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Everything posted by Socrates

  1. @Leo Gura you're 2 months late for that obvious conclusion. And the saddest thing is this genocide is sponsored by the US. I foresee the 9/11 sequel is on the way, the incompetence of the US government planted that seed unwillingly. There definitely should be severe consequences for both the US and Israel, I'd prefer nonviolent but that is not how karma works, unfortunately.
  2. This is a good watch, the orange guy is clinging to his materialism with audacity, you see the rationalists think USING a thing means UNDERSTANDING a thing. That's why I never looked up to any "educated" person since they just filled junk in their mind and ended up projecting their models on reality instead of EXPERIENCING what IS. And that's a common trap many people here fall into as well, your models aren't reality and will never be, no matter how well-made they are.
  3. @Leo Gura You should ask for help man, that build will work but has some issues. Firstly you got way too low wattage on the PSU the CPU alone can peak at 300w and you got 650w total ???, an awful GPU, the 4060ti shouldn't exist it is a bad product, you need at least 4070 if not 4080 or 4090 ideally (since you can afford it), z690 may not hit best ram speeds so z790 is also ideal if you care about OC. The cooler is too weak, every CPU on lga1700 draws more power as much power as it can and will always use as much cooling as you give it, so the best choice would be a 360 AIO or a big air cooler or you're leaving performance (you paid for) on the table. And most importantly, you should've gone for 14700k if not 13900k, 13700k is a good CPU but not the best vfm (since it got 4 fewer cores vs 14700k) and the price is pretty similar.
  4. Notice If we use the word "scientific" correctly, he is as scientific as someone who quotes the bible. The fact he has adopted a belief that even 30' of contemplation about consciousness can refute, is not scientific, it is closeminded and audaciously dogmatic. You can't ground a superset on a subset, it is both spiritually and scientifically incorrect but the theoretician (I won't call a scientist any fool parroting theory) fails to notice it.
  5. Well said! What you said is self-evident AFTER you escape the echo chamber of materialism but you have to escape to even notice it! It is a sneaky catch-22 since every echo chamber appears "complete" from within, but blatantly biased and incomplete from outside.
  6. @TheGod Why do you need weed? what is your present experience lacking that you need a substance to enjoy the present moment? What are you coping from? What were your life circumstances that led you to such a daily habit? Contemplate those and you will not need weed. Any form of addiction is coping since we dont feel powerful enough to address the issue at hand. How about we address the issue at hand?
  7. Some ideas: Do shorts and TikTok Cover firstly the most relevant topics and do not be afraid to be a little clickbaity Stand out in your own niche and specify in your head what you do better than everyone else in your field In the beginning, produce a lot to find your style and improve your craft Collabs Edit: These ideas aim for organic channel growth, you can also invest in ads if you want to pay for attention but if the content isn't up to par yet you will not retain that audience.
  8. Watch your projections little devil, you cant know something before you try it and the fact that nobody is enlightened in here is pretty concrete proof that y'all are self-deceived in your own grandiose fantasies of spiritual ego. If you need to take a substance to "get there" that means, You are NOT there yet
  9. He did a good job! Now all we need is a consciousness model and an emotions model, and you get the complete puzzle by incorporating all these perspectives together. Even trying to contemplate how that would look I get dizzy 🤣 One thing I'm certain, "emotional extremes" can drastically retard your growth cognitively but greatly accelerate your growth spiritually.
  10. Talking about forum issues, on mobile (android) if I quote something there is no way to delete the quoted box.
  11. ****GRAPHIC****** ****GRAPHIC******
  12. There are many Jews with good hearts and balanced minds that condemn the killings of innocent civilians, the ones that hold the position "war is war" and an "eye for an eye" are no different from a nazi troop in ww2 taking orders and having no responsibility for his part in that atrocity. Being silent in front of war crimes worse than WW2 is equivalent to supporting those crimes.
  13. Amazing self-defense bombing hospitals, probably Hamas was hiding under the hospital's beds!!! Whoever supports Isreal's war crimes is supporting behavior equivalent to or even worse than Hitler's
  14. @Inliytened1 I'll put the attitudes aside and address the topic at hand once again. Israel is wrong by killing civilians, kids, and journalists without any Hamas in sight, meaning doing blatant war crimes without consequences, Israel is wrong by holding apartheid giving Palestinians no legit solution to live a decent life, and forcing them to terrorism since no other option has ever gotten them any result, Israel is wrong by doing war crimes in the name of "killing Hamas", Israel is wrong by aiming to do a genocide in the name of self-defense and Israel is also wrong by spewing propaganda it is a victim when in fact is the aggressor, Israel is also wrong by being super racist against any other ethnicity, Israel is also wrong by not seeking to resolve the situation in GAZA and is happy with it being a breeding ground for terrorists, Israel is also wrong by stealing land and when the owner comes to fight for his stolen land it screams "help terrorists". Most importantly Israel is guilty of trying to shift the narrative as much as it can with paid ads and propaganda campaigns with staged pics of massacres trying to get morale support in its attempts at a Palestinian genocide. Also, Israel is wrong by saying it is a war when it isn't, this "war" is equivalent to a guy with a knife versus 10 guys with AK-47s, it is not even close. When you control the resources of your "opponent" the only thing stopping you is your own morality. You only count Israelis dead, I count dead people. My position tends to minimize the death toll OVERALL, your position tends to minimize the Jewish death toll. The topic needs nuance and I dont see it on your behalf. Also, I didn't see you so pressed the last years that Israel was killing Palestinians for fun on the regular. Don't these lives matter before the Hamas attack? or are we counting only "our" people? This is self-deception 101, I will take someone seriously with these whataboutisms when only he bothered to address the thousands of Palestinians that died the last years before the Hamas attack, organically. This is a classic vicious circle that the only solutions are in Israel's hands but they like to be dense and not seek win-win solutions. Unless we have a resolution that lifts the apartheid and gives Palestinians basic human rights (which they dont currently have), this will continue forever. Israel in its egotistical behavior to expand and fulfill the Zionist agenda can't see that taking a step back will help them immensely. If they were given an option and then decided to do terrorism we would have a completely different conversation but until then, the situation is as i described. You can't have a "war" where one side is overpowered and still side with the overpowered side. Humans are apes by default and they can't do anything other than abuse their power so the more conscious you are the more supportive of the weak side you tend to become.
  15. @Inliytened1 @Leo Gura Idk how this guy is a mod, he portrays me as a Hamas supporter and then gives me a warning for not allowing him to gaslight me. Dont you feel like a bum @Inliytened1 doing power trips out of vengeance on a consciousness forum? I would...
  16. @Inliytened1 No war is not war. You basically admitted you dont know that international law exists and what it entails ? There is nothing to discuss when you lack a basic understanding of how war works and what is classified as a war crime. Also, nothing in this situation is "my group" Stop misrepresenting me, asshole. I NEVER said I agreed with what Hamas did. But what choices are they given? if they stay in Gaza they most likely die depending on the temperament of the settlers, if they try to leave they get shot and if they try to do peaceful demonstrations they still get shot, so it is either endure life in an open-air prison (Gaza) FOREVER or try to fight back by any means necessary. It's not like Israel has tried to treat them like humans and given them an out that is acceptable by both parties.
  17. I will agree with @JTL @Leo Gura your mod is power-tripping, address it
  18. Kill 1000 children get a Hamas commander for free!!! These ratios are AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!! Contemplate: Which side usually seeks moral support by any means necessary and goes to the extent of staging blood scenes and running ads about its message?
  19. @Inliytened1 Good argument I'm convinced ?? Oh wait, you didn't say anything of substance, just pulled the victim card as the current aggressor and started pointing fingers. Utmost lack of responsibility and accountability. You definitely need to take a walk, you sound emotional.
  20. Man... being purposefully in the middle isn't a virtue, get off the MSM and you may realize it is not as "complex" as they want you to think. The only reason I can't swallow the mainstream narrative of "self-defense" is because they say X and do Y and simultaneously lie like they are victims when they are aggressors. They have killed kids, and journalists and committed many war crimes for years but they never got exposed in the mainstream. And that ability to commit war crimes without consequences is rooted in the apartheid meaning the people in Gaza live in an open-air prison, considered less than and have no rights. Settlers can kill if they wish and the situation has been that way for so long. If an Israeli dies it is breaking news, if a Palestinian dies it is fine since he was a "terrorist". This is straight BS out of Hitler's book. You can't have people without rights and expect them to play fair, they won't, as you didn't treat them fair. The status quo and the baseline of the "thermostat" is that Israel does whatever it wants to Palestinians, kills them, and abuses them in general. There is no infrastructure for human rights since the ethnonationalistic Israel doesn't give them any. So ANYTHING that threatens the unbalanced power dynamics is considered anti jew. Despite the fact that objectively speaking the Jews are abusing their power. Bollocks!! If what Hamas did didn't happen, the baseline which is Palestinian segregation and murder wouldn't get the light of day like it did. Did you see any news the last 50 times settlers killed Palestinians??? You didn't see shit!! since that is the baseline of this conflict: whenever a jew dies it is somehow more important compared to whenever a Palestinian dies which is just another day at the office. Now let's get to the war crimes. The list consists of bombing supplies, cutting water and food resources, bombing civilians, telling people to evacuate and then killing them, using white phosphorus, killing journalists, threatening journalists, forcing people to move, mutilating children, beheading children, killing unarmed people that resigned and the list goes on... All that and I still haven't seen any dead Hamas soldiers ? It doesn't exist any scenario or justification that can explain these war crimes point blank period. This situation is like a Stanford prison experiment on a mass scale.
  21. @Lila9 Are you supporting the terrorism Israel is doing at the moment in the name of "self-defense"? If yes you are equivalent to a nazi troop that just "follows order" and accepts the status quo like an NPC. @Sincerity True, there are many Jews that are legit fighters for justice and truth, however, staging fake blood scenes and spewing lies on Twitter from the official Israeli account to get the morale support in doing terrorism labeled as "self-defense" rubs me the wrong way ngl.
  22. Even if we take what Israel is saying about the land as fact (which is not), there is no justification for the revenge of killing civilians that Israel does on purpose atm, so I will never support Israel's genocidal actions. They had the audacity to say, "We don't aim for accuracy we aim for as much damage as possible" and isn't it weird how haven't seen any Hamas dead but only Palestinian families and kids? If any other country did so many blatant war crimes they would have international consequences but I guess international law doesn't apply to Israel. Israel is doing the devil's work and whoever supports them is equal to Hitler's accomplish. also, I remember some moron in here justifying Israel's actions by saying "Violence doesn't help the cause of Palestine" and "they should seek a peaceful solution" in reference to Hamas. The double standards are insane, when Israel does terrorism it is "self-defense" but when Palestinians do self-defense it is "terrorism" The current government of Israel and the people running their socials are liars without any remorse, you can even see it in the propaganda they spew, they have staged MANY news articles and Twitter posts to get the moral edge and even dared to say: "Jail up to 1 year for people that hurt the ethnic morale". This is literally fascism and ethnonationalism straight out of Hitler's book, democracy cant happen on top of that so you see the results. Anyone who supports doing terrorism in response to terrorism shouldn't cover politics, he just doesn't get it nor has the intellectual capabilities to do so.
  23. I might start a YouTube channel to expose all those clowns, the more intellectually dishonest you are the bigger the audience you have it is literally mindboggling. I mean making this video is one thing but having such ignorant and deranged comments is another, the more I see people like these be it this YouTuber or his fans the less democratic I tend to become. Self-delusion at its peak, how can you project so much meaning on someone speaking literally the most common sense I really cannot fathom it. Realistically there is no amount of work or personal development a guy like that can do that can reach 1% of my left nut's intelligence so how the fuck should my vote be equal to this dipshit? The more democratic a society is the lower level of development its leaders will have. The same way a company shouldn't pivot based on what the toilet cleaner says the same way the country shouldn't pivot based on what each dipshit ape says. Democracy empowers apes, meritocracy empowers results and competence. We need to be more meritocratic not more democratic. Democracy is all about optics and irrelevant about results, meritocracy is all about competence and focuses on results. You're not judged by your potential, In theory, anyone can become enlightened and an amazing thinker if he wants to but most are closer to animals like apes than anything even human let alone godlike.
  24. @Leo Gura Great catch-22, just like the blacks. Treat them badly, create generational trauma, and have them live in awful conditions, but when they fight back you say LOOK they aren't developed enough!!! Of course!!!!! I'd argue attacking someone's basic needs is the greatest form of violence since that guarantees their spiral development will be delayed. I shall coin this approach as "spiral dynamicism" AKA being discriminatory based on spiral development.