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Posts posted by Charlotte

  1. @loub brilliant book! Worth the read. Haven't finished it all but almost! 

    On 05/09/2019 at 0:27 PM, loub said:

    Telling the truth let's us see, dismantle and outgrow beliefs we hold, and leads the way into a new way of wholesome, sensitive and present being -_-

    100%!! Also uncovers all sorts of hidden manipulative behaviours we demonstrate. 

    Well done on overcoming also! That's great to hear. 

    On 05/09/2019 at 0:27 PM, loub said:

    Where in your life do you not tell the truth, why do you feel this talk is relevant to you? I'd really like to hear your beliefs stated aloud 

    I mostly hide the truth from other people in the subtlest of ways. 

    I felt this talk was relevant to me because I like alternative perspectives to topics. Also self deception is a never ending loop hole that requires a constant watchful eye, it never ends @bejapuskas


     @DrewNows ?


  2. This has been so fucking tough. Wow. 

    So much growth and learning. 

    I can't believe the difference a conscious relationship has compared to previous unconscious. 

    I genuinely cannot put it into words the depth of learning and growth that has taken place. Not with other people, with ego, with survival. 

    It's been one of the toughest challenges of the year. But I'm so grateful that other people are my mirror. After the last shroom trip I know I create everything, the reality I see I know is a figment of my imagination and in of itself is a fucking game changer. 


    I'll repeat. Love is the answer. Always. 



  3. Currently in the airport on my way toMontenegro/Croatia trip. It's already brought a lot of things to surface. Working each day continuously to love. Just love. 

    Feeling another 'trip' upon my return so I'll sort that when I arrive. 

    I will just 'be' on the trip and use the time wisely to reflect. I feel there is a lot of reflection needed... But not at the same time. 

    2 hours sleep has surfaced some anxiety which needs to be addressed... Or not depending on which way you look at it.

    will update throughout.

  4. With increased consciousness comes great responsibility. Great responsibility. 

    You can no longer point the finger, deny or blame. Not if you're radically honest with yourself. 

    Over the past month or 2 I have been non stop working on myself. Observing and investigating. Taking radical responsibility somehow in a counterintuitive way frees you of so much unnecessary suffering. 

    It's magical how certain people come into your life and mirror something for you. They become your spiritual tool for the time being.

    You see everything is just perfect. Always has been. Control is illusory. Fact. 

    I see in every day life how we create our reality. It's literally mind bending. 

    Love is always there, it's us, it's always the answer no matter what. ❤️

    I'm also feeling called to do a mushroom trip again. I go to Montenegro & Croatia on the 18 August- 30th August so I will book somewhere when I return. 

    I also start college again in September. Maths, psychology and science I've chosen so far however that may change. 


  5. 'I was brought up to feel how I feel, consciously. To know how I feel and never deny.

    If I want to, to tell people... if the feeling is strong enough.
    So I'm telling you, from a vulnerable place,
    I love you for all that you are, for what you cannot see, but I can feel.
    I cannot recall a time in my life where I have felt this unspoken connection with another partner, we are a gift, a blessing. We are the universal infinite love people speak of, it is us and us coming together has provided the perfect host for it to reveal its blind but impenetrable force and manifest.
    My thanks and gratitude for your existence extends beyond anything measurable.
    I deeply feel we have something worth nurturing and I'm willing to tend to it like a newly sprouted fragile seedling.
    To put in the hard work whenever and wherever it's needed.
    I promise I will always be honest and upfront with you because like I said, I was raised to speak from the heart and the heart is truth ♥️'

  6. I am so much love I don't know what to do with it. 

    I want to go around the world holding my hands out offering it to people. 

    it becomes too much. How do I contain this? What do I do with it? It's radiating from my upper body outward.

    I cry so often with joy of this love. More and more it is coming forefront. 

    I close my eyes and I see me stood over the planet giving and sharing this beam of love over all, like the sun saturating itself over the planet and beyond.