
Weed Makes You More Aware And You Can Grow A Lot.

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Weed makes you present, at least medicinal with a lot of the good stuff.

Every time I smoke (once a week) I start to think about how to improve my life.

I meditate and I become aware of life itself.

I just meditated and saw all the opportunities I have created. There are a lot if you choose to see them, plus the best ones are made. Now that I know them, I will act upon them where being "sober" would never see them.

Don't smoke and watch family guy, sit in nature alone and breath. 

Edited by Skenderberg

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Drugs - in general - are amplifiers. The question is: What do you want to amplify?

They want reality, so I give 'em a fatal dosage.

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@Skenderberg Watch out though, because it can easily become addictive.

The reason I like psychedelics is that they're non-addictive. If they were addictive, I wouldn't do them. Which is why I avoid things like Ketamine.

Alcohol can also be useful for people who are up-tight. But the costs are just too high.

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4 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Which is why I avoid things like Ketamine.

It also fucks with your organs, which is not cool. Although, it is one of the things that is worth doing 1-2 times in your life to just enjoy the experience. Doing a large dose of Ketamine is not comparable to any of the other drugs I have done so far - just from the qualitative experience. Breathtaking and crazy. But not good for regular practice, for sure.

They want reality, so I give 'em a fatal dosage.

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When I smoke weed and meditate I seem to be able to concentrate a lot more. It's like it amplifies the ego so much that it becomes really easy to be aware of it. Some great insights happened while high on weed. 

That said, I'm really sensitive to any kind of drug. I always need like 1/4th of a portion to get the same results as some of my friends. It's really weird but it made me have some insane psychedelic experiences without even having had that much. :P Wonder what that could be.


Edited by DoubleYou

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@DoubleYou There is a long history of Indian and Middle Eastern yogis using hashish for spiritual purposes.

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There are some scientists who hypothesized that it was our Cannabis use in our evolution which was the reason why we became a sentient conscious being.

Cannabis isn't physically addicting at all, in fact, there is research evidence showing that cannabinoids dampen the response in the reward center in our brains. This would explain why there has been success  in treating people with addictions by using cannabis instead.

Our bodies have an endocannabinoid system all throughout the body that utilizes dozens of different cannabinoids found in cannabis. The body can't store the cannabinoids for use so the body needs consistent supply of it in nourishment.

So to say the body gets physically addicted to cannabis is like saying the body is addicted to vitamins and minerals, they are all nutrients the body needs to function optimally.

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@SOUL Except addiction is 80% psychological.

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It´s interesting how weed can shift your focus, awareness and being/perception.


In my experience it amplifies 90% only positive things.

But I notice also that the mind is telling you sometimes story´s, or you do have the feeling, that you can create these great things "only" on weed.


So it´s true that you have to be aware in this cycle.

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10 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

@Skenderberg Watch out though, because it can easily become addictive.

The reason I like psychedelics is that they're non-addictive. If they were addictive, I wouldn't do them. Which is why I avoid things like Ketamine.

Alcohol can also be useful for people who are up-tight. But the costs are just too high.

Leo, cannabis is a mild psychedelic. You should try it.

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Psychology is 100% physical and cannabis isn't physically addicting, it actually dampens the response in the part of the brain responsible for addiction. Don't confuse habituation with addiction.

Edited by SOUL

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I've had an enlightenment experience and many "glimpses" after sharing a joint with a couple friends. It's certainly possible that it can elevate one spiritually if they're inclined that way.

I would say in general, too much is counter-productive. It has addictive qualities for sure, I know a few people who would probably be called addicts in medical terms. Long-term it's effects are pretty negative if you're a regular. 

For me, if I did it more than once a week regularly, it would hinder my ability to meditate, eat healthy, learn and all that good stuff.

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On 03/06/2017 at 5:44 PM, Leo Gura said:

Alcohol can also be useful for people who are up-tight. But the costs are just too high.

this is true. alcohol was my liberating tool in the very very beginning. i didn't even know what i was doing but i was able to experience a much less self-sabotaging ego when i was drunk. i would repeat to myself: i'm going to stop drinking when my sober self reach my drunk self. and it happened.

"luckily" that phase only lasted for 3 years. then i started to practice mindfulness.

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Weed's pretty great, or was.

Recently I've hit a threshold of a state of consciousness that is so similar to being high that it basically stopped doing anything to a large degree, this is after a 3 years of consistent practice and smoking weed 1-2x a week for the past few weeks.

On 6/4/2017 at 2:25 AM, Leo Gura said:

@SOUL Except addiction is 80% psychological.

I'd say 100% ultimately, but arguably things differ when the body starts craving it (don't think this is possible) and or when withdrawal comes into play (this only happens after long term high dose abuse).

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