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Posts posted by starsofclay

  1. 18 hours ago, yawning_ said:

    yep! :)


    i shit you not this was written in my notes in reference to two voices that cracked me up as i drifted to sleep this morning:


    "voices of hypnagogia:

    'so whaddya gonna do, formulate it?' (mobster-esque accent)

    'you did that?' (lightly wavering female voice)"


    needless to say ~ slept sound af ^_^




    - yawning gap

    Awesome I get some pretty funny and interesting voices too, my name being called, etc. They are fun to listen to. Hasn't been happening lately though, I guess it has to do with sleep cycles and which cycle you wake up in

  2. @Cortex learn to lucid dream, then teach yourself to consciously wake up from a lucid dream. Then lay there in bed without moving and recall/feel how your presence was in the dream. Each time you do it, try to extend this feeling for longer and longer. The next step is to be able to get up and do your morning routine while maintaining this presence. 

    Technically you could probably achieve this with a good meditation /yoga practice but you asked a very specific question lol

  3. I have been lucid dreaming for a while now.  Its amazing. Dreaming in general is amazing.  Can teach you so many things like what do you define as reality, and identity.  False memories in dreams intrigue me.  On lower levels of lucidity you can still have false memories, and once you wake up it's like oh my God, I can't believe  I was lucid but still thought it was normal to have pink hair or crazy random things like that.  

    Also interesting when you realize that these vast, fully realized worlds are created in real time right before your "eyes", without any effort from "you",  unless you choose to manipulate the environment on purpose.  For those that believe the dreams are created in the brain,  that's freaking-fucking-tastic for the brain to be able to do that.  Some believe the dream world is outside of the physical realm and we project our consciousness into it. (although either way the brain seems to have some effect on the dreams story and substance ). 


  4. @jasonjp1016 I used to fantasize about this. Depression and anxiety loves this topic. Of course,  at different stages in life, you have varying degrees of what keeps you invested in the current story.  There have been so many times when I have wished to start over.  Or to start from a certain point in time where I felt it started to all go wrong. And I always conclude that I would want my current memories, so that I could make 'educated' (lol)  choices and not end up in the same place.

    You are talking about waking up in a whole new life with new circumstances and family, etc, as if waking up from or beginning a new dream. However, Im not sure if it's a valid question because this person would no longer be 'you', whatever that is, and you might as well be asking : "would you be willing to die? and then oh look, someone just began a new dream let's see how he does." 

    Personally,  I could go either way. If given the choice, I might possibly take it. I have lots to love but I feel a little beat down too. Perhaps your circumstances are much different than mine,  which tends to lead to more attachments. 

    My question to you is what are you so tied to? and if they were gone or pass away, would you change your mind about sticking with this story if given a choice?  


  5. 11 minutes ago, Faceless said:

    People use to tell me I had ADD as well. But i just wasn’t interested in learning what was being offered. 

    @Mikael89@Mikael89(phone bug) 

    @Faceless it's all good, I'm just from the south U. S., so I sometimes need things rephrased for me.  I would have said no offense meant but since you don't identify with ego I figured it was not needed

  6. @Mikael89 I would like to understand what he talks about but I don't know if it's the way he talks or structures his sentences, but my eyes kind of just gloss over after the first few sentences and then I can never finish...  Could be ego backlash though, who knows? Could be my ADD. 

    I'm sure he says some pretty profound stuff but I need someone to rephrase it for me. 

  7. Try it with vr goggles that you put on your smartphone....  There are apps that have scenic vr pics or 360 Panamas... With those, anytime you want a new view you rotate your sitting position.  Plus it teaches you to hold your head up and steady.  

    Or find an app that let's you upload your own pictures, then you can specifically use ones that help different areas psychologically, like color therapy with a white or blue lily,  chakra colors, etc. 

  8. This is a good article that compares Jesus and Buddha.

    I encourage you to go through the archives as well... The man who runs the website and writes most of the articles is well versed in nonduality, but the main purpose of the site is to interpret the Bible allegorically and esoterically, as it is a roadmap to enlightenment and not supposed to be a religious book