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About eTorro

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  1. I agree with you, so to speak... But my awareness is not plagued or troubled by anything — I do not have thoughts, instincts, emotions, impulses, or convictions. My mind is utterly silent because I went beyond it. I deconstructed my ego like a maniac. It's not that easy to talk to people now. Don't you agree with that, at least? Awareness. Focus. Consciousness. Attention. Lucidity. How can I phrase it otherwise? I didn't stop at the realization that I'm not my ego. When you get a taste of awareness, the work doesn't stop there. Now you transcend the ego by letting go a few times daily — as the ego arises, you let it go. It's the removal of anything that appears in awareness. The consciousness knob — as @Leo Gura would say — is turned to max. And awareness stays at max. Nothing is penetrating it. Should I construct an ego-personality again? How can I do that?
  2. Awareness itself is already content and complete in itself. I am 'aware.' I am the awareness itself. Therefore, I do not need women's approval or hours of socializing. The bliss of awareness is more rewarding and satisfying than any woman. With that being said, I have to talk to women. I have to put up with them. They're a pain in the ass. I will play the game for the sake of the game — not for the woman or myself. For I know — as a fact — that I'm not my personality. I am not a name. I am not the body. Just spewing out words doesn't do it for me. They come without meaning; words are meaningless sounds now.
  3. Okay, bro. I will do that. Thanks for reminding me not to get serious about everything. I have to learn how to be comfortable with that. I must learn how to be okay with being playful. I love the way you phrased it — playful. Playful works for me.
  4. @Leo Gura, and even if I talk about spirituality, it works for a while, but after twenty or thirty minutes, socializing becomes meaningless. I see it as a waste of time. I'm no longer excited about it. I'm not looking forward to it. I don't get joy from it. But people expect you to socialize with them for hours, especially women. Women expect a connection where you lose yourself with her for about three hours straight in mindless talking. You just listen to her talking for hours. Where does that come from? I'm screwed.
  5. My perspective on life underwent a profound transformation when I embraced spirituality and delved into consciousness work. Through this journey, I learned to let go of my ego, reaching a state of inner stillness and tranquility that I had never known before. This shift led to a significant change in my values, especially after experiencing what is often referred to as The Dark Night of the Soul. However, I have found that to engage in everyday conversations, I often feel compelled to betray my authentic self. This means participating in discussions about topics like shopping, events, sports, and other mundane things, which hold little to no interest for me. Engaging in these types of conversations not only feels like a waste of time but also places a significant amount of pressure on me. My mind constantly reminds me that I could be using that time for more productive pursuits that contribute to my personal growth and development. I have noticed that many people, particularly women, seem uninterested in discussing deeper subjects such as truth, spirituality, or philosophy. This observation leaves me feeling isolated and misunderstood, as I yearn for conversations that reflect my true interests and values. I wonder if others have experienced similar feelings. Is it common to feel this way after undergoing such a transformation? Is there something inherently wrong with me for struggling to engage in conventional social interactions?
  6. Hello. My perspective on life changed when I became spiritual and did consciousness work. I was letting go of my ego to the point of reaching inner stillness — that is tranquility within. My values changed after going through The Dark Night of the Soul. To be able to 'normally' talk to people, I have to betray my authentic self. That means I must talk about shopping, events, sports, or mundane things. This annoys me because I have no interest in talking about things that don't interest me. It puts pressure on me. It feels like a waste of time, and my mind tells me that I could do more productive things that aid my development. People are not interested in truth, spirituality, philosophy, and things. Especially women. Did this happen to anyone? Is there something wrong with me?
  7. That's what I encountered. If you are not like them, they freak out. Why?!
  8. There is a Western radio channel on YouTube. You can see the latest updates on the Russia-Ukraine war. The truth is that Russia is losing the war, and that's a great thing. More than half of Russia's Black Sea Fleet has been destroyed by Ukraine. Ukraine has devastated Russia's Black Sea Fleet without even having a real navy. These are the Russian warships Ukraine has taken out.
  9. Corruption exists everywhere because human nature is problematic. The ego is a trickster — making people believe in power, materialism, and thrills. No perfect country exists. Ukraine has the right to join NATO and the European Union. They have the right to a prosperous, democratic future. Putin doesn't have the right to take that away from Ukraine. As Europeans, we did lots of things for Ukraine. We'll have to arm ourselves if the USA isolates itself. Security is paramount. Germany pledges to make its military 'the backbone of defence in Europe'
  10. Russia is not in a position to draw red lines for any country. Russia is well-known for murdering its journalists. You don't have free speech in Russia. You don't have Absolute human rights in Russia. Putin has turned Russia into a pariah state. You have no idea how many people died in Ukraine. Putin is evil. We all know that. Shouldn't we stop pretending that Russia is an okay nation? Because we know Russia can't be great as long as Putin is in power. I live in Romania. Romanians know the wrath of communism. We suffered a lot.
  11. Ukraine is not Russia. Ukraine is an independent country with the right to create its destiny. If Ukraine wants to join NATO, so be it. If Ukraine wants to be in the European Union, so be it. Who does Putin think he is to impose limitations on a country? Putin is a well-known killer.