The Buddha

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Posts posted by The Buddha

  1. On 10/2/2021 at 1:28 AM, traveler said:

    No one is free from ego. The someone you think will be free of ego is ego.

    Enlightenment, freedom, liberation, awakening, are all a part of the dream.

    The need for answers is a part of the dream.

    That there is a dream is a part of the dream. 

    @traveler That is a fucking amazing answer

  2. I'm gonna describe some simptoms that I've been having, some for a long time others more recently

    Lately, I've been feeling that when I wake up after sleeping or even after taking a short nap, I have to remind myself like "Oh shit true, I'm a human"

    Also, it's like my life prior to my first real awakening doesn't even exist. My memories are like blurred and don't feel attached in any way.

    Rigth now, I'm also going throw a pretty trippy thing. Sometimes when I pet an animal or my cat, I get lost in their eyes and the question of who is looking behind just emerges in me. It seems like the two first things are more radical but for me this one is out of this world, it's mindfuck is simple but unbelievable strong.

    Have you experienced any of this?

    Have you got also any strange or trippy experiences due to your spiritual path?

  3. 1 minute ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

    @The Buddha Yes, most of us need to put in a lot of work in order to reach the realization of what is. We need to work and work and work and work and bang our head against the wall until it bleeds... until we finally get to the point where we realize that that which we have been struggling so hard to attain was ours all along!

    It is exactly like that. What a joke that u have to do all the work to now that it wasn't necessary but if u hadn't done the work u would never have realized it. It is quite a mindfuck

  4. Well gonna tell u the ones I enjoy the most: (search the meaning of them online u may enjoy them)

    Then gonna send u some prayers:

    This one is the most powerful christian prayer (It's 15min long over and over) It says it's for exorcism but it's because of it's efficiency that was also used in that type of rituals, anyway it's amazing.

    Then this one is the rosary in latin chanted by gregorian mystics, the short version:

    In long version:


    Remember all religions are like a river full of shit where there are gold bullions floating. Do not be discouraged by the insane amounts of shit because the pieces of gold are of incalculable value. The ones that I sent u are beautiful gold, hope u enjoy them <3

  5. 16 hours ago, Lionhead said:

    Auras are more superficial than skin? That's a new idea for the mind. I have always considered auras as a means to uncover underlying emotions and energies that are driving an appearance or manifestation, or at least, a perceptible extension of an object/ person's essence. Do you mean to point out that auras constantly change, and it is therefore unreasonable to make conclusions about something based on information gathered from the aura? Isn't the aura the astral body, the energetic signature of something?

    I mean that from the inside to the outside, the aura is the most superficial part of yourself. There is no much point about them. 99% of the people have  totally disharmonic auras, so u won't see much. Only when people is very specific, or they struggle a lot with something is when it is shown. Also obviusly with saints, but u don't need to see the aura to feel the love!

    16 hours ago, Lionhead said:

    Also, I understand the difference between angels and demons. I'm talking about what these entities actually are in direct experience. When it comes to magick, certain terms are usually coded language meant to refer to something subtle and illusive. Angels are an actual phenomenon that can be observed directly, but I have no idea how to uncover this or where exactly to look, but it does refer to something real.

    Well If I had to describe them in very easy and simple words would be like this: Demon understands there is good and evil, an angel does not. Even the most advanced magician think that angels and demons are two sides of the same coin, but they couldn't be more wrong. The angel sees the coin, the demon sees both sides.


    However to be honest this is purely spiritual masturbation, which is great not gonna lie. But do the work first. Then contact and ask for help to this entities. Have at least a very good base to start. That base is gonna be fucked up hundreds of times but anyway I can feel that u are bit green and for doing any type of magic first u have to do magic with yourself. Transform yourself in a more loving and compassionate being then do magic

  6. @Bazooka Jesus The classic example of yes but no. Even ramana maharshi said and talked about this but u also have to do the work. Understanding you are God won't make u realize God. We are all manifestations of God yes, but what? You still suffer if u lose your job or you mother dies... Ou yes but u understand perfectly! And what??? You are fooling yourself, it is True what u say, but my point is: so??? You still have to live like that, do you have infinite conciousness all the time? Are u always in your Truth? Always speaking and thinking the Truth? Always being unconditionally loving to all reality and beings? Of course not... But yes we are all God and One! So what???

  7. Well, gonna give u an answer if that is what u desire. The main problem I had with understanding angels and demons is duality. So if there is up, there is down, if there is cold there is hot. How then could it be that angels and demons are the same? Well, they are not. I recommend u leo's video about the ultimate structure of reality, but briefly: there is this singularity point that is fragmented in to infinite losing more and more it's shape. The closer they are to this singularity the more they remember and the more god-like they are. The further away the more they have forgotten, the more attached to themselves they are. So angels would be those who are close (more Non-duals, more god like) and demons would be far away, having forgotten that they come from source, having forgotten that they have forgotten, so more dual and more attached. They are both the same, we are all the same that is clear, the difference is how much they love and how non-dual they are, that is also the difference between angels, how close they are to this singularity. Demons are fear based that is their food. Angels are loving, and love is it's own food and it's own reword, the highest reward.

    Also about auras, consider that they are even more superficial than the skin, so take that into account.

    Also consider that magick is an amazing tool to understand reality. But don't get attached to it, that is the main problem. It is so amazing and incredible that it is very easy to take it as Truth. It is just a tool to understand.


  8. Are u open to the fact that there could be even more profound insights? Every time we have an insight we feel like this is truly it. However if anything I learnt is that there is always more, no end no begining. So we see it in all reality, at least we say and talk so, but we don't see it in our awakenings. Yes sure that this is very deep for you but for sure there are infinite other approaches, infinite other ways of saying the same, infinite other ways of understanding. I feel like it is just more distraction, u know. It is just more bs to not really go to that. Do we even truly want? Because that may imply our death. We don't know shit about reality, truth or conciousness; and that is a hard pill to swallow to all of u here. But to know first u have to not know. There is much more than non-duality, truth, conciousness and love, I have no proofs but no doubts. Because, if those realizations and understanding are Absolute, then for sure there is infinite degrees of more of them. It's just the insight I had today, we love so much to say that we know or to think that we know, or that this is like this or like that, or whatever... We are always missing the point, that I still have no idea what is it but I surely know this is not it, at least not all. Like a diamond this is only a reflection, that is why it feels so real because that reflection is truly the diamond but there are infinite reflections. Maybe there is infinite understanding or whatever but everyone is just seeing reflections, all teachers, gurus, all of you guys... There is no message that I want to send or make u understand, is just appreciate how complex all this is. If u say different I truly don't believe you because u have attached to one reflection, yes sure it is the diamond it is true but yet... But yet we don't understand anything, our perspective is always so narrow and conditioned, yet I'm open that it may not be like that, but the fact is that if my insights about this change, all what they are pointing is that this is in fact genuine. What just always leaves me where I am, puzzled about existence.

  9. Well, I'll tell u my experience. For personal reasons I had to leave it for a while. I realized that I was in such an inside story telling and box. Honestly if u had even this thought I recommend u to do this; Leave it for 29 days. After that you decide if u want it again in your life or not. I'm not gonna say I don't miss it, but it is the time for a break at least for me. I know that I will still use it but after some time of grounding. Just try to live some time without it, you will see things u didn't before, not for the substance because of all what comes with it. Afterwards, u will make a much better use of this incredible plant.

  10. You can just sit and be happy.

    This one is from a zazen master that really hit me hard. He said he overcame everything just by sitting: the desire of enlightenment, of being a good buddhist, a good person, a good practioner, a good worker... He realized that he could just sit and be happy that nothing truly mattered. That was when he attained buddhahood, true understanding of mind, eternal peace and liberation of suffering. Probably not god realized but anyway buddhahood is no joke.

  11. The questions seem more like: are u yellow?

    However I well understand your point but you are also clinging to the no-attachment of reality, see? That is why it is not that easy. It's the game of the mind, the prison of the mind, wanting reality to be one way not another. So by saying don't get attached to anything you are getting attached to that perspective of the world. The only way out is full desire, in other words desire all reality (unconditional love) or not desire anything at all (neither desiring not to desire), if desire nothing the it is also unconditional love. So the way is not saying this is like this or like that, or u should do this or the other, the point is that doesn't matter you love what there is now, even if it's dual or non-dual, materialistic or idealistic, you see the illusion in all and trascend in loving whatever there is. See this is the problem when u realize Conciousness and Truth but not love, that your understanding  gets deluded. Don't wanna sound cliche but love is truly the answer. Who doesn't want to love? The problem is that to love more and more you have to be selfless and lose yourself. The problem is that the ego loves to be someone who knows and is concious but the Light of love destroys all ilusion. It is the same as when u love someone, and u start meeting... there is a point where your union is maximum. It is at that point where they both want space. Why? because the love is uniting them so much that they are losing themselves, their individuality and identity. We want this perfect love and orgasmic existence of full ecstasy but we don't want to lose ourselves in this universal Love. But see, there is no choice beloved. The love of God is all being and the reunification will happen even if u want it or not, u will experience death, so universal justice will be done and Love will be all you are.

  12. @Vibroverse  What u may not understand is that if it is truly a dream and imagination, then it is real. Because all dreams are real. You are still trapped in the illusion of separation between reality and fantasy. So the most human and materialistic view is as pure as your dream or non-dual bs. Because it is all the same at the end. By denying human emotions you are repressing and making your shadow bigger because it is a part of you. U may think u understand all this and that it doesn't affect u because u understand the underlying nature of reality but that is also bs because your human emotions are as real as the dream or as whatever u think or understand reality is. One of my family members with more than 20 years of intense advanced spiritual practice told me that the mistake he made was about repressing all emotions because he understood the same as u, but that doesn't change anything at all! U have to connect with the transcendent but also with yourself, that is true spirituality because u are also human like it or not! It is loving all what u are and what is clear is that u are having a human experience, so you have to cope with that and find always the middle way between all realizations. It's the full circle and u end up where u started.