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Posts posted by Martin123

  1. 5 minutes ago, DreamScape said:

    @Martin123 There's no way. The human psyche is capable of anything because it's all consciousness. For example, human needs are like programs, It's just that they're engrained so deep that it seems like they're fundamental. I'm not denying anything, but there is no ground to who we are. 

    The only reason you would say that is because there is a belief in you that is afraid of being human, and so you cling to the idea of being consciousness because being fully human is simply too painful, which is understandable.

    But please know the only thing dressed up as this pattern is a fear of commitment, which can only be healed over time.

    I remember having this vision when I was going through my awakening years ago, it was as if I was at the heaven's gates, holding onto the 'gates golden bars' while all the angels and god were pushing me down onto earth, and Id scream that I don't want to.

    You might feel like you wanna go home, you might feel like you dont like being here, you might even feel like youre not human, but all those are merely symptoms of your quickly awakening consciousness, and should never been seen as a replacement or a substitution of the necessity of having your emotional needs.

    You might feel and be ungrounded now, but have no fear, you will not be like that forever, and you will over time find joy in inhabitting your human body. Until that time, take it easy, relax, and love yourself until the fears of being here, dissolve in the presence of your most daring and honest self-love. 

  2. I felt the nudge to channel something for everyone to stop identifying with the patterns of darkness they carry in their nervous system and become more aware of the light that they are, that is simultaneously the light of all that transmutes the darkness into its original form, which is the light.
    You can see it as the darkness being a lost sibling, where its older sibling - the light - rescues the darkness and takes it back home to source, because that is how healing happens.

    The light is in all things, this means that the light is even within the darkness. So why do patterns of darkness perpetuate themselves in cycles of denial and abuse when they in fact are the light?
    It is simply because the only activity through which the light can expand is through remembering itself. This means that at a certain level of development, the light needs to condense itself into patterns of darkness, only to build up the necessary pressure to explode into the expansion it has always desired. This means that every pattern of darkness plays a necessary role (be it a cycle of addiction, abuse, manipulation or victimhood), that over time creates enough momentum for the light to expand into greater capacity than ever before.

    Every moment of darkness is only a preparation for the expansion of the light. This gives us a greater opportunity never to blame ourselves for moments of anger, frustration, confusion, loneliness, sadness, abandonment, betrayal and pain. If we can shift our perspective and look at those patterns as necessary catalysts for the light's most miraculous expansion, we are honoring the light within each pattern of darkness, and allowing it to transform and transmute in the quickest possible way.

    And so please say these words out loud in order to transmute patterns of darkness back into the radiance of your most luminous light.



    Pain is only the light remembering itself.
    Abandonment is only the light remembering itself.
    Loneliness is only the light remembering itself.
    Betrayal is only the light remembering itself.
    Neglect is only the light remembering itself.
    Abuse is only the light remembering itself.
    Codependency is only the light remembering itself.
    Manipulation, narcissism and self-absorbed and selfish tendencies, is only the light remembering itself.
    Passive aggressive behavior is only the light remembering itself.
    Patterns of defensiveness, denial, fight, flight, fawn and freeze, are only the light remembering itself.

    Anything imaginable, whether arising as an energetic sensation, emotional sensation, or a phenomenon of mental capacity and thought, is only the light remembering itself, and in knowing its true form, I allow all patterns of darkness to be healed to completion and returned to the light now. I command this to be so as the holy light that I am, for the light of my true nature has never been anything of darkness, and it has always been here guiding me, dressed up as a density within a nervous system of a human being struggling through life.
    But that ends now.
    I am the light of source, nothing less and nothing more. I am the most luminous and radiant light in existence, and perhaps my greatest ego trip, is only happening because I am learning to deal with the fact how perfect, whole, radiant and complete I truly already am.

    I am the victory of the light, and I call that light of my purest consciousness into my body now. May it guide all my choices, speak my words, and move through me and as me, knowing that the more light I allow to shine through me, the more light there will be for others to take in and embody.

    I am the light of purity, that knows no darkness, and only knows how to transform it.

    And so I am healed.

    I am the light, the light I am.

    Please comment bellow with anything that arises within you, whether they are points of clarification, emotional responses or thoughts, just share what you feel and think and I will respond to anchor more of the healing for you specifically, just so we can take this to a whole new level.

    Thank you for taking this in. Light be with you! <3 

  3. @Origins Listen here guy.

    No matter what you find ‘fiction or non fiction’, 


    when you speak or write on a forum you transmit healing energy and just through reading the words people have the opportunity take in the healing that is so ever present coursing through your nervous system.


    i know this because I am the same, and I find it relevant for you to have this information because the healing energy is very pure and uplifting and beneficial for others to receive, so thank you dearly.


    And own the fact that you are a giant lightbulb illuminating humanity everywhere you go and with everything you share.


    i would imagine that the healing you’ve experienced must’ve been quite significant, because your nervous system needs to burn out and allow the necessary space for this much light to shine through.


    all the best and keep shining your light, thank you! 

    ps: when I join in the light gets more amplifier and magnified as If the two lightbulbs joined and multiplied their voltage by joining together. This of course happens without effort as effort would be only our egos trying to have a say in what the divine had already orchestrated.


    keep rocking on ! ?❤️❤️

  4. @Nahm Well it would make sense why most of your advice (and I'm just honestly trying to be real here and not mean anyhing in a disrespectful way, just an ultra-honest moment) is in the direction of avoiding the pain and trying to detach and 'focus on something different' etc.

    It is a pattern that is a childhood coping strategy that distracts you from the pain you experienced as a young child. Of course very painful and traumatic condition, it is very dangerous however, or unhelpful in the least, to try to help people grow emotionally and spiritually, simply because since you probably put a lot of pressure on yourself not to be in the pain you've been in as a small child, you're going to be putting the same kind of pressure on the people you help whether you're conscious of it or not. In this way your advice are actually a form of pressuring people not to be in pain, rather than helping them through the transmutation process of the pain that is meant to heal them.

    It is as if you were pulling people out of their haling journeys because you yet haven't dared to complete or fully commit to yours.

    Think of it this way, think of the relationship you had with your parents. Until those emotional patterns are resolved, you are recreating those relationships with the people you encounter, where most of the time you're relating to others in a similar way you were related to as a child, no matter whether you feel like you've transceded it or not, that doesn't necessarily matter, because those relationships are what is living in your nervous system, and as such cannot be transceded, can only be resolved and transformed through your ability to relive the pain you experienced.

    From a practical sense, this is what avoidant attachment is, it's not a spiritual insight, it is a childhood trauma response. And it's super common in spirituality too... because it 'acts' as if it were healthy dettachment, when in truth it is avoidance. 

  5. On 8/13/2020 at 0:46 AM, somegirl said:

    . I think my mom was the happiest when I was single (for the most of my teenage years) because she wouldn't have to worry about me. 

    Because of this I found myself unable to enjoy the process of being with someone in such intimate way, grow up and do what other couples are supposed to do together. They alienited it for me. 

    Welcome to the club! Pleasure to meet you, this is 'enmeshed families anonymous', we have many many members... like... quite many :D

    I have had it very similarly as you are describing, my mom would be too dependent on my life to the point where living a life of my own became a struggle for me because it was as if I had to live two lives - the one that I have, and the one my mother pressured me to live, which was a little exhausting so that had to stop xD

    I also had an abusive father and an abusive sibling, that took a lot of trauma healing to overcome to a place where nowadays I'm very functional, generous and able to have my own boundaries in relationships. 

    Im still healing through things, but they don't limit me to the degree where they would hugely impact the way I treat and receive others.



    On 8/13/2020 at 2:49 PM, Nahm said:

    My dad was (it seemed) always angry & stressed about work. It wasn’t a pleasant environment to grow in, in that way. So I learned about loa, passive income, standards & delegation, and stopped. 

    Soo.. you used spirituality to cope with your childhood trauma, but never to heal and feel through all the neglect and pain?

    You know... that makes sense now :D But... If I were you I'd look into that, like... for realzies, this is a little bit of a red flag. Not to call you out or anything, but... I think I just did anyway.

  6. @Chives99 Well, then I hope my death will be terrifying, painful, excruciating and full of grief and pain. Because that will remind me how fully I allowed myself to live.

    I am someone who has psychologically died many many times, probably hundreds of times. And every death was a painful moment of grieiving all that I have gained, and all that I have lost. And it only allowed me to be more alive than ever before, only preparing me for the next level of death, and next level of rebirth. That is how you live without denial, and that is how enlightenment teaches you how to live your life.

    Not in a way that avoids pain, such as you are suggesting here. No thank you, no need to avoid anything or anyone at all. I will take all the pain, say thank you very much, and allow it to rip me to shreads over and over, until nothing but the light of my consciousness remains smiling at me, from the after life that has dawned before the dying of my phyisical body.

    Thank you death for allowing my consciousnesss to enter this lifetime more awakened and conscious than I've ever been.
    Thank you.

  7. @Gesundheit Wow... I would not wanna be Your friend haha.

    Just now, Chives99 said:

    You'd be surprise how little you actually need, You are free to drop dead right now, nobody says you need to be  a live.

    You only say that because you don't like your life. People who aren't unhappy with their lives have no need to label themselves as illusory.
    Yeah... I wouldn't wanna be friends with you either haha, no offense of course but this is an extremely unhealthy attitude.

  8. 52 minutes ago, Gesundheit said:

    Actually, you don't need anything other than food and water and air. You're imagining things which you label "needs" and then you're giving them too much importance when they actually aren't needs nor important at all. You're literally creating anxiety and neediness by thinking about those things as "needs".

    This is extremely toxic, we can't deny our emotional needs, if we do we are bound to end up in patterns of abuse, manipulation and denial. Please dread carefully when spreading this rhetoric.


    26 minutes ago, Chives99 said:

    Pursuing spirituality is a  great way to get over these 'needs' that are hardwired into your brain, your self agenda has co-opted them for its survial as a self and its identity.

    Again, sorry this cannot be done, it's like a fish pretending it's a bird, and since it's a bird it doesn't need water to exist. BUT IT WILL LOWKY DIE okay :D

    We are humans, humans have emotional needs, spirituality teaches us how to be most expressively and consciously human, not how to deny our humanity.

    2 hours ago, Max_V said:

    At this point I'm working a lot on overcoming the social anxiety I've had for about 10 years now (I'm 20 atm), creating a healthy and authentic self-image, and overall really for the first time in my life being happy with and loving the person that I am. 

    I'm working at this on my own through my meditation practice, working through the book 'Psychocybernetics' and other material, journalling and questioning my fears and self-image. Next to that I'm also in therapy specifically focused on working through the same issues. Sadly, one of the most important components that I intuit I have to do to overcome my fears, is talking to people, specifically girls, which is very hard right now because of these Covid times. Whenever rules become looser again, and it is safe for all parties involved to socialize, I plan on really diving deep into socializing, dating and relationship. But right now while that still is very limited, I want to work as much as I can on my inner world and understanding of how this all works. 

    One of the biggest questions that I've pondering for a while, is this issue of getting the needs met that you cannot do so yourself. This problem is a catch-22. 

    Not being able to meet a need yourself causes neediness for it to be met. Neediness repells people, and so in turn makes them not want to need your meets. And so I am left with this struggle of how to break out of this cycle.

    Would love to discuss and hear your thoughts on this. 

    Neediness is an insistence that our emotional needs MUST be met by others, and that important word there is the MUST.

    Healthy relationship with your needs is - Look I have needs, are there any people around who can meet them? No? Okay I can do it just as well as others! :)

    Are you feeling lonely? - love that part of you that feels loneliness.

    Are you feeling sad? - Love that part of you that feels sad

    Are you feeling disconnected? - Connect with the part of you in which disconnect is present.

    Are you feeling abandoned? - Make sure you are a good, present and thoughtful company to YOU! 

    Love the parts of you that insist that others must be the source of your fulfillment, and watch the 'neediness' dissolve in the presence of your own self love. We don't love ourselves to become hyper-independent, we love-ourselves because that is often the only available way to meet our needs, not because we refuse love from others, but because we have been hardwired to think that our own love matters less than love from others, and until our own love matters just as much, the things others can give us won't be so fulfilling, because we will either not be able to take it in fully, or we will be waiting for the moment of connection and love to end and will imagine ourselves lacking that what we receive from others, before even taking it in fully.

    Love the you that feels like it is needy, for neediness deserves love, and may you be that love onto yourself, as your own divine parent bringing your inner child and your consciousness into a divine union of spirit and form, making your emotional needs the priority they were always waiting to be, regardless how overlooked or ignored by others you have ever felt.

    Permit yourself to love YOU, for you have the right to feel the fulfillment of your own love. You not only have the right, but it is something you have the utmost worthiness of, and are infinitely deserving of.

  9. @somegirl I think there's a little oversimplified but overall true quote 'We accept the love we think we deserve.'

    Since your earliest upbringing, you've been primed with gallons of either positive reinforcement, or trauma, what a loving relationship is, and because your subconscious mind requires and needs to seek equilibrium, it recreates those experiences that it is familiar with.



  10. 46 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    And why should a man not grope a woman's tits he finds attractive?

    Maybe because that's sexual abuse?


    47 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    Survival is cruel.

    What if it is the cruelty within you using survival as an excuse to keep itself from dissolving?


    36 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    I bet you've opened it to some unworthy ;)

    It's okay. I won't judge.

    Okay this is sleezy as hell what the ... Am I hallucinating this?

    What the hell.

  11. 10 minutes ago, Origins said:

    it sounds like you're at the very least partly an anxious attachment style. Solution. Learn to heal the symptoms at a causal level. Our actions are always at the whim of our emotions which produce thoughts that further corrupt our emotions to actions. Don't focus on your thoughts, focus on accepting everything in your inner experience validating everything as it arises while learning to get to the root experiences of your emotions. Then overtime the thoughts will disappear as they change as the emotions change. 

    That is an impressive advice that I am not used to seeing here at all! I am stunned, yes it's anxious attachment, I love everything you said! Who are you! :D

    @creator20 As Origins said, you seem to be like an anxious attachment. What I will say on top of his advice is that with anxiously attached individuals, there tends to be this 'secondary gain' of something being wrong, and that is 'as long as there's something wrong with them, I can relate to them, because I don't know how to build a relationship with someone without something being wrong.'

    It is because at the deepest level you associate your ability to relate to someone with worry, and without the cortissol stress response you actually feel like you're being disconnected, which may bring up uncomfortable sensations of unsafety and abandonment. 
    The way out of this is making peace with relaxation, and building a deeper relationship with yourself, rather than relying on anxiety to always keep you connected to others.

    All the best! :)

  12. 7 minutes ago, Thestarguitarist14 said:

    Yeah, especially since he made a video about five years ago ranting against pick up.


    I believe he sees just how many guys on here are desperate for sex and it appears that he has had the quality relationships that he has desired so I think that is why his advice sounds very pick up artist like.  

    I wish I had known that.  To be fair, RSD talks about inner game and I have studied rsd a lot, actually have went to the live events (which are actually dope, they go well beyond pick up and more into self improvement).    

    Most people have it backwards.  They think that if they have a lot of sex or get into a relationship then they will be happy.  You get happy first, then you have sex and get into the relationship.  Then it’s icing on the cake.  This also makes it easier to not be needy.


    As for porn, I have been looking into that a bit.  I did not jerk off for months, got into a thing with a narcissistic woman, and relapsed.  I have been observing my porn activity and breaking it down and porn is just a big self deception.  Most people who watch a ton of porn are sad or bored.


    Thanks.  I have just been noticing the amount of guys here who call themselves incels.  It is so sad.

    I really appreciate what you shared about an unhealthy relationship leading to your relapse to porn, as if porn was a way to cope with n unhealthy relationship.


    when guys watch prom what they’re coping with is an unhealthy relationship with themselves. Most of us are knee deep entrenched in a toxic borderline abusive dynamic. Only the toxic abuser lives in our heads, and is abusing our hearts.


    i think that’s a great teaching a out this type of stuff! Thanks again ! :) 

  13. @Thestarguitarist14 makes you think about Leo’s dating advice being super pick-upy.


    For a guy who talks about divine love all day, this is some confusing stuff.


    The first rule of relationships is the relationship to yourself, not the chase towards or after sex and dating.


    Then there’s the porn debate we’ve been having in this sub forum.

    As if porn was a part of self-love and not a cover up for insecurity. 

    Im glad you’ve posted this topic here, it’s been missing in this sub forum for a long time! 

  14. 14 hours ago, Bando said:

    I see where your coming from but you've gotta understand that your saying this because you've spent time getting good with women, how could you expect a guy who has never gotten laid or is not good with women to believe, "I can be in a healthy loving relationship with myself." I believe every guy should go into a healthy form of pick until they feel confident in their ability to attract a partner, then focus on other things.

    This is actually just illusion.

    The reason why you wanna get good with women is because it would ssubconsciously finally give you validation and the feeling of being liked and approved of, which is all that we want.

    But if we base the approval on our social success, we are forgetting that we are mingling with a bunch of insecure people who don't love themselves, therefore even they cannot really validate us. If we do find someone who loves themselves, they will not be into one-night stands most likely, because they're not chasing after validation.

    We have to learn how to be our own source of validation, then the desire for validation will fall off and a genuine connection will feel MUCH better, even though we never went through a phase of 'chasing after sex with girls'. Because remember, the sex is just to validate our existence, because we feel unworthy as we are.

  15. @DreamScape there’s no such thing as ‘non-relationship based trauma’,


    that is simply because any trauma we carry in our body is created by the negative relationship we have with the experience. When we feel an emotion and create a judgement about it saying that it is bad we are storing trauma in our subconscious mind repressing energy that needs to be healed under the pressure of self-judgement.


    When we enter a relationship it is an opportunity to obsolve ourselves of judgements, by meeting every experience with love and openness.


    However where this first needs to take place is in a relationship to ourselves, and until we meet ourselves with love and openness,  we cannot hope that we will be able to do the same for another person, nor  will someone else be able to do that for us in a way that satisfies the way you want, because unless openness and love are familiar to your subconscious mind by repeating  love and openness to yourself on a regular basis, it will be registered as foreign and/or a threat to your nervous system and it will cause you to either lash out, or delete it out of your perception.