Chrissy j

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About Chrissy j

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  1. Why no awakening after experiencing pure Being/Truth/God?
    Why no awakening after experiencing pure Being/Truth/God?
    I don't distinguish between psychedelics and non-psychedelics. It's all a hallucination.
    Whatever your present state is, it is chemically induced. Ego is just chemicals at work.
    Any thought you have is a hallucination. Especially the thought, "But Leo, this is not a hallucination!"
    P.S. Chemistry itself is also a hallucination.

  2. Kriya Yoga Mega-Thread
    Kriya Yoga Mega-Thread
    @ppfeiff I am saying it's possible to cure even things like cancer using the mind. Not always, but possible. Because your mind controls your immune system.
    But this is something you're not going to understand at your current level of consciousness. Because you still believe in a physical reality.
    The healing arts are a deep topic which takes years of study and practice to really fathom. And it takes a very open mind. There is a deep mystical component to healing, above and beyond the psychological and "physical" aspects.
    Stuff like ADHD is definitely a good candidate for yogic healing. No guarantees, but worth a shot. Obviously the psychological and physical aspects should also be looked after. If you're eating bad food, that could be an important factor. But then again, yoga will purify your mind and chakras so much that you should automatically want to start eating healthier.

  3. I am so pissed off at everything to do with self help
    I am so pissed off at everything to do with self help
    Change is harder than most people expect.
    It's not that it doesn't work. It works too effectively. The problem is, you don't really want to change, and you're not addressing the root of your issues. No one has shown you how to actually APPLY self-help advice. So you're lost in theory and improper application.
    Victim mentality (which is what your entire post is), can be tricky to overcome. Especially when you are first starting out and you're deep in the hole from a lifetime of dysfunctional living.
    The good new is: the advice works and the end-results you can get are way beyond your wildest dreams. The bad news is: it will take lots of work to actualize it.
    Redouble your efforts, have hope, and drop your victim mentality.
    P.S. Getting pissed is part of the process.

  4. Zodiac Signs
    Zodiac Signs
    @lmfao Research the origins of astrology and read some books about what it really is.
    As with every spiritual topic, don't assume you know best.

  5. Zodiac Signs
    Zodiac Signs
    Numerous studies used to show the Earth was flat.
    Stop with this silly pop-science.
    In the hands of a fool, a study can show anything the fool believes.

  6. Too much devotion to mooji
    Too much devotion to mooji
    One of the downsides to the love-centered approach to nonduality is that it attracts a lot of love-bunnies, who become very devotional to the point of idol worship. Which then creates a sort of stage Green mob mentality, which mirrors stage Blue dogmatism.
    I have a friend who joined the Hare Krishnas, and it's this same kind of blind devotion mentality which leads to this kind of spiritual co-dependency. That's the danger of being part of a tight spiritual community. You become dependent on it and you stop thinking for yourself. This can easily lead to abuse and cult-like behavior, even if the guru is a nice person. Precisely what happened with Osho's community.
    The guru and his followers both become dependent on each other too much.
    A good guru will not let you worship him, keeping a professional distance from his students. Otherwise it becomes incestuous.
    I'm guessing Matt Kahn's followers fall into this same kind of trap given his style of teaching.
    I'm not saying anything negative about these gurus, just pointing out some common traps people fall into.

  7. Spiral Dynamics - green, yellow and turquoise
    Spiral Dynamics - green, yellow and turquoise
    Just to note: I am a noob, I've never tripped and I'm far from comprehension or enlightenment. I also speak from a Materialist view. (Materialism is all I know from exp)
    Beige is basic and automatic but in a lizard/primal sense. Not in an empathetic/loving Human/Buddha/Turquoise sense. We don't want to skip stages, one can't anyhow, we can only travel up through the stages, learning and developing as we go. Each stage being vital to gaining the knowledge acquired to transcend itself and go up. 
    I don't think it is a full circle / strange loop back to Beige. Back Down to Beige. Ultimately one is Awake the whole time as they learn and move upwards, but only by the latter stages do we become conscious of this. I see it as one becomes more conscious as they go up through the stages (gaining knowledge is becoming more conscious/aware of the workings of everything) 
    Leo spoke of killing the knowledge graph to see/find the truth of reality. But one doesn't want to destroy/lose all their knowledge . . . Like @Nahm said Spiral Dynamics is just a model to understand the patterns of human consciousness growth allowing one to guide themselves through their journey. Monkey language is extremely limited and one can't comprehend reality with such limited knowledge, which is what science and philosophy attempt. Most insights are a Feeling/Knowing. Feeling is knowing. Labels don't and can't do reality justice. One cannot count to God because God isn't a number.
    I think one can learn to Be and be at peace by not understanding, by lacking knowledge. But one needs knowledge to get to the stages of true comprehension. We are conceptual creatures and to transcend that we have to use concepts . .  right? I think it is probably rare for one to go into Being without first reading or hearing about it somewhere. I haven't done any psychedelics so I unno  
    From my materialist view point I see it as important not to simply Be Enlightened and stuck at a stage. Otherwise one isn't going to be able to grow and help other sentient beings with their suffering. Yellow and eventually Turquoise is the goal for Intelligent Life on Earth. I'm pretty sure Turquoise would be labelled as Full on Buddha Bro   
    Anyone wants to school me . . please do  
    @CharlotteYeeeeeaah Girl  

  8. Spiral Dynamics - green, yellow and turquoise
    Spiral Dynamics - green, yellow and turquoise
    @Zweistein Keep spiral dynamics to a model of understanding humans socially and economically, but it’s not so much a tool to develop consciousness. Look to the practices for that. Other than that, the changes in realization / consciousness you’re looking for are rooted in letting go of the beliefs of physicality, and a physical you and universe. Psychadelics can be useful to get a glimpse of what ‘higher colors’ are like as default consciousness states. 

  9. The 5-MeO-DMT Mega-Thread
    The 5-MeO-DMT Mega-Thread
    Because it shows that you are God.

  10. Questions about the Consciousness-only Model
    Questions about the Consciousness-only Model
    It HAS limited itself to unity. What you're missing is that unity = disunity. True unity contains all possible disunities. In the same way that true freedom contains all possible forms of enslavement. Think about it. There is no true freedom unless you are free to enslave others. (Freedom within human governments is not freedom, but the opposite: limitation). The function of government is to limit freedom. Because true freedom is way too radical and dangerous for the ego to cope with. True freedom means death, which is the last thing you want.
    Unity doesn't create, it just is. Creation isn't a process, creation is unity. Creation appears to look like a process from your POV because you are under the illusion that time is real. In fact, time is a concept.
    Why does God allow evil? Because God is all-allowing. God allows EVERYTHING. God cannot discriminate. Which literally means that God cannot see evil. To God, evil cannot exist, other than as delusion. Because in TRUTH, nothing is evil. Evil can only exist as falsehood. For God to create evil, it has to lie to itself that evil exists. And that's how evil is born, as an illusion within the eyes of God incarnated as a human being. Only human beings are deluded enough to see evil in the world. God is too smart to see evil, so it has to make itself stupid (born as a human) to experience evil. A human is just a retarded version of God. Why would God retard itself? Because God is unlimited, it must allow every possible thing, including every possible retardation of itself, from a microbe to an ant to a monkey to a human.
    But Leo, I don't like being retarded! Well, that's cause you're a selfish retard. If you were really smart, you'd see retardation is necessary to complete the whole. There cannot be infinity without retardation.
    That's very simple. What you're failing to comprehend (because you are stuck in the duality paradigm) is that nonduality and duality are IDENTICAL!
    There exists only one thing: Infinity. That's where you find yourself sitting right now. Smack in the middle of this infinity.
    This infinity includes nothing, and everything simultaneously.
    God doesn't really "create" anything. Creation is not something that occurs through time. Creation is NOT a process. Creation is. Like a giant static singularity. God is all things all the time. God cannot help being all things because that's what limitlessness means. To be unlimited is to be EVERYTHING all at once.
    Duality was never really created. It was always just an aspect of nonduality.
    ONENESS is so ONE that it contains all possible divisions of itself. In the same way that pure white light contains all the colors of rainbow inside itself. White light doesn't create red, blue, green, yellow, etc. White light is IDENTICAL to red, blue, green, yellow, etc.
    A carton of eggs contains: 0 eggs, 1 egg, 2 eggs, 3 eggs, 4 eggs, 5 eggs, 6 eggs, 7 eggs, 8 eggs, 9 eggs, 10 eggs, 11 eggs, and 12 eggs -- ALL AT THE SAME TIME! A carton of eggs does not create 3 eggs. It is BEING 3 eggs already! That's what carton means. Is it true that there are 3 eggs in a full carton of eggs? Yes!
    Now imagine an infinite carton of eggs.
    You are one of those eggs, and also the whole carton.
    It's the opposite. It's like waking up from being asleep. Asleep is what you are now. You are asleep to the fact that many-ness is identical to ONENESS. You're failing to notice the ONENESS, because you believe you're alive and separate from other things.
    According to duality, there is a difference between duality and nonduality. But according to nonduality, there isn't.

  11. A rant against intelligence as Leo sees it
    A rant against intelligence as Leo sees it
    @robdl Sure, anything can be abused.
    The whole process is relative. It's all about where you are now and where you need to go next. You have insights and then you outgrow them, have some more, outgrow them, and so on.
    You're not gonna go from newbie to Zen master in one giant leap. It's gonna be a long, slow, grueling process of having dozens and hundreds of various insights.
    You're going mature every day a little bit. Some days a lot. Some days, you will regress.

  12. Video Games, the Heart, and the Root of all Addictions
    Video Games, the Heart, and the Root of all Addictions
    @John Iverson
    1) Ego backlash
    2) Sex drive is hard to just stop. In fact you bascially can't. The only way to transcend it is through lots of conscious spiritual puriffication work. I wouldn't worry about sex too much. Don't try to suppress it. Learn to accept it and to fulfill it in healthy ways.

  13. No brain
    No brain
    @Sweetest Your mind is too closed for this work. Way too much epistemic arrogance.
    What 5-MeO does, you could not imagine in the wildest science fiction movie. It basically kills you. Try for yourself and see, rather than doing armchair philosophy. It's all fun and games until you start dying.

  14. What are some of the things that you do to take action on Self Actualization?
    What are some of the things that you do to take action on Self Actualization?
    @B_Naz I agree, and at the same time you don’t want to resist the desire to do those unconscious behaviors and ‘get rid of’ those behaviors in a neurotic way. That has been one of my biggest insights or realizations in my journey. Which is not to align your life with the theory in a neurotic way, but to instead use it as a guideline as you continue to grow yourself internally. Those unconscious behaviors will then exit out of your life naturally depending on your level of consciousness. The theory is not there to tell you what to do in life. So for example, a psychologically dysfunctional newbie who is listening to advanced personal development theory for the first time won’t be able to apply any of it and take action right away. If the theory says that video games, drugs, sex, partying are unconscious behaviors, and that society is here to fuck us all so distance yourself from society, instead sit in a cave, do psychedelics, enlightenment work and meditate. He/she wouldn’t be able to to do it. The newbie would be so closed-minded, so he/she would have to work on open-mindedness and several other things and work their way up little by little. But as the newbie becomes a bit more comfortable with listening to the material, there’s the trap of resisting bad behaviors, “I should NOT eat this icecream” or “I need to STOP watching TV because the theory said I shouldn’t do this!” But sometimes you just gotta let these unconscious behaviors happen and be aware of it. There will be ups and downs, and its never perfect. In the end, the growth will come naturally as you begin to move up to higher levels.

  15. Why is Masculine attractive?
    Why is Masculine attractive?
    It is. But I'm not sure you understand what that really means.
    Masculinity doesn't mean you have to become some sort of authoritarian dictator that controls her every move. Sometimes the right thing to do is actually to ask, "what do you want"?
    But at the end of the day, either you're leading or she is.
    If she feels like you're always looking to her for what to do in a relationship, how is that going to make her feel like you could protect her? What does that say about your confidence in yourself and your ability to create an awesome life for the two of you?
    The reason this bothers you isn't because women are wrong for being the way they are. It's that you don't think you can match up.
    Embrace it. Life is far better as a man when you just accept your role.

  16. To any jed mckenna fans out there.
    To any jed mckenna fans out there.
    Awakening is just nihilism fully realized.
    If McKenna sounds "nihilistic" to you, that's because that's the way YOU are reading him.
    Don't confuse lack of sugar-coating with "nihilism".
    There is a certain compassion (masculine compassion) that comes with being ruthlessly blunt about a matter, as opposed to glittering it up with promises of 72 virgins. The ego-mind tends to hate direct Jihad. It's too much for an ego to stomach unless one is really spiritually mature.
    But also, keep in mind, that people will have different journeys to awakening. For some people the journey will be very hellish and bleak, for others it will be more heavenly and lovey-dovey. That's gonna depend a lot on your personal karma and how your mind interprets the journey.
    Also, keep in mind, there are many degrees of awakening. Certain levels may be sweet while others bleak. Again, depending on how your mind interprets it. For example, some minds will find it horrifying to discover that there is no right/wrong, while others will find this delightful. Some minds will find it atrocious to discover that God is nothingness, while others will find this beautiful.

  17. Is it all about sex?
    Is it all about sex?
    There is so much more to everything than that... It's a basic primal instinct like all other. But nothing extra ordinary. The basic life purpose is obviously survival and existence . Beyond that the purpose would be to create a purpose or meaning but fundamentally the soul seeks joy and peace all the time. That's why all the frustration and the dissonance as a result of the lack of true happiness and peace. 

  18. Is it really possible to disapear your ego and reach highest levels of enlightenment?
    Is it really possible to disapear your ego and reach highest levels of enlightenment?
    You can't know until you achieve it. For all you know, everything I say could be a lie.
    Such is the nature of all breakthroughs.
    You cannot do research unless you are willing to assume the risk of deadends.
    Now you see why so few people discover the Truth.
    P.S. 1000 hours is actually a very small investment. You should be prepared to invest way more than that if you really care about knowing the origin of existence.

  19. Thoughts on Jordan peterson
    Thoughts on Jordan peterson
    Any intellectual position that one is fond of and defends with rational arguments. A set of ideas or worldview that one is emotionally attached to, and in particular, thinks of as true and important. A personal philosophy or system of morals about which one feels righteous. An intellectual or philosophical agenda.
    All of that is delusions of the ego.
    There is a difference between people attacking you vs you "creating enemies." Enemies are a psychological creation of the ego-mind. People who attack you will of course always exist. 
    A shark can attack you while you are swimming in the ocean. But that does not make him your enemy, unless you hold him as such.
    The mistake would be to go on an ideological crusade against sharks. That's the lesser Jihad.
    Be very mindful of anyone who you follow in the media who is waging an ideological crusade against anything. Notice that that entire thing is a distraction from consciousness.
    All ideology is antithetical to truth and consciousness. And there are many very subtle forms of ideology floating around. We're not talking about fundamentalist religion here. The ideologies you should be worried about are much more subtle.

  20. Thoughts on Jordan peterson
    Thoughts on Jordan peterson
    @Omario Be careful. Ideology is not consciousness.
    All ideology is going to limit your growth.
    People such as Peterson and Sam Harris are actually ideologues. Which is why they develop sorts of cult followings. It's a modernized form of religion.
    People with strong opinions betray their lack of consciousness and understanding of reality.
    The more conscious you become, the less opinions and enemies you will have.
    Constant criticism, debating, and self-justifying are sure signs of low consciousness.
    If an ideology or worldview appeals to you, you should be extra wary of it.

  21. Why isn't Shadow Work/Trauma release popular in the mainstream?
    Why isn't Shadow Work/Trauma release popular in the mainstream?
    Haha, the whole point of society is to help people collectively avoid looking at their shadow.
    70%+ of marketing is about triggering your shadow. How is business gonna control and exploit shadow-free people? You exploit people by appealing to their weaknesses, fears, hatreds, greed, and depravity.
    Notice, the mainstream doesn't offer any root solutions to any problems. It's all band-aids and opiates.
    The job of society is to construct a reality -- and to distract people long enough so they never realize that reality does not actually exist.

  22. 20mg 5-Meo-DMT Trip Report
    20mg 5-Meo-DMT Trip Report
    @Space There are several deeper variables at play:
    1) The baseline level of consciousness you were born with.
    2) The degree to which you've deconstructed your mind. How much you've contemplated epistemic and metaphysical issues.
    3) Your brain physiology.
    4) Your karma
    5) Your geunine degree of curiosity about reality.
    My theory is that all of these factors are more important than dose or substance.

  23. Different Take On Life Purpose
    Different Take On Life Purpose
    This is Ben Smythe/Jack Saturday on the idea of finding a Life Purpose. If you listen carefully and are currently trying to find a Life Purpose, you might get another perspective from which to approach this "problem". The whole setup of trying to find a LP might be the exact mindset clouding the realization of what you really love to do.

  24. When will you know you are self-actualized?
    When will you know you are self-actualized?
    Unification of eternal unconditional love. Inspired, intrinsically motivated progressive living. Freedom from decisions and outcomes rooted in the unconscious state of paradigms. Detached from mental reaction to others, yet deeper and closer relationships, seeing meaninglessness yet living with inspired purpose, minimalistic yet living in truth and abundance, aware of the “why” of the universe, yet aware each create their own reality, extraordinarily simple minded yet aware of the relativity of values like self reliance, responsibility, accountability. 

  25. So the Godhead is beyond our control...
    So the Godhead is beyond our control...
    That is the height of egotism: to expect reality to function in such a manner that you never get scratched. As if the whole universe revolves around pleasing your egoic needs.