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Posts posted by Passionate

  1. @Uncover if you understand why you do things, you will never have to question whether it was right or wrong.  Facebook is a tool - and can be useful for some things.  I find it useful in business to remind people that I am around.  A school group might be useful, in the exchange of information.  Ultimately,  do not think FB is useful for any kind of meaningful relationships - its just too easy to be "friends" with people.  there is no real work involved, therefore no investment.  .  If you seek contact with other people, then go outside and meet some people.  Walk into the grocery store and start a conversation with a total stranger.  try starting a conversation with some of the people at school, in one of those places where people gather.  by working on your social skills, you will find the contact with others that you seek. 

  2. y'know.........most people just don't get it, and that's OK.  My personal development is for me, about me, and by me.  It does not require the approval or participation of others around me.  Instead of trying to "convert" the ones around me, I flock to those people - like in this forum - who have already expressed a like or common interest.  I don't try to change others, I just move to where I am most comfortable with myself when I want to exchange ideas with other people.  I look for the like minded, and here they are!!     

  3. @Phrae I absolutely love the work ethic of Arnold Schwarzenegger.  you should check out some of his motivational videos on YouTube - just to see what you think before you decide.  He took ballet classes to be a better bodybuilder.......give him a chance my friend.   Moreover, If you are stuck at four hours a day, perhaps you are not spending your time on the right thing for you.  If you are interested/like what you are doing, then the time flies and four hours are long gone before you even realize it.  Finally, check out some studies on productivity levels and how much work you can do before you are fatigued.  I have read some information from Travis Bradbury, author of Emotional Intelligence, who cites that we can put in sixty hours of a work week before our productivity decreases.  So, check out some studies on our productivity and the type of work that you are doing.  Best of luck to you    

  4. @Rocky on some level, you are aware that you may have been "playing" some of these matter the reason.  Perhaps, you were bored, lonely, vaguely interested, passing time, experimenting, inquiring, etc..  I do not pass judgment on your motivations for your behavior.  I would like to point out that in any relationship, both people are responsible for their behavior.  So, as long as you weren't making promises you couldn't keep, you did not do anything wrong.  I also do not think you have to broadcast your intentions at every turn.  Sometimes, you have to let the situation play out and see what happens.  I like that you are taking a casual approach before you jump in the proverbial dating pool.  I also agree with the poster that cautioned you about manipulations.  So, be clear and honest in whatever you do, and you will be fine.  Do not engage in the BS and stay above the fray.  your awareness of your behavior is the most important.  Lots of luck to you moving forward!!   

  5. I just had to post that I have thoroughly enjoyed reading through these three pages of postings.......appreciate everyone's comments thus far.  For my part:  A relationship is about finding someone you have positive energy with, and that the two of you can exchange that positive energy and continually manifest this through each other.  So, if the two of you are talking - and your conversation continually sparks other beneficial thoughts, then you are engaging in this exchange I am discussing.  The central theme for me will always be about how I feel when I am with someone, and asking myself - do they give me positive energy and am I able to give that back to them?  I agree with the other posters who talked about this being a rare thing.  In my experience, this kind of positive energy and interaction with another person is very hard to come by, although not impossible.  Good luck in your endeavors, no matter where they take you.  Thanks for the post/thread and comments!!

  6. @Jhonny I agree with the others who have posted here.  Your motivation for personal development should come from within.  Simply put, you just want to be a better person.  If your motivation comes from external forces, such as other people or even the opposite sex, then so be it.  I call them "primers," and they can be helpful to either get you started or keep you going.  Just so long as they are not the source of your drive.  Keep your awareness focused on that force that comes from within you - whatever you call it - you will feel that grow stronger.    Keep up the great work!!

  7. @CruellerSloth  I hear that Austria is very pretty country.  i hope to visit there someday.  May I suggest that if you are interested in coming to the US that you might come as a visitor and look around to find more information about whether you should live in the US.  Also, you can do a tremendous amount of research on the internet to find ways of emigrating successfully, wherever you might land.  If you want to accomplish something, you have to start by breaking it down into pieces and take smaller pieces at a time, so that you are not overwhelmed by the larger goal.  Lots of luck to you and welcome to the Forum - I am relatively new here too!!

  8. @rush  Perhaps your passion is investigation and uncovering the hidden truths in this world.  So, maybe you become a journalist, and you will need a medium, such as a tv, magazine, newspaper to develop your experiences.  This is an example of pursuing your passion without being an entrepreneur.   I think you need to figure out what your passion is, pursue it, and take a wait and see approach as to whether you need a business mindset.  Don't be so quick to rush to this conclusion.  Step back and observe a little.  Hope that helps

  9. @Epiphany_Inspired I applaud you for ALL of your hug efforts!!  I love touching and being touched, and I agree with you that you can tell pretty quickly whether people are comfortable with touching or if they are touch-phobes.  I actually had a work colleague who told me that she hated being touched or hugged, but she lets me hug her " a little" because she knows what a positive effect it has on me.................LOL!!  There must be some part of her that gains positive feelings out of it or she wouldn't let me do it.  I also have a weekly meeting where hugs are an essential part of the meeting.  Matter of fact, I am signed up as the official "hugger" at the next meeting.  Of course, I do check with everyone at the meeting to make sure its OK with them that i hug them.  But I gotta tell you, its one of the highlights of the meeting for me.  So....................keep hugging, and you'll know who will and who won't, and stay closer to the ones who will hug.  It's an amazing exchange of positive energy that can be very intimate without the requirement of sex.  I am so proud of you.  

  10. in no particular order and this goes for men and women:

    -Someone who can laugh at themselves, is open minded about others, who seeks to understand, tries to be non-judgmental, is thoughtful of others, encourages others to be better at who they are, can appreciate all the wonders this life has to offer, and a willingness to share on a level where they are willing to expose their vulnerability.  I want to see strength and peace from within - contentment perhaps.       

  11. @rush I have not taken the life purpose course yet, so let me speak from my head/heart.  It doesn't make sense to me that the life purpose course would assume you have to be an entrepreneur - I think an entrepreneur is a certain kind of person, and its not meant for everyone.  Having said that, I do think you can find a career that suits your life purpose without having to start your own business.  And then, of course, having your own business gives you certain freedoms that you may not find within a career.  You may have to try both to figure this out for yourself.  Keep asking questions!!

  12. @ashashlov Let me preface by saying that I am truly sorry you are overwhelmed with fear and uncertainty.  This is the kind of place that can be paralyzing to you ....................if you let it.  I agree with ashashlov and some of the examples given about how to find your way.  Take some of those ideas out for a spin and see how it goes.  As for my two cents, college isn't for everyone.  IF you are not sure, then do some exploration while you support yourself and become independent from your family.  While I did go to college, I did not go right away and I found that as an older student, I could truly appreciate the opportunities presented at college more so than if I had gone to college right away.  If you are not sure, take your time with your decision because the colleges are not going anywhere..............LOL!!  Lots of best wishes to you in your endeavors!  

  13. @Kazman Like you, I am a hands on learner.  I love to figure it out as I go.  I think you have to find the balance between paying your bills and doing what you love.  I am not the first to say that if you do what you love, you will never work another day in your life.  I'm pretty sure its in one of Leo's YouTube vidoes where he talks about pursuing your passion, and the money will come.  Might I also suggest - if you are not already doing so - reading literature in the area of business/entrepreneur.  At a minimum, you will find sparks of energy and creative ideas that may point you in the right direction.  Best of luck to you and remember to keep the balance     

  14. @Darrick no matter where you go or where you land, your experience at the big name restaurant will be valuable at some point......some day.  That experience will help guide you as you make future decisions about where you will be cooking next.  I worked in restaurants while I was in college, and while I have long since moved away from big name chains, I can still draw on some of those experiences today and they serve me well even though I am no longer working in a restaurant.  I love that you want to cook..................Chef school maybe??

  15. @Menko I think that you should do something.  Sometimes, you start out in the IT field and you end up coaching.  What's important is that you explore your interests, and they will lead you where you need to go.  I agree with the other commentators in that you have many many years ahead of you, and you will lose the most precious commodity that you have - time - trying to make the RIGHT choice.  Where I come from, we learn from making mistakes, and it's our mistakes that help us build our character and help us to find out who we truly are.  So, get out there and start exploring!!  All the best to you in your journey.