Anton Rogachevski

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Posts posted by Anton Rogachevski

  1. Sorry I was wrong for making that joke.

    I've been and still am being marginalized for my nationality, and have faced abuse and racism. 

    I respectfully leave this discussion, and remove my views. I respect your views, and empathize as much as I can with your cause. I guess we're just people who were hurt and are trying to heal.

    I wish you well.


  2. On 10/25/2019 at 10:21 PM, Leo Gura said:

    Yes, I have removed about 20-30 books which over time I felt didn't meet my quality standards. I replaced those books with better books.

    Quality is more important than quantity in this case. There are far too many books around which will waste your time.

    As I become more conscious my quality standards rise and I'm less tolerant of low-consciousness books.

    Could you please list them? To avoid in the future.

  3. 4 hours ago, jimwell said:

    I have seen a few people here in this forum who got psychotic after doing psychedelics (or other drugs) and meditation. And as I have clearly mentioned in the post, my grandmother tried to be like jesus by abandoning her family, money and giving 'selflessly" to others. She also went to church every day. But she ended up psychotic. It's silly you missed that one.

    How can you not see the that you are connecting dots that aren't there. The fact that your dear grandmother did that, and the fact that she also happened to have some twisted ideas about religion are two separate matters.

    The ideas aren't the problem, it's the way that they are taken by and twisted by the ego mind.

    The damage of you perusing that logic is an eventual tying of spirituality to mental illness, which would cause people to avoid it in fear of becoming a lunatic. Why would you do that?

  4. @jimwell

    Paranoid schizophrenia, with bi-polar episodes, messiah complex.

    The man is ill, it would be silly to connect spiritual practice as a cause to this, as this is only one case.

    What if he liked vanilla ice cream, would that make vanilla ice cream dangerous?


    He clearly didn't understand spirituality conceptually, but only filled his head with a bunch of ideas, which is a sure way to get confused. I guess it takes some sort of spiritual intelligence, and proper mindfulness and contemplation to be able to do it right, which he clearly lacks.


    Awakening is not psychosis, but the opposite. Psychosis is a result of low-consciousness and compulsive thinking.

    It is however not far from going crazy, if you looked at it from a psychiatric, mental health close minded and biased paradigm.

    Just look at the definition of "going crazy". It's losing ones grip on reality, but what if there was no such thing in the first place. The fear of going crazy is close to the fear of death, which is a loss of oneself and ones' existence.

    As a matter of fact, there's not any other way to be sane, but through deep spiritual practice.

  5. @Andrewww

    If you become conscious of the fact that all the kids and people are already you, what use is there to make more? There's quite enough as it is if you'd asked the planet.

    Besides if you dedicate your life to a goal you are passionate about and could contribute to society, it's better not to waste that talent on raising children.


    Although it's my current, view, I'm open to the fact that I might be wrong, and there's something I'm missing.

    For example if you raised a kid in a high conscious manner you might create a new and powerful leader that would transform man kind.

  6. Hello dear Actualizers,
    I have yet more intriguing questions for you,

    Contemplating the role of Self-Destructive behavior, it really doesn't make sense for such a phenomenon to exist, given that evolution is plucking behaviors which aren't favorable to the survival of a certain species.

    1. Does self-destruction appear anywhere else in nature?

    2. What's its role in the great scheme of things?


    There is of course the chance that evolution hasn't yet completed it's work in eliminating it.
    My guess is that it's thus saying: "You're no longer needed, destroy thyself."
    It's also apparent that when there's toxic matter in a body it's limited in its ability to awaken, so another possibility is that it's the devil's work in trying to prevent us from awakening. (Which is pretty fucking clever.)


    Please let us hear your insights : )

  7. @Recursoinominado

    You are describing neti neti. (not this not that)

    The point is detaching from all to get to a point of total detachment - shunyata, which in turn will go full circle into everything, at which point you realize you are indeed all that you see, but to get it you must first see that you are also not it. You are also both and many more facets, It's a strange loop.

    You are doing some fine introspection here. Keep at it, and godspeed.

  8. @Leo Gura Truth is a beautiful no-thing indeed.

    11 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    So what is left to worry about?

    Very good point which resolves basically all questions there could be.


    Although contemplating god has had some brilliant results for me - I've reached a conscious connection with it. It has became obvious and intuitive to speak and pray to god, which was far from viable before entertaining such notions.

  9. 23 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    There is some correlation but it's not a serious problem, like you think hearing about God will make you hallucinate God.

    Hehehe... No! That's a silly fear. Do you worry that hearing about the sun will cause you to hallucinate a sun?

    When you meet God you will know it more clearly than the sun.

    You have been mentioning lately that I'd imagined the sun into existence. Isn't that so?