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About ArcticGong

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  1. Wearing a uniform is partly a level up status-wise. Also, making a difference is something that motivate many.
  2. Good thing they’re wearing bodycams.
  3. Yes and no. No, Survival is a hell of a drug, and most cornered animals resort to destructive activity for the sake of survival. Add trauma, addiction, systemic vulturing enterprises like cults, gangs and ideologies. You begin to notice how vulnerable and exposed people are. Humans beings being social leverage our humanity to build survival structure. If groups or individuals feel alienated or discriminated by the structure , they may rationalise their alienation with less constructive survival strategies. yes, in that less smart people seem to be underestimating preparing for storms and troubles. Less connected to structures that shield them from survival issues etc.
  4. Everyday I notice the conversation at work, on the streets getting more right. I’m an immigrant myself, but people don’t censor around me, and I don’t wanna be bothered about it anymore while basically not countering it anymore. It was actually kind of predictable that people would react this way about immigration. People blame EU for the immigration problem which is inaccurate.
  5. From far right gaining seats in EU to brics😂. I agree. In the long run I find it unlikely that China and India will work closely together. The BRICSphobia has more to do with a point Mersheimer made about an action like beefing up the domestic army may be considered as a threat from other countries point of view. However, in essence the action may not have anything to do with foreign policy. Also, the basic law of entropy applying to society that endless growth is needed or everything collapses, which is completely unsustainable. Decline for major powers is inevitable because society is a house of cards. Here, a country can take two roads, managing the internal decline or projecting and focusing on external enemies. Of course it’s easier to rally people against a foreign problem than fixing local problem that might upset donors etc.
  6. I’ll grant your right in principle, but wrong in intent. Meaning that all this actions are working to undermine European hegemony. However, I see it as all those countries pursuing their own self interest like any other nation, which automatically undermines every other nation. China and India aren’t buddies, for instance, but they’ll work on a couple of things if it serves them. India and Russia go way back so India won’t dump them just because the west wants them to do that. By that logic, the UK worked overtime to undermine the EU by leaving it, even though it sounds far fetched. And the dollar, I maybe underestimate the significance of this shift, but I don’t see any problem. In just world, I would be more open for the US using its economic power in coercive measure against rouge states to make them conform to international norms. However, we live in a world order where leaders can invade countries based on lies- weapons of mass destruction- and nobody gets prosecuted. Interestingly, the lie of weapons of mass destruction was one of the catalyst for mass immigration -Iraqis and afghanis- which is fuelling the European right wingers, which few people see the connection with. I’ll chose American corruption over the alternative. But, I might be naive and underestimating the dangers. Spies come with the territory of politics. All countries use spies. FYI I haven’t red the links, I’ll check them out.
  7. How are BRICS countries working overtime to unbalance Europe? Russia, China maybe, but Brazil, India and South Africa?
  8. Geting drunk automatically lower one’s standards and one might get laid more often . But that don’t rhyme with spirituality and health ,basically a short term strategy which the average normie resort to. So how do I lift weights with my mind? Go out and get rejected on a regular basis?
  9. I feel the same about practice women. It feels dishonest to lead people on that one is not attracted to. And changing ones psyche due to rejection seem all good in theory but in practice you might find yourself getting more resentful and messing your vibe even more. strategizing is the way to go. And putting oneself in situation where the mingle potential is high. The trade of there is that one might not be able to focus on health and higher pursuit at that time.
  10. So how does one get over looks then, which was the original question, btw? To work with oneself? Most self work just inflate one’s vanity like going to the gym, reading books and half assing spirituality.
  11. Let me clarify. I’m attracted to beautiful women. So, when at the club or any meat market, I gravitate towards beauty. In regular life, I appreciate the whole package. Is just that opportunities to interact with people are few and far in between. So, it’s hard to motivate oneself to approach strangers that your aren’t attracted to.
  12. I agree. It’s a big trap to pedestalize beautiful women.
  13. @Yimpa I will contemplate that.
  14. I’ve been single for a long time and I take full responsibility for it. One thing that would solve the problem real quick would be too lower my standard. Is it possible to consciously lower one’s standard and be happy about it? Many of my friends have done the same.