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Posts posted by Alex_R

  1. 16 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    If you go deep into psychedelics they will undermine your rat race materialistic pursuits and goals, as those goals will start to seem irrelevant and meaningless -- which of course they are, but that's not what you wanna hear.

    Psychedelics can strip your entire life of meaning, so watch out. But they also lead to Truth.

    What if i need to use them to get rid of my neurosis? (body image, self steem, etc).

    Do you still recomend them or should i do another type of work? I'm in my twenties

  2. -Increasing your consciousness, be more conscious about how your body feels after binge eating.

    -Focus on a higher goal than just stop binge eating, like reach 10% bodyfat or train for a marathon.

    -Keep things simple and easy, just make simple rules to follow like ban food delivery apps from your phone and dont buy junk food anymore.


    -Also try doing Fast, if you just eat one or two meals a day the chance of binge eating on that meals are reduced and you will need less willpower.



    The key to eat more clean and stop junk food eating is to shift the focus on the meal value from "delicious food" to "healthy nutrient food" there is a video when Leo explain this while making a salad, you may check it.

  3. 1 hour ago, OneIntoOne said:

    @amanen @lostingenosmaze @JuliusCaesar @RMQualtrough @BipolarGrowth

    Thanks for your answers. 

    Here's what i'm wondering... 

    Is it right to say its all an Ego game? Can we say the way out is through? Can we say its all fear thats created by the Ego and if we have the power brains and courage to face that fear we can overcome it?


    Of course its all an Ego Game, the psychotic breaks / bad trips happens when your Ego fully refuses to die so hardly that your mind starts to make crazy stories about reality to negate the fact that yourself (Ego) is dead/never existed.




    Also i recommend to you if you want to try psychedelics again start with 0.75ug of LSD and study more about No-self, God, Non-duality.

    You dont need to go full Ego-death the first time just make baby steps to it. Just take small doses and try to understand the concept of all the Universe being just on your mind.



    10 hours ago, amanen said:

    I've experienced stimulant psychosis a few times on purpose in order to explore consciousness.

    Feels incredibly paranoid, everything is about you personally (so extreme survival/'ego'/fear mode), you misinterpret any small sounds as talking to you personally (like wind can sound like whispering to you), you create extremely indirect stories that are very abstract and have nothing to do with your direct experience. You also feel like you found out some conspiracy theories about the universe, except unlike with awakening, these are negative stories having to do with control.

    Sensory data can also be interpreted in completely abstract and bizarre ways




    I've experienced exactly this on my last Mushrooms bad trip (3.5g)


    It feels like you were disconnected from the matrix, if you are in public you will perceive all the people as mere NPCs which spontaneous spawns from your mind, and what gave me extreme anxiety was knowing the fact that i know that i will never go back.

    Comparing to awakening it feels like the "No-Self" awakening or "Life is a Dream" awakening , on my psychotic break i was interpreting this as if i was teletransported to another reality.


    Now i know that all of that was just myself awakening to the fact that all the universe is just on my mind.

    The problem is that it feels so real that if you are not into Spiritualy/study of non-dual teachings you will misinterpreted that as you were going forever crazy/dead.



  5. 4 hours ago, Wildcattt555 said: Identifying Chronic LSD Use 1 Erratic,is by ingesting microscopic amounts of... More

    ”Losing Touch With Reality

    Over time, LSD users may begin to lose touch with reality. An LSD user may speak in grandiose terms, make rambling speeches, and seem incoherent. This may be a sign of schizophrenia or another mental disorder as well, so be sure to look for other signs of LSD abuse.

    If you notice any of these signs or symptoms in a friend or family member, speak with an addiction treatment professional to learn how you can help.”



    Spiritually people will call this AWAKENING


    Awakening or spiritually enlightenment is the realization that reality is nothing like you've been thinking it is before, so of course other people will call you crazy and you may be perceived as someone who has lose touch with "reality".


    But the question is:  What if regardless being crazy you are more happy than ever?. Interesting question.

  6. I use to think the same sometimes but i feel like his bad looks are more related to poor diet, masturbation or low T levels more than an addiction to psychedelics. Also if you have ever used psychedelics you must know that its very hard to do it between shorts period of time because its too powerful, specially in high doses. 


    Also you must hear what Leo said to you and stop criticism and make uncertainly assumptions about his personal life, we dont know for sure if he is happy or not, only he knows the true. 

  7. 4 hours ago, BipolarGrowth said:

    I’m essentially saying the same thing. Existence is the only thing that can have a perspective. Nonexistence doesn’t exist from the perspective of existence. Nonexistence cannot have a perspective. There is no experiential thing that can contact nonexistence. Nonexistence is pure imagination. But there can be a strong appearance of nonexistence actually occurring in a sense, and this appearance of nonexistence can have profound effects within existence. 

    So, when i die, where i will go?

  8. On 3/15/2022 at 7:56 PM, Karmadhi said:

    IQ has nothing to do with wisdom.

    What is important to live a good life is wisdom, not IQ.

    Plus tbh even for the more shallow materialistic type of Orange success, EQ and social skills matter WAY MORE than IQ.

    I would say wisdom and EQ both outmatch IQ by a mile.

    Funny thing is that if your EQ and wisdom are well-developed, people will automatically assume you are smart. Happens to me all the time. I never took an IQ test and never plan to, however i think i might be slightly above average but nothing crazy (I scored around 1200 on the SAT). However, because my EQ and wisdom are well developed for someone my age (im 23), people automaically tell me stuff like you are smart etc. It is quite funny, almost like good marketing :P 

    So yeah, do not worry about this bullshit. Focus on improving your social skills, meditate, read books and develop EQ. 

    IQ obession fundamentally is caused by lazy people who do not want to do any work to improve and grow themselves because IQ is mostly set in stone and cannot be changed. 

    Ironically usually Incels that obsesses about facial aesthetics also tend to focus about IQ a lot. Why? Because they have a deterministic attitude towards everything in life. Do not become such a person.

    This is the point, if you are able to get the same or better results as someone with high IQ, why you care about it so much??

  9. Dude this days people are more lazy than ever, if you just be able to put 20% + effort in something even with below average"IQ" you will outperform anyone in any topic like work, business, dates or anything.


    Just focus on be more productive and increase focus and you will be ok.


    Also you need to hoard more general knowledge, this is the difference between sabious people and the rest of people, you just keep acumulate knowledge, IQ does not matter here.



  10. There are several people who have overcome extreme social anxiety and became successful in content creating and sales while achieving high levels of social skills, Leo gura, rsd tayler (owen cook) are good examples, but there are a lot of people like that if you search them.

    The only think you need to do is to grind it out and approach 100++ strangers to overcame your fears. You will build your confidence like a muscle, there is no secret.


    Also high doses of Psychedelics will help you with this giving you another point of view about your shyness.



    Remember that facing and overcome fears are mandatory to complete the maslows hierarchy of needs and having a fulfilling life, if you avoid this work you will regret it when you got older.