dude.  And you choose that!  So, duality can’t be that bad, no?  I think your ideas might be outta sync with reality in some respect, just based on your own actions.  You gotta look at what you do, and have what you think jive with what you do.  That’s called embodiment. Enlightenment is all about embodiment, and being very pragmatic instead of clingy with thoughts.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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22 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:


I’ll watch the whole thing and then comment.

@Joseph Maynor Sure. He covers many topics. But the first 4 mins. is what I'm directly asking about.

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4 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

If thought is the root of duality — then why are you engaging in it so much?  Shouldn’t you be meditating in a cave or something? I mean, according to your logic, you’re way off the path, right?

Just see the significance of what is said. I can tell by your response that it is not clear yet. Give it some time. 

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Remember wothout knowledge, experience, memory) is there a psychological entity @Joseph Maynor?

And do we not act in accordance to all that movement/content of the i ??


Edited by Faceless

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11 minutes ago, Faceless said:

Just see the significance of what is said. I can tell by your response that it is not clear yet. Give it some time. 

Naw, you don’t get off the hook that easily man.  You didn’t answer any part of my question.  You ran away!  That’s not good.  Make sure you square those theories you’re clinging hard to with what you actually do, with reality.  Otherwise, that’s real duality there!  Duality in the sense of just a bunch of theory totally divorced from any use — what we might rightly call ‘idle concepts’.  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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Take some time and investigate, or don’t 

Edited by Faceless

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2 hours ago, Faceless said:


Not good!  You need to learn how to discuss things to grow.  I have a feeling you have a bad habit of running away when your thought-stories are challenged.  This is a way for you to avoid having to change your paradigms.  So, you always stay the same.  Same ideas that never change.  You need to learn to welcome having your ideas challenged.  This is what makes you refine your ideas and actually grow.  And then when you advance some theory, you’ll be able to explain how and why it’s useful and why it’s superior to other paradigms.  But you gotta have this value in the first place, see.  Not everybody does, and they get stuck as a result.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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Just now, Joseph Maynor said:

Not good!  You need to learn how to discourse to grow.


thank you mr maynor

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@Joseph Maynor everything I communicate has a specific purpose. 

Did I invoke interest in anything in particular for you? 

Everything I share can be found in the movement of self. It’s there for anyone to observe. The question is do we want to? 

Edited by Faceless

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54 minutes ago, Saumaya said:

I do experience bodily pleasure. Peace is not an issue, contentment is better. Unconditional happiness is contentment only.

But is contentement a strong emotion?

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41 minutes ago, cetus56 said:

@Joseph Maynor Sure. He covers many topics. But the first 4 mins. is what I'm directly asking about.

I resonate with a lot of what he says, though not all:

  • “No such thing as non-duality prior to the word duality” — yeah, being comes before thought.
  • Concern with seeking Enlightenment state to get away from pain and pleasure — I agree that this is tail-chasing.  
  • “Non-dual Awareness doesn’t make sense” — Exactly, being comes before thought.
  • “You won’t be aware of your own Enlightenment” — this one is wrong.  You can become aware of your own Enlightenment, clearly.
Edited by Joseph Maynor

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So awarness without the movement of thought implies that the dualistic movement of the self has ended? 

Therefore self consciousness is not. It is then pure observation without an observer. What is without the imposition of what has been, modified to what should be. 

In this the movement of time as the independent entity has ceased. 

Edited by Faceless

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7 minutes ago, Faceless said:

So awarness without the movement of thought implies that the dualistic movement of the self has ended? 

Therefore self consciousness is not. It is then pure observation without an observer. What is without the imposition of what has been, modified to what should be. 

In this the movement of time as the independent entity has ceased. 

So how does this theory affect your life? Do you embody this theory, or is it purely conceptual truth to you?  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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5 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

So how does this theory affect your life? Do you embody this theory, or is it purely conceptual truth to you?

It’s not a theory to me. Theory implies somthing abstract (of thought) 

This is to cut the tether of thought all together. Not thoughts, but the movement of thought as in a cessation of the self (knowledge, experience, memory) which is “static” witch approaches the now “dynamic” with the accumulated content of the past that imposes itself on the now and projects itself into the future. 


Did if you ever read my nature of experience thread? 

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That’s where all conflict sets in.. when the past “being static” tries to solve psychological problems that arise in the present now “which is dynamic” 


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14 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

I resonate with a lot of what he says, though not all:

  • “No such thing as non-duality prior to the word duality” — yeah, being comes before thought.
  • Concern with seeking Enlightenment state to get away from pain and pleasure — I agree that this is tail-chasing.  
  • “Non-dual Awareness doesn’t make sense” — Exactly, being comes before thought.
  • “You won’t be aware of your own Enlightenment” — this one is wrong.  You can become aware of your own Enlightenment, clearly.

@Joseph Maynor Interesting. Thanks


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11 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

So how does this theory affect your life? Do you embody this theory, or is it purely conceptual truth to you?

Remeber there can never be embodiment in accordance to a theory/abstraction....As that implies duality. 

If we explore inwardly very deep this will become quite obvious. 

Its a theory to anyone who sees it abstractly (not in ones self) 

Edited by Faceless

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